If You Think It Could Go Wrong, Look Forward To It

What if you became willing, or looked forward to making a major mistake

But I could make a mistake.

I could do it wrong.

I must do it right.

There are many dangers to worry about when it comes to doing it wrong:
  • hurting someone’s feelings
  • forgetting something
  • saying the wrong date
  • mixing up peoples’ names
  • revealing a secret
  • being mean/bad/nasty
  • eating the wrong food
  • feeling the wrong feeling
  • making a bad decision
  • thinking the wrong thoughts
  • losing something or someone
  • causing pain anywhere

All these places where you can cause upset, do it wrong, experience the result as awkward, or horrible, or dangerous.

And it’s my fault.

(And of course, if it could be my fault, then it could be someone else’s fault too).

The other day I was thinking, during a beautiful inquiry session, about my dreams of doing everything right.

Such a simple, yet painful, belief.

So old. From childhood.

The world is full of right and wrong and therefor it’s possible to do it wrong. I must be vigilant about doing it right.

But what if…..this is amazing really…..

…..what if the world, and life, or any situation you could possibly think of, was never wrong?

Who would you be?

I find, it almost shorts-out, like an electric pulse sparking and dying, the vision of what this might be like.

Can you feel it though, in your body?

What if you just felt what it would be like without your belief that a mistake could be made, in any area, ever?

What if you didn’t know anymore what was right or wrong, in any situation?

Who would you be without the belief that something happens, and its bad or good, and it would be someone’s fault (including yours)?

“Start like a child, honey. Just be a child. Go in for the love of truth. I’ve found that it’s the truth that sets us free. The very simple little truths…..You don’t realize what a success is yet or you would love yourself. You would really love yourself! Skip all the hard work. Look for peace from here now, not in the world. And then enjoy the world as it lives you.” ~ Byron Katie in Who Would You Be Without Your Story?

I am willing to do it all wrong, to makes mistakes every single day, to never get it right, to completely misunderstand, to blunder through it all, to never achieve perfection.
I look forward to doing it all wrong, to making mistakes every single day, to never getting it right, to completely misunderstanding, to blundering through it all, to never achieving perfection.
Ever. Ever. Ever.
How does that feel?
Oh. Wow.
“If you want to shrink something, you must first allow it to expand. If you want to get rid of something, you must first allow it to flourish. If you want to take something, you must first allow it to be given. This is called the subtle perception of the way things are. The soft overcomes the hard. The slow overcomes the fast.” ~ Tao Te Ching #36
Much Love, Grace

P.S. Eating Peace 3 Day retreat is now filling here in Kenmore, Washington. We look at how right/wrong appears with food, eating and body….and imagine who we would be without these thoughts.

For more information, click here.