When it comes to a mean, nasty person….are you trying too hard to be an angel?

Are you trying too hard to be an Angel, so the mean person will start being nice to you? The truth may be harder to tell….. ….but actually, it makes everything easier.

The other day, someone signed up for Summer Camp and said “I can’t wait to work on how to deal with a really nasty person in my life. Every time I’m with this person, she attacks me.”


The festering and the disturbance is present. Maybe it’s been there for years, or maybe you notice it only in that one troubling person in your life, even if you don’t see them much.

Someone is mean, cruel, shouting, a leech, a stalker.

They show up….again. And again.

The new Summer Camper said she had a co-worker who she only saw once a month who seemed to hate her. She always tried to be kind, nice, to diffuse the intensity directed at her. Yet she felt exhausted after their meetings. And anxious, of course, before any meeting ever happened.

It’s a jolting dilemma when you feel dismissed or rejected or blatantly attacked by someone out there, and you’re surprised, sad, shocked, and wounded.

I know exactly what it’s like to feel this, and immediately act really super over-the-top nice, almost as a counter-reaction to the surprise and hurt.

But even if you have a great “spiritual” response to someone who cusses at you….and you’ve learned well to turn the other cheek….

….inside in the privacy of your own mind, you’ve already decided that person is very scary. If only they were different.

Your impulse is to change their incorrect thoughts about you in order to get to safety and have these interactions not repeat themselves.

Make them realize you’re a NICE person, not someone who deserves what they’re dishing out!

Aiy. There’s the rub, as Shakespeare would say.

If you think you need to show them how wonderful, kind, compassionate and loving you are….

….and they aren’t buying it….

….you might want to stop.

Maybe what’s being called for is something entirely different.

Maybe you’re supposed to say “no”.

Maybe the way out of this type of exchange is to look that person in the eye and say “I hear what you’re saying. Now, I need a break. Goodbye.”

If someone hits you, do you think taking the higher road is to stay with them and tell them everything will be OK and you love them anyway, and to stick around until the next blow?

This all may be TRUE (except for the sticking around to the next blow part) but the smart, wise, kind, loving thing to do FOR YOU BOTH is to exit the scene.

I used to have an Angel Complex.

Seriously….I was quiet, non-confronting, hardly said a mean thing to anyone, very polite, very respectful (in my outer actions).

The people really, really close to me knew otherwise. I would tell them about how horrible so-and-so was to me at work, or how rotten that person treated me when I was ten, and I’d list the faults of those rude people.

When someone scared me, like my boss, or teacher, or someone in authority, or a man….

….I’d withdraw as quietly and smartly as possible.

Not a bad strategy.

But then inside my head I’d be furious at someone scaring me so much, being so aggressive and rude, so demanding or critical.

The truth is, I believed this person was dangerous, even if only emotionally, and one of my primary unconscious strategies was to correct their thinking by showing them how awesome, kind and angelic I was.

Naturally they’d realize they were wrong when they saw I have a heart of gold, am generous, willing and good.

That’s what I’m calling the Angel Complex.

Who would you be without the need to soften someone’s impression of you by acting like an Angel?

What if they’re just doing what they’re doing, being themselves, and they’ve somehow bumped into you as they’re living their life….and this is the way of it? What if you don’t have to show them you’re special in any way? What if you only have to act in accordance with what is genuinely true for you?

What if your job is to stay in your own business, not even step for a second into theirs, and say or do what feels right, true, powerful, joyful, passionate, and real?

Who would you be, how would you feel, how would you act, without the need to convince anyone of anything, or correct anyone’s impression of you in any way?

Turning this very stressful strategy for dealing with difficult people around:

I do NOT need to act like an angel or get them to see me correctly. They already see me correctly. I need to see them correctly and notice they might not be acting in accordance with what’s genuinely true for them. I need to correct MY thinking, not theirs. There is no danger, especially if I move away from them, or stop having a “fight” attitude on the inside with them. 

I need to not act all nicey-angel with myself, to try to prove to myself I’m good. I need to see myself as I am, fears and warts and humanness and all, and relax with it and not try to always correct it. I need to walk away from people who are triggered by me, if they’re deeply disturbed in my presence. I need to say “no” if this helps stop a violent cycle in the mind, or physically.

One of my favorite stories of learning early on was when Byron Katie said a good friend made a dinner date with her. She arrived at the restaurant. She waited. Then she ordered a meal, and ate it. An hour passed before her friend arrived. She enjoyed staying while he ate his meal, and they talked.

But the next time he asked if she’d meet him for dinner, she said “no, honey, but I’ll talk with you right now on the phone”.

Simple awareness. No bitterness. No resentment. No tolerating. No trying to convince anyone they’re wrong, or they made a mistake the last dinner.

What if the universe was showing you perfectly, in just the right way, the direction to move? Without judgment? Without any “right” or “wrong”?

“We have to be what we are, so we don’t have to present a false image. If you love me the way I am, “Okay, take me.” If you don’t love me the way I am, “Okay, bye-bye. Find someone else.” It may sound harsh, but this kind of communication means the personal agreements we make with others are clear and impeccable.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements

Sometimes, what I notice happens when doing The Work and questioning my beliefs about someone, especially when they’ve said things or done things that don’t feel so great….

….is I move away from them.

Perhaps I speak up clearly. I’m not compelled to communicate, or not communicate. Instead I do and say what feels free, clear, courageous, and true. Not so someone thinks well of me, but so someone hears me.

Not the false Angel Complex all mired in acting “good”.

Just the facts, ma’am. The truth.

Keeping it simple.

Much love,


Telling The Truth To Others Changes Everything

The Year of Inquiry (YOI!) circle begins 3/7/2014 and our in-person live group (optional) retreat in Seattle is only two months away. If you are seriously considering joining this fabulous one-year small group of inquirers, email me soon for a conversation: grace@workwithgrace.com.

A participant shared this with the YOI group, and I feel the same way:“I’d like to say how much I’m enjoying being a part of this group. I thank you all very much for coming together and making it possible. I thank me, too, for this gift to myself.” ~ YOI Circle Participant

Being connected to others in groups and at a deeply intimate level has offered me shifts in my life that have changed…..everything.

But being in a group can be uncomfortable! It can be really freaky scary!It might be boring, stupid, full of annoying people, or depressing!

The first time I went to a twelve step meeting, thirty years ago, I was so shocked that people spoke the way they were speaking. I was quite literally stunned.

I had no idea you could say out loud what was going on inside your mind and heart.

I had no idea you could actually tell the truth.
But I caught the bug of awareness about my own mind by hearing others talk about theirs.
A few years later, I joined a therapy group.
That scared me half to death. I was silent for six months before the therapist actually said “your silence is actually very controlling”.
OMG! Really? But I don’t want anyone, ever, to see anything wrong with ME!
Oh. Right.
When I first encountered The Work of Byron Katie, I felt a memory stir of how I felt when I started that group therapy in my twenties.
I wanted to clam up.
Thanks! Got it! I’ll just go away and handle this BY MYSELF!
See ya! I’m good!
OK then!
Yep, yessirree I’ve done a LOT of personal work so I’ll take it from here!
I wanted to burn my Judge Your Neighbor worksheets. I might even look over my shoulder while I wrote them just to make sure no one was coming.
Once, I even watched myself skip right over one of my sentences written down, one of my stressful concepts, as I read them all out loud to an actual facilitator (that I could hardly believe I had hired).
I couldn’t read that one. Then the facilitator will really hate me.
Maybe some judgments are acceptable, but not that one.
I’ll just work on that one later, by myself in my closet with a flashlight.
The truth is, when you work with a group of people, and get to know them and show up regularly, you have no way to manipulate, direct, appease, lighten, or control what anyone does, says, thinks or feels when you tell the absolute truth.

We may see parts of you that you normally keep hidden. You may not be able to keep that ugly stuff to yourself anymore.

“The only reason we don’t open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don’t feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.” ~ Pema Chodron

The thing is, you can only maneuver your life into being closed and careful for so long.At some point, for everyone, their interest in the truth and revealing themselves becomes more important than holding things together.

I find every time I join a collection of people with the intention to learn, grow, incorporate and understand….it’s thrilling. Our joining makes something wonderful happen.

But I’ve got a lot of practice now at self-disclosure. I know from experience that it works WAY better than puttin’ a lid on it.

I speak from careful testing.I would have LOVED to maintain a perfect image and never have to say the yucky stuff, the fears, the anger, the sadness.

But it was killing me not to.

Even if you’re super crazy shy, you know how great it feels to have one of those wonderful, close, connected, honest conversations.

Being with others in a deeply honest way may not only be good, it may change your entire life. Twelve step groups, support groups, one-on-one counseling, group therapy, retreats, prayer circles, study groups, people who do The Work of Byron Katie together.

We the people are somewhere you can reach us…whether on the phone, in your neighborhood, in your city.

You mean….I am going to reveal my stressful, weird, unpleasant, nasty, immature, pissy beliefs?

You mean I’m going to tell about my inadequacies, fears, and anger?

You mean I’m going to write what is inside my head? On paper (not in invisible ink)? And read what I write OUT LOUD?

Yes. You are. You know you want to!

You may feel sick for a little bit, but it rocks. The more I’ve done The Work….the easier its gotten to reveal my innermost crushing thoughts to other humans.

In fact, the cave is no longer dark and musty and smelly….the one filled with all those resistant beliefs.

It’s rather light and treasure-filled now.I see now that this comes from being totally and completely honest, noticing exactly where and what I wanted to hide, and uncovering it…all the way.

“Most people don’t get out of childhood, or adolescence, without being wounded for telling the truth. Someone says ‘you can’t say that’ or ‘you shouldn’t say that’ or ‘that wasn’t appropriate’ so most of us human beings have a very deep underlying conditioning that says that just to be who we are is not OK…….Most human beings have an imprinting that if they’re real, if they’re honest, somebody’s not gonna like it. And they won’t be able to control their environment if they tell the truth.” ~ Adyashanti

Letting go of control, you become very honest.That moment of speaking the truth without trying to get anything or expect anything or look a particular way…of just being you…what an amazing shift.You may notice a freedom beyond belief.

“If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t achieve.” ~ Tao Te Ching #74

If you’re ready to be with a group, supporting you through inquiry with honesty and integrity, then come on down to the One Year Program and join our telegroup, starting 3/7/2014.You will be welcome here…the real you.Love, Grace(This Grace Note went out originally in Sept 2013…it’s modified here since I’m gone celebrating my birthday.)


Be Honest When You’re Stuck And Join With Others

Everyone: tomorrow I am offering two 90-minute free telecalls to do The Work of Byron Katie.

No experience necessary. And if you have a ton of experience, you’re welcome to join as well!

There’s room for 25 people on the phone or skype, the first 8 or so can participate in the process, with everyone free to ask questions or comment at the very end.

100 people can be there by clicking on the weblink and listening in via computer, although you won’t be heard or seen “live” on the call.

Even if you do not speak out loud during the inquiry process, you can follow along and do your own personal work.

Come with a pen and paper so you can write some of your answers on paper, and have clear concepts to work with beyond this phone call….you’ll know what you can take through the inquiry process later, on your own or with a facilitator.

I will be recording the calls and putting a link to them, if they sound OK technically, on my website and to share with others who are wanting to learn to question their thinking.

Which means, only plan on participating if you don’t mind having me identify you by your first name, and if it’s OK with you that you are recorded.

We will do The Work on a common, stressful underlying belief identified by someone on the call.

I can’t wait to meet with you, whoever shows up.

These calls are Pacific Time!
Time: Thursday, September 5th
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone number: (206) 402-0100
PIN Code: 305799#
To attend on your computer, visit:

The other day when I was thinking about these calls, imagining and working with this process to create one complete phone session as a service for people reminds me once again of how simple, yet complex, The Work is.

Self-inquiry is so confusing sometimes!

When I first encountered The Work when reading Loving What Is, I didn’t even have a reference for asking myself if something was true or not.

It was like someone would ask “Is it true?” and I’d look to the left, to the right, and say “Who me? You talkin’ to me?”

(You can put on a tough-guy east coast accent like Robert Deniro when you say this).

I wasn’t even sure, up to that point, that I actually wanted to be the one to answer the question of whether or not something was true for me.

In fact, my general approach to life was that it was chaotic, frightening, freakish, impersonal, cold and not to be trusted.

This was the problem! I didn’t know what was or was not true! Things were deceiving around here!

Now, a decade later after contemplating and answering this question many times…I at least know that no one else can tell me the answer I have.

If I think “life is scary” then no one can talk me out of it (in any permanent way) or soothe me enough, or calm me down once-and-for-all.

I have to answer that question myself…and then keep going with the other questions of The Work.

The funny thing about this that I’ve found, is that some of the most powerful, life-changing, mind-changing moments I’ve had have been in the presence of other people, as we all listen and hold the questions together.

Or as someone facilitates me through the questions, not letting my mind slip away into other interests or into remembering the story.

The power of another person being with you as you answer the questions known as The Work can be truly profound.

You are witnessed, you are real and honest, you are authentic. At least, this is what I have experienced.

Everything is exposed, nothing is hidden. It’s a confession of the real me, the truth, and then…no attack on this expression, but instead loving kindness.

This is freedom!

Come join a group of inquirers on the phone together, seeing who we could be without our stories.

We’re all in this together, no matter what stage or phase or unique situation. In fact, there is even connection between us that knits together without even trying, just by sharing our woes and pain.

“When we start out on a spiritual path we often have ideals we think we’re supposed to live up to. We feel we’re supposed to be better than we are in some way. But with this practice you take yourself completely as you are. Then ironically, taking in pain—breathing it in for yourself and all others in the same boat as you are—heightens your awareness of exactly where you’re stuck. Instead of feeling you need some magic makeover so you can suddenly become some great person, there’s much more emotional honesty about where you’re stuck.” ~ Pema Chodron 

Only one space left for YOI Year of Inquiry group that starts on Thursday 9/12.

Still 3 spots left in the 8 week shorter teleclass Turning Relationship Hell To Heaven at 9/12 at 8 am.

If connecting with a group to question your beliefs sounds wonderful, then maybe now’s the time!

Click here to read about or register for the 8 week teleclass.

Click here to read about or register for YOI!

Love, Grace

Speak The Truth, Create A Revolution

When a community of spirits comes together, a gathering of sincere individuals, it is one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever known, and most life-changing and revolutionary.

Revolutionary? That’s a pretty strong word!

What’s a revolution?

In the dictionary, it means a sudden, complete or marked change in something.

That’s what a gathering of people has sometimes created for me and for many of the members….quietly, with absolutely no violence whatsoever, no “should” or “have to”.

A revolt of the way I see things, and perhaps the way we all see things together.

My first genuine group experience, besides seminar discussions in college or meetings to accomplish a task, was long ago when I was in my twenties.

I had been to regular sessions with several different therapists over a few years, some longer than others, and learned something from every single one.

I still had a lot of self-loathing and twisted thinking.

Then, a good friend recommended a therapist. Innocently, although with some of the usual adrenaline running through my nerves, I called her to make an appointment, after thinking about it for about six months.

After meeting for only about five months every week, the therapist suggested it was time for me to enter Group.

Group? What’s that? What was she talking about?

Turned out she ran therapy groups. Oh.

This is where other people, with their own concerns and troubles, gather at the same time each week for almost 3 hours to process, connect, think creatively, support each other, look at “change” and what it means.

But wait! I have a special weird thing happening called “disordered eating” and that’s gross. I don’t want to share that with other people!

Can’t we just keep meeting one-on-one?

I was pressed for another month to join Group.

Fast forward to a moment six months down the road, when I had been showing up every week and paying money to attend this collection of individuals gathered to find freedom, to inquire into their understanding of life, to feel peace.

I had not said more than about three sentences.

The therapist, MY therapist, said at the beginning of the group circle “I have something I want to address with Grace today“.

Gulp! Me? But I’m thinking of escaping as soon as possible! I’m trying to make myself invisible. I’m not sure I even like all these people. You mean, you’ve noticed that I’m still here? YIKES!

This wise woman therapist looked me in the eyes, while everyone watched and listened.

“Are you aware of how much control and power you contain and keep for yourself when you remain silent? When you don’t share what’s in your heart, you don’t speak up, you don’t connect with all of us honestly and authentically…..you don’t tell the truth?”

My assignment was to talk. That’s it.

You would have thought I had been assigned to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

But I started talking. I didn’t like the sound of being someone who was trying to “control” the situation. I was trying to control my life all the time, and swinging out of control with food and eating….it was clear that the way things had gone so far was not very well.

I was willing to try something different.

It was revolutionary.

My life began to change, by reflecting my thoughts and feelings, and listening to others.

And now, today, I am back from co-facilitating a powerful retreat on The Work of Byron Katie, where people gathered literally from all over the country to question their thinking.

We began with the body, identifying those thoughts we have about the body that are frustrating, sad, disappointing, vicious, critical, worrisome.

Any thought about the body.

All the ways it needs to be fixed.

We moved into connecting how this way we feel and think about the body is the same as how we feel and think about our lives, people we are close to, about our universe.

The group, through The Work, dropped into honesty, willingness, sincerity and love.

We were all learning there together, equals on the path, beginners in doing The Work and advanced practitioners of The Work…everyone having had exactly the right experiences so far in life to bring them to that moment, gathered with those exact people.

Once again we all learned that as we shared our inner worlds it melted into the outer world, loosening the boundaries between this thing I call “me” and the wide open universe.

No need to control or keep power or resist or have great fear of whatever is inside you.

“If you truly want to grow spiritually, you’ll realize that keeping your stuff is keeping you trapped. Eventually you’ll want out, at any cost. You will then realize that life is actually trying to help you. Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth. You don’t have to decide who’s right or wrong. You don’t have to worry about other people’s issues. You only have to be willing to open your heart in the face of anything and everything, and permit the purification process to take place.” ~ Michael Singer

Tell the truth today. Gently, with kindness, with love. Even if it’s very frightening. Expose yourself.

Create a quiet revolution for your own life.

Love, Grace