Upcoming Teleclasses and Retreats

It’s Announcement Day everybody!

Six week teleclass Pain, Sickness and Death begins Thursday evenings 5:15 – 6:45 pm Pacific time, starts this week 3/7. Room for 2 more. Come join a group for inquiry on some of the most difficult situations.

The next Earning Money class begins March 26! I know several people have asked. We’ll have this one in the evenings on Tuesdays 5:15 – 6:45 pm. This is rarely offered in the evening Pacific time, so jump on board if you’re ready to look at Money, Work and Business. If you’re in Australia, it will be noon for you on Wednesdays!

Turning Relationship Hell To Heaven starts Fridays, March 29 8:00 – 9:30 am Pacific for 8 weeks. A profound look at one person who is difficult in your life: partner, sibling, child, parent…anyone.

Sorry for the delay on all the wonderful details for A Year Of Inquiry For The Addictive Mind. It’s almost ready! It will be worth the wait—I’m sure we will have a powerful, amazing group to work together all year. So exciting! All the information will be ready by this weekend.

Two Half-Day Mini-Retreat Saturdays: April 6th and May 18th, 2013, 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Inquiry at Goldilocks Cottage in Seattle. $125 for both days, $70 for only one. Tea and light snacks provided. Come learn, practice, expand your inquiry. Meet others to join in facilitation. A wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon…enlightening yourself.

To register for both or one of these mini-half-days, click HERE and then click on the PayPal button.

And of course, last but not least…Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer Retreat: Question Your Thinking, Love Your Body. What if your body wasn’t a problem?

June 26-30, 2013. Please read all about the Breitenbush Retreat and get the registration details by clicking HERE.

As always, if finances hold you back, write to me at grace@workwithgrace.com to talk about a trade or option that can work for you.

“Don’t believe every thing you think.”~ Byron Katie

Love, Grace