It Not Only Wasn’t Bad, It Was Wonderful…The Surprise of Losing All My Money

Last night the current Money telecourse gathered.

We’ve been looking for seven weeks now at money.

What money is, what money does, what money would give us, what money offers, and checking the very common belief that so many people share that More Money Is Better.

Isn’t it funny how true that can appear to be?

Nothing inherently wrong with loving money….but so dang stressful when wanting money becomes intense, demanding, full of despair, or confusing.

It’s like unrequited love.

As we looked last night, I love how participants in the class noticed their childish feelings, demanding that their money level be different, at least hoping that it would be higher later, if not now.

Many years ago (but not all that long–it was December 2008) I remember well. I had $10.81 left in my bank account.

It was Christmas time.

I could afford almost nothing for my children. I could hardly believe this was happening. I was a single mom.

If I didn’t come up with almost $2000 within 2 weeks, I would begin the foreclosure process with our little cottage, my one asset besides my old clunker car.

I had pictures of the Titanic sinking, full of money. Everything pouring out, going down. Or me riding an airplane dive bombing towards the earth careening out of control.

But who would I be in that moment, without the belief that I needed more money?

Almost bizarre.


I could be without that thought?

Wouldn’t that be dangerous, or stupid, or in denial, or retarded of me? I mean, it was OBVIOUS I needed more money.

I needed it to “save” my house. I needed my car. I needed to live in that cottage. I needed to keep my kids in that school. I needed to remain in that neighborhood. I needed to buy Christmas presents.

Are you sure? Are you entirely positive? Would life be so ruined without these items, this plan….that is MY plan?

Who would I really be without the belief that it has to go MY way?


As I became willing to open my mind to alternative possibilities, the turnarounds started tumbling forward, shockingly, without too much effort.

How could this be….interesting? Advantageous? Exciting? Full of potential? Curious?

I remembered when I was 22 having a major existential crisis and I gave away or threw away all my possessions. Even my highschool year books. Most of my clothes, gone. All trinkets, photo albums, posters, material possessions….gone.

Everything I owned fit into my car.

There was a freedom and lightness I had never known, in having nothing. Nothing to worry about, nothing to protect, nothing to take care of, nothing to repair or fix or get upset about.

Ha ha! Maybe this could be the same.

Could I have Christmas and have the genuine experience of the Grinch story?

Yes. I could.

I borrowed about $60 and went to Goodwill and bought used thrift store items for my two kids. It looked like nothing under the tree.

On Christmas morning, it didn’t matter.

There was almost nothing to wrap. It made things pretty easy. I thought of Laura Ingalls Wilder like I imagined when I was little, who received an orange and a stick of candy in the Kansas blizzards, and how amazing she thought it was.

I noticed the awareness of knowing nothing is required.

Nothing Is Required.

The absolute freedom of pure nothing. Knowing nothing, having nothing, be wild and undomesticated and open to the unknown.

Who would I be without the belief that more money would be better?

Free to start right now living in the joyful present moment, where we were breathing, warm, laughing, alive….with zero expectations for the future.

“I have helped people do The Work on rape, war in Vietnam and Bosnia, torture, internment in Nazi concentration camps, the death of a child, and the prolonged pain of illnesses like cancer. Many of us think that it’s not humanly possible to accept extreme experiences like these, much less meet them with unconditional love. But not only is that possible, it’s our true nature. Nothing terrible has ever happened except in our thinking. Reality is always good, even in situations that seem like nightmares. The story we tell is the only nightmare that we have lived.  When I say that the worst that can happen is a belief, I am being literal. The worst that can happen to you is your uninvestigated belief system.” Byron Katie in Loving What Is

I noticed that day, the birds flew, there was enough gas in my car to drive to my mother’s house for celebration, there was a feast to eat with family, everyone was alive, happy, breathing.

Except in my head, nothing terrible was happening.

And then, not even in my head.

Having so little gave me awareness of what it was really like, instead of imagining what it would be like.

It was wonderful.

How lucky could I be?

Love, Grace


Responsible For You–Peace With Money

It’s the fifth month of Year of Inquiry, the amazing group who gather to practice the work regularly for an entire year.

The fifth month is Money.

The Money teleclass happens to be underway at the very same time. I’m hearing lots of painful thoughts about money.

It’s so fascinating, and touching.

Several people recently shared with our YOI group “I thought this was going to be an easy month!”

Maybe they feel like they have enough, they aren’t concerned daily about money, there isn’t much bothering them about finances….

….but then, once they landed on a moment with money that felt stressful….

….uh oh. 

They have more than me. She should save better. He shouldn’t have charged me so much. They conned me. They should pay better. I don’t make enough. He owes me. They are losers. It’s unfair.

Recently I was talking with a dear inquirer who’s taken teleclasses with me. He’s in a relationship and about to get married.

He shared about a moment with money, and his partner, when he had a stressful feeling.

He had expected to split a vacation expense 50/50 with his partner.

She wanted him to pay the whole bill.

Fortunately they had inquiry, and a way to speak out loud all they were thinking and feeling, and a deep appreciation for arriving at peace and clarity no matter what the final outcome.

From his own self-inquiry, this willing inquirer asked himself what was going on, that he should want this 50/50 split?

He also asked his partner what him paying meant for her, what she liked about it, what it could offer her?

He wanted to hear it.

In the end….

….he paid for the whole vacation, with joy and appreciation for what he was giving.

But he couldn’t have done that without walking through inquiry first.

And it doesn’t mean that was the “right” way for it to turn out. It could have been that the 50/50 contribution was the best and most balanced way as well. Everyone has a different situation, a different experience.

The story reminded me of my own work, in the same department about who’s picking up the bill, who’s forking over the cash.

It’s a little embarrassing to admit.

But here’s the thought, the way it came out of me:

I HATE paying 100% for a partner on a romantic date! Offensive! Unsupportive! Used! Wrong! Boring! Stupid! Jerk!

Heh heh.

What I came to see was how afraid I was of running out of money, that it meant I was completely unappreciated, and I could not practice receiving.

(I like receiving!)

So who would I be without the belief that I was unsupported, unappreciated, that some part of myself (I imagined a feminine part)wasn’t held, admired, or celebrated IF and WHEN I was the one paying?


All my social conditioning broke down, without that belief.


I noticed, I had plenty of money, enough to cover the fancy dinner. I noticed the appreciation from the other person for what was being given.

I noticed most of all, what I thought it meant to “pay” (losing, my resources depleting, my pot getting smaller).

What if paying wasn’t a bad thing? What if I was receiving, or I was getting paid, right in that same situation? Could that be as true?

There was money, apparently money from my purse to the restaurant.

I could notice there was no need to have a heart attack about the situation.

It doesn’t mean I’m trying to force myself to do something I don’t want to do.

In fact, I notice I absolutely adore my partner picking up the tab. That’s my favorite, still, in the restaurant scene.

But through my own inquiry, I became aware of how in this situation, I got to feel the thrill of being the one supporting, finally. After many years and moments of a partner, or my parents, or my grandparents, being the ones to open the wallet.

How is it a good thing for you to pay for whatever it is you’re doing, enjoying, eating at a restaurant, learning, receiving?

What if you didn’t complain about money moving from you towards that other thing?

What if paying was absolutely safe? And you’re free to choose?

“The reason you feel all this turmoil is that you’re stuck in the center of a lie….’He owes me’–is that true? Can you absolutely know that it’s true? How do you react when you think that thought? Ask yourself. And who would you be without the thought? You would be responsible for yourself.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,


How To Avoid Believing Other People’s Dark Twisted Money Stories

Other people's thoughts about money can be poisonous, when YOU believe them
Other people’s thoughts about money can be poisonous, when YOU believe them

The other day I was working with a client who has had the same complaint for a couple of years.

Both her son and her boyfriend have credit cards, and her name is on their accounts. Both of them don’t pay their bills on time. Both of them get late fees added to their balance due.

Since her name is on the account…it matters to her that these people pay their bills.

Our attitudes about money can take us into the strangest twisted places.

Most people would advise her to make sure her name is off those accounts, right? Then, she may not like how they operate with their money, but she’s at least not supporting it or colluding with it, or getting involved personally.

At least, that was my thought.

Why doesn’t she take her name off everything?! Maybe even close those credit card accounts and let these people she loves run their own money?


Oh. Heh heh.

So easy to give advice, right? So easy to get riled up and have a stressful reaction. How fascinating.

I decided to look deeper, since this story actually triggered a voice inside ME.

Maybe you have someone close to you…a family member, a client, a best friend….they should get clear about money, stop being used, stop getting caught in weird dynamic with people around money, sort their money issues out!

Is it true?

Yes! Like I said…it’s not that hard. You cut up the card and close the account. Bam. Done.

Is it absolutely true they should figure out their weirdness about money?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Money is tricky enough without having other people involved! It’s way better to simply be responsible for creating your own money, managing your own money, relating to your own money.

Of course it’s absolutely true!!

Although….I do understand, there are many strange, underlying, dark beliefs about money, about love, that perhaps need to surface slowly over time. There is a learning curve, it appears. There may be much more going on than I would ever know.

How do I react when I see someone else doing something stupid with their money? Constantly needing more of it? Asking for free things and looking for deals? Bailing other people out?

Sorry. I feel bad about saying “stupid”.

I vow never to do anything like this myself ever again (I once got married and pooled resources, but I’ll never do that again–even though I’m remarried). I feel proud and “right” about getting myself out of debt completely, building a savings account, creating wealth.

I wonder at the bizarreness of the human psyche that has the capacity to drive someone into financial confusion, not saying “no”.

The other night, my husband and I went to see Gone Girl because it was recommended by someone I trust. I love good movies. I rarely go to the movies anymore, so this was rare.

I had no idea what it was about.

At the end, I just shook my head. I reflected on the sickness humans sometimes get into, the longing, the control, the unhappiness, the self-hate….

….and how it can be played out in a primary relationship.

The story in this movie was a fascinating and extreme version of the same things humans believe about each other every day, when their belief system about love and connection is based on fear, self-doubt, abandonment, support and neediness.

Money fits into this in a strange way.

We need money, apparently, the way we need food and water, in order to have a stable life…since we all exchange money here, usually, on planet earth (I know this could be questioned).

Wow, though.

People do crazed insane things to keep money in their lives.

And who would I be right now without the belief that all those beliefs about money are sad, depressing, tragic, twisted, dreadful?

I’d rest in a place of quiet, knowing everyone is working out their patterns and lives in the best way possible.

I can love these people rather than scoff at them or slap them in my mind. I can be truly honest.

I can do my own work about money.

If you notice others who are being crazy, damaging and unhappy about their money….

….the last thing they may need is someone angry with them and yelling at them to get it together or else.

So I asked my client what she was thinking was so terrible about saying “no”, taking her name off these other peoples’ accounts, standing in her own shoes when it comes to money?

I listened. There was a much stronger part of me hearing the story and not reacting.

And it doesn’t mean I don’t suggest separating her funds from these other people….but without expectation for any results.

All I know is, every time I do The Work with other people on money, even as facilitator, I become freer.

I don’t need to take on other peoples’ problems or concerns about money.

Ahhhhhh….the big turnaround.

When I think SHE should be clear about her responsibilities and peace and boundaries with money?

I’m the one who should be clear, responsible, peaceful and have boundaries with money, my thoughts about money, my “rightness” about money, right in the moment I’m thinking about how SHE should have clarity about money.

I speak up and speak clearly, and I allow her to be as she is, loving her where she is with money.

Nothing more required.

“You tell him yes because you’re afraid of losing something or you want something….but can you absolutely know that if you said ‘no’ he would stop loving you?…..When you believe the thought that you will stop being loved unless you give someone money, you become less wealthy.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace


Expand Your Money Love Story

One of the most helpful things in the world for me, in my life’s journey at a deep level, has been joining with other people to learn and practice.

Even though when it comes down to it, you have to actually travel the path yourself. If you’re ever had the thought that you get a little anxious, or concerned, or frustrated, or terrified about money….

….and you’re not even sure what you’re thinking that produces this reaction…. .

…a great way to find out more clearly is to take the teleclass Money: Loving This Story which starts tomorrow, Mondays, a 9 am Pacific Time.

Money means so much, it seems. Security, safety, opportunity, independence, freedom, power, change, detachment, adventure, excitement.

I use money, and do something with it, and I’ll get to have these feelings, these experiences. But what if you could unhook from the story of money, where you need it to feel better, or secure, or good?

What if instead of feeling frightened or controlled by a story about money that feels upsetting or distrusting, you knew your thoughts about money could be questioned when they are disturbing?

That’s what we’ll be cracking into in these two months ahead. When we’re all on the phone together, you get to hear other peoples’ thoughts and concerns about money….

….people with money, people who owe money, people without money, the ways you think you get money and receive money, what you “have” to do for money.

It’s very enlightening. It takes practice. You get to catch those speedy thoughts that zoom by so fast, they are practically unconscious.

You get to really see those moments that feel painful about money and where it’s going and what it’s doing, and what that means about YOU.

I’d love to have you join me tomorrow and begin to get this money thing sorted out. Together we can hear each other’s stories, drill into the specific situations that create trouble or concern, and question our beliefs and turn them around to the opposite.

Click HERE to sign up. Write me if you have questions. I probably won’t be offering this course for awhile since I’ll be busy with the new Year of Inquiry groups beginning in September (we get into Money pretty deeply in our fifth month together of YOI).

I’ll send out all the info you need this evening to dial-in tomorrow morning and make your money story joyful!

From Obsessive Torturous Thinking to Infinite Support Everywhere

“Can I really take a class on earning money and have the tortures of my obsessive thinking about it let go, even a little? Eight weeks later, the answer turns out to be, yes! What I am taking away from our work together, is that my source of support does not come from black scratchings on a piece of (bank statement) paper. My bed rock of support is already here, within and without, all around me. Thanks for the thought provoking questions, blog posts and your own findings throughout the class.” ~ Money Class Participant 2013

Much love, Grace


Question Your Beliefs About Two Big No-No’s

Oh boy. Next week, I get to start investigating two of my favorite topics.

Money and Sex.

Wait. Did I say “favorite” topics?

It’s still kind of embarrassing to even mention them. Especially in spiritual work, or self-inquiry, or worlds that are far more important than these mundane arenas where people get crazy.

So, so, so….of this world.

Of this body. Desire. Grabby. Ridiculous.

Ewww. Please. 

But before you delete this Grace Note today, let’s just say that these topics may be highly worthy of taking a look at, and that your thoughts about them may be related to your thoughts about love, God, life, yourself, and this universe.

If you wrote out all your stressful, troubling, disruptive beliefs about money and sex, what would they be?

  • I don’t have enough
  • those other people have too much
  • those other people are gross
  • it takes too much work, or compromise, to really enjoy it
  • I can’t be free and have lots of it in my life
  • if I had more, I would be free, happy, thrilled
  • there are right and wrong ways to have it
  • that person won’t give me what I want, withholds
  • that other person wants too much, or demands too much
  • I am left out
  • I am incapable of getting it, there’s something wrong with me

Am I talking about money, or sex, with this list?

Well it could be either one or both, of course, you’re no dummy.

These are global beliefs, sometimes deeply painful and confusing. They show up when we make exchanges with other humans, or want to. With the ways we make trades.

If you notice you’re nervous or disappointed around either money, or sex, or both….you’re probably not alone.

Instead of trying to DO something about your “problem”… about doing The Work?

Let’s start with one of the most common beliefs about money or sex that I hear all the time in working with people: more is better, less is worse. 

Is it true?

Well, it appears to be true in the movies. It seems like good feelings, ecstatic feelings, come from having more. And sad, empty, or frightened feelings come from having less.

Are you sure?


How do you react when you believe the thought that more is better, less is worse?

So dang grabby, like a hunter stalking the planet. Restless, pushy, planning, hoarding, suspicious, sick stomach, hopeless, wretched, ugly, giving up, resigned.

Mad at other people who have the same ideas as me.

But who would you be without this belief even entering your mind that more is better, less is worse? What if you just couldn’t even see that, couldn’t even have that idea?

Present. Now.

Aware of the absurdity of more, or less. No comparison.

“We think that because Jesus and Buddha wore robes and owned nothing, that’s how freedom is supposed to look. But can you live a normal life and be free? Can you do it from here, right now? That’s what I want for you. We have the same desire: your freedom….Whenever you think that your needs are not being met, you’re telling the story of a future.” ~ Byron Katie

Turn your thoughts around about money and sex.

You may enjoy both without all the angst, conditions, demands, or grabbing. You don’t have to be against or for either one.

Now here’s the best part of all.

If you write down your stressful beliefs about money and/or sex, get them all out on paper, and then turn them all around, or insert “life” or “love” into your concepts instead of money or sex, you may get a big surprise about your relationship with life, the universe….with YOU.

Could it be that what you believe about money or sex is what you believe about yourself, or God? Check and see.

  • I don’t have enough life, love…I am not enough
  • those other people have too much…not me
  • those other people are gross…not me
  • it takes too much work, or compromise, to really enjoy life, to really enjoy this world, to really enjoy myself
  • I can’t be free and have lots of love, or God, in my life
  • if I had more love, God, life, I would be free, happy, thrilled (but it’s not here now, I’m sure of it)
  • there are right and wrong ways to experience life
  • God won’t give me what I want, withholds (or is it me not giving myself what I want)?
  • I don’t want or demand enough
  • I am never, ever left out
  • I am capable, there’s something totally right with me

I’m facilitating a small group through an 8 week teleclass on Money starting on Monday at 9 am Pacific. Then Our Wonderful Sexuality begins on Wednesday at 9 am Pacific. Exercises will help you drill into what you’re thinking, if you feel conflict or worry, and free yourself from your own demands, rules, beliefs.

Your beliefs, your inquiry, your answers.

The insights you discover may shift your experience of not only money or sex, but of the world. You never know.

“Over time I began to see how delicate and challenging it was for most seekers to find the courage to question any and all ideas and beliefs about the true nature of themselves, the world, others, and even enlightenment itself. In almost every person, every religion, every group, every teaching and every teacher, there are ideas, beliefs, and assumptions that are overtly or covertly not open to question. Often these unquestioned beliefs hide superstitions which are protecting something which is untrue, contradictory, or being used as justification for behavior which is a less than enlightened.” ~ Adyashanti

“Something new for me, since exploring in this class is, my openness to new ideas.  And the honest conversations I’ve been having with friends, outside of the class & the work.  I’m so relaxed.” ~ Our Wonderful Sexuality class participant 2013

“I would like to thank you all. I’m learning too very much from this class. I’m “growing” everyday more and more.” ~ Money: I Love This Story class 2012

“I wanted to say that I have received so much depth, healing and growth from this class. I am grateful to everyone who is a part of it.” ~ Our Wonderful Sexualty class 2013

If you’re thinking about it, come on board, I’d love to have you. I’ll send you the information and you’ll be dialing in with us, either with your phone or skype (your choice) this coming week.

Time to inquire, and change your world?

Much love, Grace


You Never Need More Money Than You Have

Hurry up and get more money!

If you’ve read about my experience with money, you’ll know that somewhere in 2007 I started feeling urgency about getting more money that felt like sheer terror.

I had images back then of a huge ship like the Titanic, cracking and sinking and descending into dark water. My life, enveloped by a huge dark cold ocean. Everything lost, everything gone.

No money anywhere in sight, and that meant no comfort, no worthiness, no solid ground, no being cared for, no security.

At that time, the thought was “EMERGENCY!”

But you don’t have to lose all your money, or have very little, for a voice to kick in that chatters in your head that you need to be worried about money.

For some people, it’s there practically all the time, no matter what…..even when they have a great job, lots of stuff, workshops, vacations, and an apparently comfortable life.

The other day, I noticed I was embarrassed about the amount of money I had at the moment because I wanted to give a big gift, but felt afraid to spend the money.

There was no doubt about the gift, the giving felt joyful, but I realized I wasn’t actually even sure how much I had available to give.

Faster than a speeding bullet my mind came up with 158 thoughts attempting to determine how much I could give without something bad happening (too little money). Calculations in the head, thinking next month I might not have as much so I need to hoard right now. Adding up how much I’ve spent in the past few days on gas, hotel, food, not having clients.

Yep, better be careful.

If too much goes out and I give too much, I could go back to that time, not long ago, when I had nothing to give. The worst.

You are not truly safe, the amount of money you have is temporary and tentative, all your money is spent on basic expenses and needs, you should be careful, you need to pay attention, there are no guarantees, more money is better than less money, you need to count your money and make sure, you need to work harder to get more money.

Rats. The stressful thinking brigade is at it again.

Very frightened of Not Enough.

You need to be careful with money, it’s possible to not have enough.

Is it true?

YES. OMG, did you hear what happened to me before?! (Story story story very important terrible story).

Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

Wait for it.

Don’t be so sure.

Are you absolutely positive it is possible to not have enough money…that you need to be careful?

Umm. Yes. Some people are starving to death in India. Although I’m not sure if money is their entire problem.

I notice I have always had enough to eat, a place to sleep, a car, care, adventures, friends, love, connection, joy. But what about that time when I had no health insurance and I sprained my ankle? Oh, that’s right, maybe there were bills, but everything turned out fine. Ankle healed, bills paid.

No, I am not absolutely sure that I need to be careful when it comes to money, or that it’s possible to not have enough.


What happens when you believe you have to be careful, funds are limited, you might not have enough later? How do that feel in your body?

Limited, careful, hesitant, energy that vibrates fast, nervous, not rested, thinking, analyzing. Absence of peace.

Who would you be without the belief that you need to be careful with money? That you might not have enough?

This question is for this moment. How is it right now, without that belief?

It doesn’t mean you suddenly empty your bank account and give all your money to charity, never balance your check book, act irresponsible, throw your bills in the garbage, quit your job.

You don’t like yourself when you do that.

Without the thought that I need to be careful, I actually see more clearly. I can check my bank balance and add up my bills and mortgage payment and see how money goes in and out, which buckets get some here or there, how much I can give away….even if it’s only $10.

But without the thought that I need to be careful and that it’s even possible to not have enough money, I notice that giving even $10 per month to myself if I want, for retirement, feels good. It’s just an idea. It’s not “should” or “have to”.

I turn the thoughts around about money: Slow down and get less money! You are truly safe, the amount of money you have is temporary and tentative (yay), you should be care-free, you do not need to pay attention, there are no guarantees (woohoo, quit trying to make them), there is no better-more or worse-less, you don’t need to count your money, you need to work easier to get more money.

Every moment is full of possibilities, silence, enough.

I notice today how much I love to give, how much I love money flowing in so I can send it out. No grabbing.

I pause my writing this Grace Note, go check my account balance and notice with surprise there is more than I expected. Oh!

I can add up how much I will need, for reals, next month and start divvying it out, making a simple plan, without worry or emergency whatsoever. This is not throwing it all carefree to the wind who-cares kind of energy, this is looking with eyes wide open. Really looking.

I can give more, fearlessly.

“Who would you be without the thought ‘I need my money to be safe’? You might be a lot easier to be with. You might even begin to notice the laws of generosity, the laws of letting money go out fearlessly and come back fearlessly. You don’t ever need more money than you have. When you understand this, you begin to realize that you already have all the security you wanted money to give you in the first place. It’s a lot easier to make money from this position.” ~ Byron Katie

If you’re wanting to look more deeply into your money stories, concerns, fears, anxieties…an 8 week teleclass on Money begins July 28 at 9 am Pacific. We meet 90 minutes each week.

We inquire into our stressful thinking, nothing but that, and let money do what it does. It’s amazing what can change. Click HERE to register.

Love, Grace


When You Think You Don’t Have Enough Money

One of my favorite topics for The Work has been Money.

So many thoughts about money, so many sticky areas of concern, so many feelings about buying, selling, getting, accumulating, or losing money.

Many of the beliefs we have about money are like broken records, repeating themselves over and over, and we don’t even realize it.

Well, I sure didn’t realize it.

The beliefs went by so fast and were so nerve-wracking, my usual way was to ignore, avoid and not get involved with money if at all possible. I didn’t really like even noticing my beliefs. They were so stressful!

Trouble is, when you ignore an uncomfortable situation….it tends to build up and get more pronounced over time.

So when I found myself about to lose my home to foreclosure, out of work, unexpectedly divorced, without health insurance, and unable to pay for my children’s music lessons any longer (in fact, they went on the reduced lunch program at school for families with low income)….

….I HAD to look at my beliefs about money.

It all began with one.

I don’t have enough money.

Now, it’s helpful to review with yourself what you don’t have enough money for. You probably have enough money to eat, have a home, sleep, drink water, get your basic needs met.

Maybe you couldn’t buy that car for sale down the block, maybe you can’t go shopping this afternoon and buy lots of clothes. Or maybe you don’t have enough money for guaranteed security, in case something happens? Medical fees in case you have some, later?

Or maybe you don’t have enough money to keep your house, or to stay home instead of going to work at a job you don’t like that much.

So once you see what you don’t have enough money for….

….hold your disappointment and your situation vividly in your mind and answer the four questions.

I don’t have enough money (in my case, to pay off my entire house loan).

Is that true?

Yes, it’s a fact. It’s absolutely true.

But notice how quickly there’s an emotional reaction….it will always be true, this is terrible, I’m stuck, I hate debts and this mortgage is a big one, I HAFTA get more money, this is urgent, I’ll work harder.

Worry, worry. Push, push. Harder, harder!

For some people, this can get exhausting.

So who would you be without the thought? Without the belief that right now you don’t have enough money?

Look around wherever you are, noticing your environment. See if you’re safe, comfortable, supported.

I notice I am.

It’s even exciting, to feel what it’s like without that belief that there’s not enough of something. To trust this moment, not by thinking positively but by actually noticing what is here, right now, in the present.

Turn the thought around: I do have enough money.

It’s so easy for me to see. I have enough to be here in this house right now (even though I owe money on it). I love living here. Every month I send extra to the mortgage company. I’m paying the most I can. It’s actually fun, it’s a game. The balance drops lower every time I open a statement.

Another turnaround: I don’t have enough of myself….and neither does money. 

Yes…..I see how in the past I haven’t shared myself, I’ve been self-critical, I haven’t been a very nice companion to myself, and I haven’t been very kind to money. I’ve yelled at it for leaving me. I’ve felt both inferior and superior to those other people who have a lot of it, or none of it.

I’ve avoided learning about money, I’ve gasped at items that cost huge amounts of money, I’ve been hyper-worried about money, I’ve been disrespectful towards money.

Kinda love/hate.

After that work on money, I began to make friends with money and to trust that I had just the right amount of it at any given moment.

Funny, money comes around more since I started being such a good friend to it, and to myself.

“I began to notice that I always had the perfect amount of money for me right now, even when I had little or none. Happiness is a clear mind. A clear and sane mind knows how to live, how to work, what e-mails to send, what phone calls to make, and what to do to create what it wants without fear.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace

P.S. We’ll do some good, awesome work on Money and other concerns in Summer Camp for anyone who wants! June, July and August…come one, come all if you’d like to join with me and fellow inquiring travelers for 1, 2 or 3 months of fun, diving into all kinds of investigations on painful beliefs we carry. More on Summer Camp soon!