Question this thinking, change your eating….permanently

Wow, the very last Eating Peace LIVE Webinar this season of the new 2020 is today, Friday January 24th at noon Pacific Time. 
It’s just about completely full, no more room. If you’re interested in attending live, you can see if there’s a space still left right here.
(If you registered and can’t attend, please cancel so there’s a space for someone else).
Yesterday after last night’s webinar I received a beautiful note thanking me so so much for this work in eating peace.
This work is so important.
Lives get ruined because of LACK of eating peace and the repetitive trying to do it the same way over and over again: diet, exercise, control, force.
The only way I found inner peace with food and eating was the way I teach it: identifying and questioning thought patterns that fuel crazy eating.
Sound too simple?
It’s not.
The stress of eating wildly looks and sounds awful. We feel horrendous, nervous, like food and eating is dangerous and an area for being really really careful.
We think food makes us fat, wrong, ugly, greedy. We hate ourselves and our bodies.
We feel hopelessly ashamed, and still we sneak food.
If this has been YOU, then I hope you’ll join me in the Eating Peace Experience where our mission is ending eating battles for good.
Everyone who joins Eating Peace online is in for life. You join, and if you need to return to a future round of looking at compulsion even if it’s not necessarily food….you never pay again.
I am committed to growing, learning and transforming with you, one step and one day at a time.
The most inspiring things have occurred from offering this advanced work in transforming beliefs around food, eating, bodies, thin, fat, hunger, fullness, emotions, boredom, pleasure, dependency, fear, trauma, rejection and acceptance.
Eating troubles, quite honestly, wound up shaping my life into one of freedom, service, and a spiritual path I never imagined possible.
We’re finding a new freedom from eating torture and the need to control, and discovering calm and rest within when it comes to food.
Really, when it comes to our whole lives.
It doesn’t mean all emotions are all-peace all the time 24/7.
I have doubt, worry, anxiety, sadness, grief, anger, irritation.
It’s called being human.
But these feelings have nothing to do with eating. Eating doesn’t occur to me as a way to resolve feelings, or calm myself down. It just doesn’t even come up. Eating doesn’t have to do with staying or getting thin. Eating doesn’t have to do with yet another way I can hate myself.
Eating off balance and feeling strong feelings including shame have been un-velcroed from each other.
The cravings, urges and compulsions have dissolved.
These past six days I worked with the group who came to Eating Peace Retreat to discover the way to end disordered eating, disordered thinking.
Light bulbs went off.
The shifts as we stepped through our days as we ate, thought, questioned, walked and even danced together were gorgeous to behold.
And now, a new group online gets to gather, share, and continue the healing movement of Eating Peace-Thinking Peace in our daily lives.
No matter who you are, no matter how crazy you’ve been with eating and food….I know you have the capacity to find peace with eating and your body.
It all starts with identifying the tricky, debilitating, difficult thoughts that drive off-balance eating.
Once we see, we can question them: “is that actually true?”
We can find out for ourselves, and stop doubting and freaking out.
I can’t wait to see you in Eating Peace Experience.
We begin on Monday! WOW! 
We’re looking at a paradigm shift from eating battles to eating peace.
What could be better than that, after all this suffering and agony?
Sign up for the full Eating Peace Experience here and let’s sail into this leap year 2020 together, and bring peace to broken hearts about our bodies, weight and ways of eating.
Join me HERE. Everyone who joins gets membership for life.

Much love,



6 Replies to “Question this thinking, change your eating….permanently”

  1. I send you a private fb message and a mail, would like to join , but have questions around payment Hope you Will See it Before midnight 26.
    Love julia

  2. Beautiful Grace! What honesty. I’m going to join you one of these times. I love that you opened up YOI for former participants. The time hasn’t been right to jump back in…it just makes me very happy it’s available. Love you, your work, your circle of beautiful peeps! Your experience, passion and humility is unparalleled.
    With endless gratitude, Rose Marie

    1. What a sweet comment. Love you and deep bow also to you and your inquiry you’ve brought to YOI and all the ways you’ve offered up your thinking to the four questions. –Grace

  3. Hello Grace, I was able to view the Jan 24th “Eating Peace” yesterday along with the accompanying email about questioning your fees charged. First of all, I couldn’t be more grateful for the “Eating Peace” video and I remind you that you gave that to me for free, out of the goodness of your heart! I fee indebted to you, wanting to give you something back. I feel similarly about when you once gave me a scholarship so that I paid a reduced fee for a workshop – grateful and indebted. I have not felt that you charged too much for what you do. I am at peace with you except for wanting to give you back, pay you back for what you have given me. I’ve been very, very fortunate to have you in my life.

    1. This is such a lovely and generous comment, it’s so dear to me–thank you Fred. What a gift that makes me smile widely. It reminds me the numbers are not important, and that all of us work with our individual resources but we are also all connected, and doing the very best we can. Always an honor to have you present and sharing your inner world in inquiry when you’ve been present in person, and the kind and strong way you bring your humor, acceptance and honesty to this work and to life. Thank you again for your kind words, they mean a lot. –Much love, Grace

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