Mentors have made a huge difference in my life….for the better

Does it seem impossible to “get there” to peace in divorce, or peace in business? Question your thinking.

A woman I greatly admire is the late Debbie Ford, author of many books, and so passionate about opening herself up to an expanding life. The first book I read by her was Spiritual Divorce.

I read it because I was going through one.

Reading that book, and doing The Work, changed everything for me about what I was experiencing.

I could see myself in her.

She had gone through divorce. She had come out even better. She had not only made it through, but transformed into a new person.

Two big reasons why Spiritual Divorce saved my sanity stood out.

First, to call divorce “spiritual” was a fantastic turnaround. I was only a baby in The Work and had experienced so much inner suffering around loss, fear, and transitions like divorce….it was inspiring to read of someone else putting on a new pair of glasses about something I thought of as terrible, like divorce.

Second, Debbie suggested when I judge someone, or even have a quick immediate response that feels uncomfortable, I’m probably seeing something inside of me I’d rather not see.

In other words….I’m projecting.

When I meet or think of someone and I think “ewwww, gross” or “that’s disgusting” or “he is awful, selfish, uncaring” or “she is rude, passive, needy”….

….I could be rejecting something Debbie called the “shadow side” of myself. I’m looking at that other person and seeing with judgment and rejection and alarm.

My mind is saying “Never Be Like That!” as I look at this other troubling person.

Byron Katie would call your awareness of this projection aturnaround. What I dislike in you, I dislike in me.

Well….I have another area of life where in the past I felt lost, depressed, inadequate and like a failure.

Making a living.


Why didn’t I go to medical school? Why did I have to be such a nervous wreck once I hit my twenties and young adult-hood? Why couldn’t I work at a good company and stay there? And what about me running my own business now….can I even make it on my own?

One thing that’s been incredible, is to notice who I think of as successful, who I feel has made it, who is earning a good living, who has a respectful career, who’s doing “well”….

….and inquire into what’s really true.

What do I think they have, that I don’t?

Believe me. This was several (cough…tons) of worksheets.

Thoughts constantly surfaced as I offered my services whenever I was not directly working with people (working with people I felt good, clear and like I was following my calling). Doing all the promotional stuff, sharing my wares, spreading the word, doing speaking engagements. Yuck!

Thoughts like “I can’t talk to those people”, “I don’t have what it takes”, “they’re better than me”, “they know more”, “I’m a dork when it comes to business”, “people won’t like me”.

And if someone suggested to me I do something like share yourself honestly or talk about money openly, I thought “I can’t, I won’t, that’s embarrassing!”

Well….I’m still not entirely comfortable with the whole business, earning, money, work ethic, success story, to be honest, but I just had to share with you today that I have another mentor/coach who I’ve also learned some valuable things from, just like Debbie.

I mentioned her last weekend….Selena Soo. But here’s why I’m speaking of her again. She interviewed me after I worked with her for a year, and I just got the link.

(You can watch by clicking HERE even though the shy introverted part of me can hardly believe I’m sharing this publicly. My first professional on-camera interview, I was very honored).

This is really, truly a miraculous thing. That I would be interviewed because of my business success. Woah.

A couple of years ago, when I connected and started working with Selena, I actually began to become one of those people I always admired when it came to this definition of “success”. One of the reasons why was because Selena said she was introverted, too, and I could see it was true AND see that she was succeeding and helping people. The gap wasn’t so wide between me and her.

I could see myself in her.

Money was important and valuable, but Serving Others was what was most important about having a business or doing work in the world.

As you know, when we do The Work and question our thoughts, the place we immediately go is to our stressful beliefs. The ones we’re thinking when we feel unhappy, when we feel dread, sadness, anger or suffering.

But what I discovered along the way, especially in the business world, was that when I admired and saw someone successful and rockin’ it, it was almost always just as difficult as seeing someone as bad, wrong or unacceptable.

I know this sounds weird, but my view of myself was sometimes diminished when I saw someone as brilliant, fantastic, genius, “arrived”. They are. I’m not.

Whooo Boy. It was such a weird awakening to realize thatcomparison, even to someone I admire, was stressful.

I’ll never forget going to a huge conference for business owners, before I worked with Selena (I met her there), and being surrounded by some people who said they made $1,000,000 per month in their businesses.


There were huge fancy dinners and super loud music and people hootin’ and hollerin’ and clapping, people drinking and giving high-fives and laughing and spending. And I was staying “secretly” down the road at a Motel 6.


Classes and programs, coaching and groups are certainly not for everyone, and no one has to sign up for anything. I say this when people are disappointed they can’t go to The School for The Work.

But one way I’ve loved living my turnarounds is to joyfully learn from whoever I can about anything I love and just be the one who is a total beginner, with an open mind, capable of getting something new and different. I’ve loved being in so many amazing programs of education, including ones about business and money, sharing, giving, receiving, paying, charging, marketing, writing, speaking.

Today I’m passing along the encouragement, if this business is something you’d like training in, to sign up for Selena’s webinar this next week or watch my video interview above. The reason I’m sending it now is because she’s getting ready to run her group program again, the same one I took, called Get Known Get Clients. If you’re interested, you can register for her webinar (completely free) here.

And when I did The Work on that big fancy high-flying-numbers business conference I had a profound insight.

It was a very difficult experience, very intense emotionally…..

…..but I found within myself a best friend (moi) and a friendliness to the wealthy, creative, innovative, successful people of the business world who I had always judged so harshly.

I discovered I was keeping my awesomeness from THEM. I was being selfish and greedy, and creating separation with my very thinking.

Most of all, I was disconnecting from myself, being so sure I didn’t belong in their club.

“I know now when I walk in a room that everyone loves me. They just don’t realize it yet.” ~ Byron Katie

Can you imagine feeling this way 24/7? That you’re the cutest thing ever, and you’ll never leave your side, and you adore being you?

What I know to do is when I don’t…..The Work.

Much love, Grace

P.S. Breitenbush has 7 spots before we’re full and it is such a fabulous time in a gorgeous pristine forest with a tradition of hosting brilliant and wonderful people like Ram Dass. I’d adore you joining me, whether you’re wanting to work on money, success, career, neighbor, mom, dad, sibling, child, body, addiction. We dig down into our stories, the ones that when we believe them, we suffer. Doing The Work together is, quite honestly (for me and for many), nothing like doing The Work on your own. Hit reply if you have questions, about anything Breitenbush. June 22 evening through Sunday June 26 lunch.

Thank You Debbie Ford

When I look back over the past ten years when I first put a toe in the pool of inquiry, very tentatively, it seems like the whole idea hit me somewhat slowly.

I had Byron Katie’s book Loving What Is. In paperback (there was no rush to get it in hardback when it first appeared). Her book was in all the bookstores, and I heard about it from other people in the holistic health professions like me.

It’s as if during the course of reading the book, one night I had a dream and woke up and for an instant, for one-one-hundredth of a hair, I thought I was in another unusual place.

Then I realized I was still in my own familiar bedroom, and as my day unfolded I forgot about it, mostly.

Every time I came back for another chapter I got more intrigued.

I would think “Really? She can’t be saying….no, that can’t be possible to question THAT…oh gosh, I think I’ve been believing a bunch of stuff this WHOLE TIME (my whole life) that may not be true…But no, not that, too…”

It was like a seesaw of deep doubt and incredible fascination.

In the course of the next few “early” years my life exploded into finding other authors and teachers. A huge expansion of awareness…and confusion.

My first crisis after meeting The Work, that I’ve shared before with you all, was my primary relationship falling apart.

It felt like I was falling down a gigantic black hole. I had a dream that I was Alice In Wonderland at the time, but a little more creepy.

Fear around many turns and twists. My mind full of images and panic, or its own personal army.

And also at that time…just the right dose of sane.

Someone would say a little sentence that was filled with love and trust.  I got facilitated in The Work every single week on Monday mornings by a dear fellow-journeyer on the path, and I facilitated her back. We did that religiously for two years.

I had three other powerful friends who also facilitated me. They seemed to be available right when I was having an “emergency” of painful feelings.

My top beliefs: I am abandoned, I am betrayed.

Every time they perked up, I would do The Work. It’s what I had found that “worked” the best for my speedy rabbit mind.

Right in the middle of that time, someone said “there is someone called Debbie Ford who has the perspective of turning around Divorce as a spiritual initiation of sorts, an entrance into a whole new world of love.”

I got Debbie’s book immediately “Spiritual Divorce: Divorce As A Catalyst For An Extraordinary Life“.

I now honestly see that that period of time was an evolutionary step for me into ending my stressful, imprisoned beliefs about love relationships.

I had a lot to uncover and un-do. I believed thoughts like this:

  • People shouldn’t leave me
  • If someone is close, they should talk with me and tell me what they’re thinking
  • Men shouldn’t get tired of me (they do)
  • I need to be “nice” every possible minute to other people, even if that’s not honest
  • I need to hide my feelings of disappointment, anger, or hurt
  • I can’t be happy without a primary partner
  • I can’t depend on anyone
  • No one should ever resent me (I try so hard at being GOOD, jeez!)

Boy. I thought I was so mature, advanced and intellectual.

But those childish, desperate, non-politically-correct beliefs were there, loud and clear.

As I did The Work every chance I could, I began to read Debbie’s book. She was a living example of a turnaround, right there in the pages, when I couldn’t find my own turnarounds.

Because I was there, reading her words, I knew this turnaround existed. I could pull it in to myself. I could start finding my own turnarounds.

I could find how this might be the best thing that ever happened to me, given that what I most wanted in my entire life was freedom, understanding, and unconditional love.

I wanted a powerful, brilliant, trusting, willing, ecstatic relationship with The Universe, the world, Reality.

I had no idea how afraid I had been of reality. Pure terror. I hadn’t felt safe in life. It had nothing to do with my partner, or any of the people who I felt had abandoned me.

“One day, while I was pointing my finger at [my estranged husband] Dan and blaming him for my pain, I realized that only the unhealthy, unconscious part of me would blame someone else for my feelings. I saw that from the day we got married I had been blaming Dan for my circumstances. While a neat excuse, this explanation had the unfortunate downside of being a lie. “~ Debbie Ford

I was stunned back then at how wide my illusion spread.

I thought my feelings about fear of being abandoned had to do with other people. I even thought my view of God/Source/Universe was that it/he/she was busy, someplace far away, not all that interested.

What if I questioned, truly questioned, whether or not I was abandoned, or betrayed?

Could I absolutely know that it was true?

No. I was set free.

“The journey of awakening—the classical journey of the mythical hero or heroine—is one of continually coming up against big challenges and then learning how to soften and open….starting to say yes to life, is first of all realizing that you’ve come up against  your edge, that everything in you is saying no, and then at that point, softening.”~ Pema Chodron

Thank you Debbie, for showing me how.

Love, Grace