A key turning point in my healing journey of eating peace

Eating Peace Basics 101 Online Live Course will run June 24th – August 12th with live Wednesday calls (all recorded) from 9am-10:30am Pacific Time (which is Noon ET or 6pm Europe).
In this course I’ll share 8 key foundational stories–one every week–that are key to investigating so we can dissolve the eating wars we’ve been fighting.
To identify our thinking inside these common stories, and then question the beliefs running for us, is such a huge relief. Read more about the course here.
Also it feels important and worth mentioning that I’m offering an online retreat starting tomorrow at 4:30pm PT to question the beliefs that cause suffering. We’ll be unraveling our painful thinking using The Work of Byron Katie from June 2-7.
While this retreat is not specifically for eating issues, this work is one of the most valuable tools I use to dissolve compulsive behavior.
If you’ve been here awhile reading Eating Peace notes, you know this already. The Work is the way out of the mind and into our freedom with food, with bodies, with everything.
I’ll be sharing the facilitation of this retreat in The Work with the dear and skilled Tom Compton. To read the schedule and options visit here. If you attend only mornings or only evenings, we welcome you for half-time IF you have some experience with The Work.
Someone asked me recently to share one of my turning points in healing my crazed eating.
There are several key moments when something shifted from that moment forward (all unplanned, but powerful parts of my journey) and these turning points all are related to stories I discovered were false.
Eight of these stories are actually ones I am including in Eating Peace Basics 101.
But one of these stories is a break-down of my beliefs about being honest about what was happening on the inside of me.
It was about how I perceived connection with other people: dangerous, risky, frightened of their rejection, frightened of their judgment.
I didn’t want to be abandoned or rejected, and I did everything to make sure to prevent those things from happening.
Trouble is, I constantly rejected and abandoned myself, and in my focus on avoiding these experiences, the dark cloud of them all floated around me all the time.
I ate, purged, I starved myself, I freaked out about eating and focused on food incessantly.
Here’s what happened. It wasn’t pretty. But reality was much friendlier–a thousand times friendlier–than my thoughts about it:

If you feel isolated the way I did, you may find connection in Online Retreat with me and Tom C, or the Eating Peace Basics course coming up. I’d be honored to have you in either one. It’s my heart’s joy to share the peace with others and it keeps me on my own journey of waking up to What Is.
Much love,

Eating Peace: Being Afraid of Feeling Afraid Can Make You Eat

This is what it used to be like….

I’m watching the time tick by. It’s 4:15 pm. Every few minutes I glance up over the cubicles in the office where I work to the distant white clock with black numbers hanging on the wall.

Click, click. Wait. Click, click. Wait.

Maybe I can get out of here early, just slide out at 4:50 pm, and no one will notice.

No. Better stay.

I would hate to have a boss or manager walk by and see my chair empty. They’d think I was irresponsible, they’d be disappointed, they’d wonder what was going on. I need to follow the rules.

I feel bad because I made a mistake last week, and it was discovered by the business manager. A check went out to pay a bill and it was for the wrong amount.

I’m such an idiot!

She was so mean to me the way she confronted me about the error. Her tone was so vicious.

I should get a new job. I could just leave today, and never return. Who cares? If this is what it’s like to work 8-5 then it’s not worth it. I refuse to be a cog in the machine, a rat on a spinning wheel!

But if I quit, I’ll have no rent money, no health insurance. I’ll have to move back into my parent’s house. I’d be a worse failure than I am already. I hate looking for new jobs.

I am not free.

5:00 pm. I gather my things and race out of the building to my car.

Behind the wheel, it feels quieter.

I’ve escaped the building. A few hours this evening of open-ended time. A few hours where I don’t have to worry about my supervisor asking me any questions.

I should go running, I should go to the gym, I should go to that meditation group, I should change the oil in my car, I should read that self-help book before it’s due back at the library, I should see what jobs are open for application, I should re-do my resume, I should look at grad programs, I should enroll in that personal development success program, I should be doing more in my life, I should be a better person, I should, I should, I should….


Suddenly I’m picturing food.

I could get any kind of food I want. I could eat anything, absolutely anything. I can pick ANYTHING I WANT!!!

The next few hours were lost in the fog of eating, rushing, numbing.


What I never realized, because I was vibrating at such a highly anxious level, was how my mind got so freaked out with all the unresolved, fearful thoughts….

….it felt like I was about to explode.

What I didn’t let myself even realize were all the thoughts and feelings that were practically ready to burst out of me:

  • I can’t do anything right
  • having a job is too hard, life it too hard
  • I should never make mistakes
  • other people are disappointed in me
  • I’m terrified
  • I must be some kind of messed up person to be so nervous about something so trivial
  • the world is a difficult place

Being afraid of being afraid was so deep, I smashed the feeling of fear down and switched channels, ASAP, to getting the fear out of me by eating.


Who would I be without the thought that eating would make things better right now?

Sheer beyond-control icy emptiness, sadness, isolation.

It would make things worse, if I didn’t have the thought that food will help. I absolutely have to have food.



What if you stopped for a second, right in that MUST-HAVE-NOW moment. Even if it’s not a full-fledged binge, and you’re more the graze-eater type….

….who would you be if it was SAFE to not eat right now?

Who would you be if it was absolutely completely whole-heartedly safe to feel lonely, bored, isolated, small or worried you did something wrong?

Who would you be if in that moment, the universe was not cruel, or even difficult?

Here’s a little special piece of magic I love to use in this art of healing a compulsion that feels so strong and intense, like eating, when you’re in that eating trance like a zombie:

Say to yourself “lie down!”

If you can actually lie down, then do it.

It would be a little weird if you were in a grocery store, or driving your car…but you can do it on a “magic” level, like a part of you hears this command, this encouragement, and it can follow this wisdom.

Lie down. 

Pick yourself up and cradle yourself like you are a little baby. Rock yourself like you’re a toddler who was screaming in pain. Hold all those panicking thoughts gently, like they have something to say, instead of dismissing them all or hating them all.

You don’t actually even have to cry, or scream, all you have to do is lie down as that urge is hooking you….tell the frightened part of you to lie down.

Tell your thoughts to lie down.

If you really can lie down….go do it.

Find the couch, the bed, the floor and lie horizontal, close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel the support of everything holding you up on this planet.

Notice you are not getting wiped of the face of the earth, you are not getting struck by lightening, you are not fired, you are not hated, air is going inside your lungs, your heart is beating, you are safe.

You are safe.

All those terrible things that are possible, and running like crazy in the mind.

Have them all lie down for a second, like you have a gym full of 600 kindergartners and they are playing a game where when you say “lie down” over the loud speaker, they actually do it…because it’s fun.

You ARE free.

That’s the turnaround. You are safe, you are free. You can do nothing, you can just stop. You don’t need to escape.

Relax, relax, relax.

“I can go anywhere without the fear of being discovered, I can join anyone in their painful belief, because I have gone to the depths of my own painful beliefs. I have questioned them and seen them vanish like dreams. I have looked the monster straight in the eyes and seen only a child asking for my love.” ~ Byron Katie

We’ll be practicing LIE DOWN as one of the tools in Eating Peace, a 3 month program of recovery from being at war with food, eating or your body…..which is officially open for registration next week (even though five people are already registered)!

I’m only taking a small group. We start Sunday at 8:30 am Pacific time, October 26th.

This program will offer years of investigating this incredible dynamic, that I thought would kill me, to be honest (my relationship with food) and how I turned it into a relationship of love…a doorway to spirit.

This program is not only doing The Work. We’ll also bring many other simple but incredibly powerful practices into our process….like LIE DOWN.

These are living turnaround practices I’ve discovered along the way. Ways to feel free, feel safe, feel present here and now, whether hungry, craving, scared, anxious, tired, full or whatever the feelings are.

Most importantly….one of our practices will be to notice when we’re afraid of feeling something big. Whether anger, sadness, fear, or stress of any kind.

Turn it all around, all of it.

  • I am doing everything right
  • having a job is easy, life is easy
  • I should always make mistakes
  • other people are encouraged in me
  • I’m not terrified, only my thinking is terrified
  • I must be some kind of amazing person to be so nervous about something so fundamental to life
  • the world is a wonderful place

Who would you be without the belief that feeling intensely is dangerous?

My answer?

I found I wasn’t hungry for food anymore. Ever.

Ready to join Eating Peace? Read more details and sign up by clicking HERE.

Much love, Grace

Eating Peace: Do You Believe You’re Not Enough?

People who are hurting around their relationship with food and eating have their unique paths and experiences when it comes to food.

You may have noticed something funny happening with food when you were a kid, like really super young. You noticed craving desserts, hiding stuff under your bed, sneaking things out of the “special food” cupboard where treats were kept by your parents.

Or maybe it began in adolescence when you were a teenager. You don’t really remember ever thinking about food or eating before you were in middle or high school, but you started worrying about looking fat, that your appearance had to do with food, and you were doing it wrong. You wanted to be thinner, different, better.

Sometimes, people have eating aggravations that begin when they are adults, well past their highly active years, when they are what we call “middle age”. They start to get an extra layer of fat around the middle. They never lose pregnancy weight. They’re never the way they were when they played football as a young man. They start to yo-yo with weight.

But one thing I’ve seen that everyone has in common?

It’s not really about the food at all.

There’s something else you don’t like. Something else troubling, sad, upsetting or annoying.

What is it?

Ooooooh. Good question.

Hard to figure out sometimes—because it zooms by so fast. Like a flicker on a movie screen or something scooting by out of the corner of your eye, and you’re not sure what.

Kind of hard to look and see what something is, when it zips by so fast like something hiding in the bushes, in the dark, with no moon or streetlights in sight!

And yet….

….there’s one idea people will tell me often who come from every kind of experience with food. Whether they are concerned with being fifty pounds too heavy, or eating too much junk food, or intense binge-eating, or staying on a perfect food plan….

….one thought often is spoken, and believed.

I’m not enough.

I’m just not enough for life. It’s too much work. I’m not successful. I can’t. I failed. I haven’t made it. I haven’t done it.

Too hard, too lonely, too unloved, too empty, too disappointing, too limited.

I am not ENOUGH.

There is always more to do. I just want to have fun. I can’t relax. I “have to”….clean, take care of kids or other people, work, earn money, meditate, exercise, write.

I haven’t….seen the world, found a great partner, become financially solvent, achieved all I wanted to achieve, gained spiritual enlightenment.

This is a little different than the belief “I am not good enough”.

I’m just not enough. I want to be MORE.

It’s a very deep feeling that there is something missing.

I know you don’t have this thought at every waking hour…but see if you have it when you feel like eating too much, or eating that you’re allergic to, or avoiding exercise you really love, or doing anything with an addictive quality to it.

Like…for example…I have my thing with caffein.

It doesn’t seem to ever be entirely over. I love coffee with real whole cream in it.

I stop for awhile from time to time. Sometimes a long while.

But lately, I’ve been making myself my little french press pot of coffee again, pouring that delicious thick cream into my gorgeous black and red cup and drinking it in every morning.

It’s true I never think about coffee or caffein for the rest of the day…I could make it sound like it’s no big deal…but it makes my skin very dry.

I put up with it. Because I want MORE in the morning when I wake up. More liveliness, more energy, more pleasure, more of a zip zap kick yum.

What if I stopped an inquired? Shall we? Let’s do it!

That moment in the morning….it’s not quite enough.

Is it true?

Oh. Huh. Hmmm.

Can we skip this part?

No skipping. Just look. Nothing terrible will happen. It’s simply noticing what that thing is, the thing believing in Not Enough.

Well, OK. It’s not true.

In the morning there is space, quiet, a big beautiful kitchen with things in it ready to move from dishwasher to cupboard to garbage bin to a wet cloth.

Things these eyes see, ready to move from here to there to celebrate the beauty of the moment.

In this moment of the morning there is evidence of the activity from yesterday, the movement of bodies coming and going, putting things down on counters, picking things up.

In this moment there is a mind thinking about what needs to happen this day…groceries, dandelions pulled, book to finish, writing to complete, yoga class, drawer emptied out and piece of furniture moved, emails to write, emails to answer, tickets to purchase.

The list. It might be long.

Get some coffee before you start. Ha ha!

Who would you be without that thought, that something is missing…or it would be just a wee bit better if “x” was already done, or “y” was here.

Surely, it would be better if I wasn’t alone right now, or that project was finished, or the dandelions were already all pulled from the yard, or I had more money in savings, or I woke up spiritually.

But who would you be without thinking any of these beliefs were true?

“You have to understand that it is your attempt to get special experiences from life that makes you miss the actual experience of life….People tend to burden themselves with so many choices. But, in the end, you can throw it all away and just make one basic, underlying decision: Do you want to be happy, or do you not want to be happy? It’s really that simple” ~ Michael Singer

You mean…if I simply entertained the idea that I am enough, right now? That everything that has ever happened is enough, and that this moment is also enough, and that whatever happens in the future is…enough?

Without having to boost, add, do, think, be any different?


Suddenly I remember how wondrous it is to feel the vibrant beauty of any given moment, even a morning moment when a list appears in the mind.

I remember how curious I am about investigating how I feel about life, and this beginning-of-the-day moment…and how lovely to have hot drink, and it doesn’t matter if it is caffeinated or not caffeinated.

No right, no wrong.

Interested and fascinated with the idea of needing nothing extra, of being enough, without putting anything into the mouth, into the body.

No argument with this moment NOT being enough.

You can ask yourself at any moment when you feel a craving, an urge, when you have the thought to get something or add something….

….am I believing there isn’t enough right now?

What if the opposite is as true, or truer?

What if I am enough, this moment is overflowing with plenty, pulsing with life, no matter what’s happening?

See what’s really true.

Don’t make stuff up, trying to be positive.

Write down what is here right now, notice everything. Write what you’re seeing, what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling.

Keep noticing. Nothing else required.

“What is is. I am not running this show. I don’t belong to myself, and you don’t belong to yourself. We are not ours. We are the ‘is’.” ~ Byron Katie

I am enough. I watch this unfold.

I am not interested in arguing with life, as if I know better and there’s a secret “more” somewhere.

What a relief.

I notice it didn’t finish the coffee in the cup. It forgot all about it.

You can stop and watch this moment, too, if you want. You don’t have to. I recommend it though.

It may be the sweetest thing you’ve ever noticed.

In the upcoming Eating Peace program that starts October 26th, we’ll learn about little tools you can use to stop. We’ll learn to slow down this speedy mind-flicker that skips past being here, now.

You may find, your cravings become really interesting instead of horrible. You may find, they begin to disappear. I always found it so helpful to have other people all in this together, gathered for support.

But you don’t have to be in the Eating Peace program….you can do this today, when you feel like overeating or like trying to be perfect.

Much love, Grace