Terrible No Good Very Bad Days

As I went to sleep last night, and as I awoke again this morning, I noticed a feeling had followed me through the night.

Not exactly a light-hearted, fun-loving, desirable feeling.


This felt like discouragement. A physical, sinking, low-energy feeling of something “not working”.

Have you ever noticed you stop having words or clarity about your feelings….but they just seem off?

So many talk and write about the human condition being one of attaching to ideas, and feelings, and following them without protest or question.

When my kids were little, one of my favorite books I read to them was called “Alexander and the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day.”

We’ll still joke sometimes about horrible-terrible-no-good-very-bad days.

But here’s where they get a bit off the track….when you have this uncomfortable or low feeling….and you judge it in ways that make the situation even worse, even bigger, even more difficult.

Kinda like piling it on, like adding dry cedar logs to the fire, like giving yourself a kick when you’re already down.

I could feel that kind of energy knocking on the door.

It goes like this:

What is the source of this feeling? (Hardly pausing for even one second to really reflect, instead going fast to the next thought).

Hmmm, maybe it was something I ate. Maybe it’s the dreary gray sky and rainy weather. Maybe it’s my bank account. Maybe it’s hormones associated with menopause. Maybe I’ve been irresponsible around this need to find new health insurance for 2015 since I’m self-employed. Maybe I’m kidding myself that I could successfully run a business. Maybe I’ll never make a million dollars or pay off my house the way I’m planning.

You might have your own version.

It sneaks in and grows very rapidly sometimes.

I’ll never get there. I’ll never find what I’m looking for. I’ll never be where I want to be.

Life is hard. Bleh.

“I need to know why I’m feeling this sadish discontented discouragement.”

Is that true?

Yes. Then I can nip it in the bud next time.

So many fun things have happened in the past few weeks, what’s my problem anyway? JEEZUS.


Are you sure you need to know why this ebb and flow, this downer time, this inner urge?

Are you sure it’s bad? Are you positive this is a no good very bad day?

Are you sure you can’t handle the grief, the sadness, the incident, the situation you remember….the life you’ve gone through?


Who would you be without the belief that you need to perk up, this is unhappiness, there’s no hope, you SHOULD be discouraged, or that life is hard? Without the belief you need to find out why you’re not feeling so good today?

Even as the question comes out….something in me chuckles.

Without these thoughts…I look around where I am. I’m back in this moment, now, noticing the complete and utter silence in this room. Only the buzzing of the tiny refrigerator motor.

The walls, the pictures, the table, the chair, the fingers, the bookshelf, the darkness outside, everything very, very quiet.

Feeling what is right here, without thought, without discouragement, without plans for the future, without need for more, without needing to KNOW.

“Inquiry is grace. It wakes up inside you, and it’s alive, and there’s no suffering that can stand against it. It will take you over, and then it doesn’t matter what life brings you, ‘good’ or ‘bad’…..Even the most radical problem becomes just a sweet, natural happening, an opportunity for your own self-realization.” ~ Byron Katie

Staying right here is all that is needed.

Remember to ask “is it true?” and become very still.

No need to go anywhere, do anything, understand it thoroughly.

Whew, nothing required.

Much love, Grace

Good Days, Bad Days, Peace

The past two days were so oddly different.

One felt light, curious, in motion, alive. One felt dull, heavy, thick and lethargic.

The light one was better.

Ha ha.

But I really did notice that I had a long list of things to accomplish on the lethargic day…I was alone, I chattered away to myself internally about paying attention to the calendar and the time and the banking statement and items I don’t generally keep track of.

People bring this type of concern up a lot in their inquiry process, doing The Work.

I should get these things done (show list, whether in head or actually written down). 

Last night, someone in Summer Camp mentioned this urgency to not waste time, get stuff done, and how troubling and mean it could feel.

Give me that other day!

The one where I got to sit with Cheri Huber and other like-minded investigators, and then go dance at a big inspiring 60th birthday all evening for a dear friend.

I want THAT kind of day. Not Monday with chores and plans and drudgery. So depressing.

Oh. Right. Inquiry.


That other kind of day is better. Is that actually true?

Hmmm. I thought I would have answered yes immediately. But actually, I’m quite sure it’s not true. How the heck would I know?

The Voice which says something is better or worse is not exactly right all the time, or trustworthy.

It’s always putting in it’s vote, you know? But I have the sneaking suspicion it doesn’t get one.

With the belief that some days are GOOD and some days are BAD and that’s the entire truth, I get stuck. I’m clamoring for good days. I’m avoiding bad days.

When I say “this one is bad” I’m grumpy. I’m irritated.

But what or who would I be if I couldn’t conceive of this idea? If I landed here on planet earth and didn’t really KNOW what was “good” or “bad” about the happenings of day-to-day life?

I’d notice something steady within that cares nothing for what goes on. That sees how everything is like a wave, blooming out, then dying and receding back. Up, down, coming, going, busy, still.

“It is the mind that is dull or restless, not you. Look, all kinds of things happen in this room. Do I cause them to happen? They just happen. So it is with you–the roll of destiny unfolds itself and actualizes the inevitable. You cannot change the course of events, but you can change your attitude and what really matters is the attitude and not the bare event….For peace, you must go beyond the world.” ~ Nisargadatta

Turning the thought around: there is no better or worse day. 

But. Wait. Isn’t that celebration day, wedding day, accomplishment day, hilarious laughing day, happy day, dancing day BETTER than the sick, tired, in-bed, lonesome, divorced, hospitalized, abandoned, worried day?

I mean…DUH.

Well…in this world, of course. It doesn’t mean you’re a ding-dong and have no idea what’s going on!

But noticing the goodness, the incredible opportunity, the achievement, the surrender, the change, the awareness, the phoenix that rises out of the bad days….now that is a different story.

An unusual story. A story of inspiration and love and astonishment.

“My experience is that God is everything. That’s the direct route. People who have that don’t need this Work. God is everything….What does it take? This now!” ~ Byron Katie

Wow. I have no idea what kind of day this was, now that I stopped thinking about it.

Pause. Pretty amazing.

Love, Grace

P.S.  If you’re noticing thoughts about Money that appear to be “bad”, or about Sexuality that appear “bad” we start next week with classes in both. Money Mondays, Wonderful Sexuality Wednesdays. Both classes start at 9 am Pacific. CLICK HERE to find info on either one and to register.