Be Honest When You’re Stuck And Join With Others

Everyone: tomorrow I am offering two 90-minute free telecalls to do The Work of Byron Katie.

No experience necessary. And if you have a ton of experience, you’re welcome to join as well!

There’s room for 25 people on the phone or skype, the first 8 or so can participate in the process, with everyone free to ask questions or comment at the very end.

100 people can be there by clicking on the weblink and listening in via computer, although you won’t be heard or seen “live” on the call.

Even if you do not speak out loud during the inquiry process, you can follow along and do your own personal work.

Come with a pen and paper so you can write some of your answers on paper, and have clear concepts to work with beyond this phone call….you’ll know what you can take through the inquiry process later, on your own or with a facilitator.

I will be recording the calls and putting a link to them, if they sound OK technically, on my website and to share with others who are wanting to learn to question their thinking.

Which means, only plan on participating if you don’t mind having me identify you by your first name, and if it’s OK with you that you are recorded.

We will do The Work on a common, stressful underlying belief identified by someone on the call.

I can’t wait to meet with you, whoever shows up.

These calls are Pacific Time!
Time: Thursday, September 5th
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone number: (206) 402-0100
PIN Code: 305799#
To attend on your computer, visit:

The other day when I was thinking about these calls, imagining and working with this process to create one complete phone session as a service for people reminds me once again of how simple, yet complex, The Work is.

Self-inquiry is so confusing sometimes!

When I first encountered The Work when reading Loving What Is, I didn’t even have a reference for asking myself if something was true or not.

It was like someone would ask “Is it true?” and I’d look to the left, to the right, and say “Who me? You talkin’ to me?”

(You can put on a tough-guy east coast accent like Robert Deniro when you say this).

I wasn’t even sure, up to that point, that I actually wanted to be the one to answer the question of whether or not something was true for me.

In fact, my general approach to life was that it was chaotic, frightening, freakish, impersonal, cold and not to be trusted.

This was the problem! I didn’t know what was or was not true! Things were deceiving around here!

Now, a decade later after contemplating and answering this question many times…I at least know that no one else can tell me the answer I have.

If I think “life is scary” then no one can talk me out of it (in any permanent way) or soothe me enough, or calm me down once-and-for-all.

I have to answer that question myself…and then keep going with the other questions of The Work.

The funny thing about this that I’ve found, is that some of the most powerful, life-changing, mind-changing moments I’ve had have been in the presence of other people, as we all listen and hold the questions together.

Or as someone facilitates me through the questions, not letting my mind slip away into other interests or into remembering the story.

The power of another person being with you as you answer the questions known as The Work can be truly profound.

You are witnessed, you are real and honest, you are authentic. At least, this is what I have experienced.

Everything is exposed, nothing is hidden. It’s a confession of the real me, the truth, and then…no attack on this expression, but instead loving kindness.

This is freedom!

Come join a group of inquirers on the phone together, seeing who we could be without our stories.

We’re all in this together, no matter what stage or phase or unique situation. In fact, there is even connection between us that knits together without even trying, just by sharing our woes and pain.

“When we start out on a spiritual path we often have ideals we think we’re supposed to live up to. We feel we’re supposed to be better than we are in some way. But with this practice you take yourself completely as you are. Then ironically, taking in pain—breathing it in for yourself and all others in the same boat as you are—heightens your awareness of exactly where you’re stuck. Instead of feeling you need some magic makeover so you can suddenly become some great person, there’s much more emotional honesty about where you’re stuck.” ~ Pema Chodron 

Only one space left for YOI Year of Inquiry group that starts on Thursday 9/12.

Still 3 spots left in the 8 week shorter teleclass Turning Relationship Hell To Heaven at 9/12 at 8 am.

If connecting with a group to question your beliefs sounds wonderful, then maybe now’s the time!

Click here to read about or register for the 8 week teleclass.

Click here to read about or register for YOI!

Love, Grace