Eating Peace: When you feel deep despair about this eating thing….consider this

Sometimes, we just feel like “death-warmed-over” as one of my grandmother’s used to say about depression, deep despair, discouragement.

Thoughts appear like: I’ve been at this sooooo long, this will never change, there is no solution, I can’t stop overeating, I’ll never be thin.

The sense is that peace is impossible, in this arena. Non-existent.

If you’ve had this kind of disappointment when it comes to finding eating peace, or body peace….or really, thinking peace….then consider this today:

All is not lost.

You are alive, you are still aware, conscious, and able.

Beneath, or behind, or greater than your stressful, emotional, disturbing thoughts about food, eating, weight or appearance….

….there is a realm beyond thought.

Are you sure peace is not possible, today, for you? Are you sure you can’t stop eating, or that you already don’t? Are you sure something’s missing that’s not here and should be? Are you sure peace is someplace in another time, a future, the past…but not here?

Who would you be without this story?

Eating Peace: Is it your body, or is it your thinking, that’s too fat?

People with eating issues often have criticism (or let’s be honest, outright hatred) of their own body image.

If they see themselves in the mirror, or in a window…..ugh.

(I used to feel like this, and it was super automatic).

And then on top of the self-judgment, they think “Why am I so judgmental? Why am I so superficial when it comes to my appearance?!!”

You can’t win.

Here’s a deep way to work with these kinds of body judgments.

Open yourself up to this inquiry. You may be amazed. And fascinated (like I talk about in this video when I saw my skin around a scar this past week).

