The ambivalent pain of both wanting and not wanting to stop eating.

Sign up for it here (pick your best time from 5 other choices). This workshop online will be super informative and very helpful for how to work mindfully to end your eating issues and relax.

One of the most fascinating experiences around compulsion of any kind, is to inquire and look at our ambivalence about ending this destructive off-balance eating thing.

We know even if we feel comfortable today with being “in control” around food and eating, that often LATER, in the future, we might be haunted by the urge to eat.

Things are good now. I might change my mind. I “have to” stay in charge. I need to build up the willpower.

And the inevitable happens.

One day, down the road, we overeat, binge eat, graze eat, blow the “plan”.

Have you ever looked at how stressful it is to stay “on” the plan? To be doing it perfectly or just right? To be following the rules?

Byron Katie says “Don’t be careful, you might hurt yourself.”

I was soooo careful with food, eating, health, body weight, image that I hurt myself deeply.

That can be over at that level. Life with food is supposed to be relaxing, and fun!

Who would we be about the stories we’ve been so sure are true?

If you’d like to join our free facebook community Eating Peace: Question Your Thinking, Change Your Eating visit us HERE. The only requirement is a desire to end disordered thinking/disordered eating. Everyone is welcome.
Much love,