The Good News About Money And Thinking

A few days ago, our open Money telesession did The Work on this simple, but often very stressful thought: I am supposed to make money. 

(Here is the link to the webinar).

If you’re not making money….or let’s say, you’re not making ENOUGH money….then the moment you are focusing on how true this is….

….is a very painful moment.

For some people, they may say I should make more money, or I need to make money, or I have to make money.

The wording is slightly different, but there is a similar result when you think the thought.

Aggravation, sadness, frustration, fury, rebellion, despair, discouragement.

I used to think of going to work at a J-O-B as a prison for the members of the rat race.

The problem is…you can really miss some fun and wonderful things about life having a job, if you automatically judge all work as forced.

Let’s take a look again, as we did during the free telesession, in case you missed it. The reason? I wanted to bring home the turnarounds and how kind they can be.

So many people think of going to work as too structured, taking energy, happiness, joy, family-time, or independence away.

“I ain’t gonna work for The Man no more!” Fist punch into the air. “I owe my soul to the company store!” The discouragement of hard physical labor or slave-wages.

The thing is, when I’ve gotten super stressed about the way this whole work/job situation is….I lose creativity. I lose possibilities, I give up.

Is it true that you need to make money?

Yes! How else would I live?! I have to…and it sucks. I’d be happier if I never had to make a penny again. I’d be happier if I had a fixed income, guaranteed.

Can you absolutely know that this is true?

Can you know 100% that never having to work is nice, is easier, is better? Can you know it gives you more freedom, to NOT work?

No. I’ve seen examples of every kind of person, with every kind of job or income, who feel free, or who feel locked down. I’ve met bored people with lots of money, I’ve met very happy people with little money.

How do I react when I believe that I am supposed to make money? (and that this is a problem?)

I resent every employer. I think about quitting my current job every day. I complain about my work. I feel angry when I’m unemployed.

Who would I be without the thought that I really do need to make money?

I relax. I quiet down. I notice that there is an energy of movement within, part of my own life force, that enjoys activity, work, schedules…in its own unique way.

I’ve also met amazing people at all the jobs I’ve ever had. Fun, interesting, unique people that I would never have met otherwise. People who became friends for life. People I’ll never forget, even if they are no longer friends.

I turn the thought around “I am supposed to make money”.  

I am not supposed to make money, money is supposed to make me, I am supposed to make myself.  

I know these are turnarounds that don’t technically make “sense” but it’s awesome to contemplate them, like a zen koan.

Money is making me, I am making myself. 

Yes, I have been bringing the true, open-hearted, genuine, honest inner me out more and more and more as I live and review and question my relationship with money.

It’s like money, and everything it means, invites me to a journey that I would not otherwise take.

“…everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way. The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity–even in the most difficult circumstances–to add a deeper meaning to life.” ~ Viktor Frankl

I make myself, I work with my mind, I surrender to reality, I create something that expresses only through me…

….and I don’t actually even create it.

Perhaps, instead of making money, I am supposed to make fun, ease, peace, love.

And let the rest fall where it may.

“For some of us, life is controlled by our thoughts about work and money. But if our thinking is clear, how could work or money be a problem? Our thinking is all we need to change. It’s all we CAN change. This is very good news.” ~ Byron Katie

Love, Grace

P.S. Money teleclass starts next week, Thursdays at 8 am pacific time for 90 minutes. Click HERE to sign up, or hit reply and write me if you have a question.