What Is The Shape Of Love?

Can you catch love, the spirit of life, or joy in a jar?
Can you catch love, the spirit of life, or joy in a jar?

Today appears to be an ordinary day. Maybe a holiday Monday for people in the US.

Nothing super supreme special, though.

Not “Valentine’s Day” or a special love day…that’s over now.

But what if it could be?

What if it was a wildly beautiful love celebration day?

For yourself.

What happens when you don’t really love yourself though?

What’s up with that?

Often, I found different moments that created lack of love in the moment….and they looked like this:

You think you made a mistake. You remember a painful situation.

You compare yourself with others.

The thought runs through your mind that this day isn’t exciting enough, fun enough, loving enough, sweet or kind or peaceful enough.

Something’s just plain Not Enough.

You feel guilty for saying something harmful to somebody. You hurt someone.

Maybe you don’t feel you’ve done a good job.

You think you aren’t good enough, big enough, strong enough.

You haven’t gotten there yet, you judge yourself as wrong.


It definitely hurts to not enjoy your own company, to not feel satisfied in this moment right now, with you.

Why not today take a little break from this type of thinking today, just as an experiment?

Can you forgive yourself today for not doing it right? Or not getting it yet? For being less than perfect?

Who would you be without the belief that something’s missing in you, or wrong with you, or off, or bad, or not enough?

I found…..I feel very quiet, without these voices running off at the mouth.

I don’t have to do anything special.

Stillness is here….very, very still.

“By being nothing you are everything. By wanting nothing you are eternally full of grace…

…Tell me, what is the shape of Love? How much does Joy weigh when held in the palm of your hand? Can you catch the Spirit of Life in a jar?” ~ Adyashanti in My Secret Is Silence

Today, what if you acted like someone who couldn’t believe what’s going on in your life right now is BAD?

Someone who couldn’t think the thought “I’m a loser” or “I’m doomed” or some more mild version of the same?

Happy This Day to you. Happy every day to you.

Nothing special. Nothing.

Happy day. Happy.


Love, Grace