Sanity, spring cleaning, and my interview on “eating” with Katie

With the fever dissolving away into the past (in my last Grace Note blog I did The Work on having the flu last week)….I felt a surge of JOY and energy and returning humor.

I think it’s called appreciation for “normal” health! Hallelulia! I can stand or sit upright for all the hours of daylight! Amazing!

I started updating my calendars, editing web pages, put my deposit on the spring retreat house rental, signed paperwork for the Breitenbush summer retreat (with Tom Compton this year), cruised through 300 unread emails, finished a homework assignment for a class I’m taking.

And, I got the beautiful and profound privilege to interview Katie on her thoughts, her radical experience and what she’s learned about eating, weight, body image and the effects of “disordered thinking” in her life and sharing The Work with others. (The interview is below, enjoy, enjoy).

I felt a huge burst of happiness about this moment today, and all the events on the horizon.

Let spring cleaning begin!

(Well, OK, we have several months until spring….but I’m already a little excited).

One of my favorite experiences in The Work is gathering with other people to share in the deepening that happens as we inquire, slow down, learn, and recognize our own truth through our own answers.

Here are the upcoming in-person events. So many have written to me asking about spring retreat and Breitenbush this year I hope the information answers your questions.

If you come, I will be thrilled to have your company on this brilliant journey of inner awareness and inner peace….that’s just the truth for me.

  • Deep Divers Half-Day Mini Retreats in Seattle at my cottage: Sunday, Feb 10th 2-6 pm, April 14th 2-6 pm, June 9th 2-6 pm. Reserve one mini retreat here
  • Spring Mental Cleaning Retreat May 15-19, 2019 Read more and register here. Lodging is already half reserved so if you’d like to stay in the retreat house, be sure to make your request soon (fees for the rooms are on the info page).
  • Breitenbush Annual Summer Retreat June 12-16, 2019. As I mentioned, this year my co-facilitator guest is the absolutely lovely Tom Compton. Join us at this gorgeous place in Oregon for 4 nights and 5 days. Early bird rate through April 14th but the sooner you book, the more normal lodging choices you have.
  • And I don’t know if you’re the type of person who ever thinks this far in advance, but just to keep in mind….Summer Camp for The Mind is July 23-Aug 16 (sliding scale for anyone to join). It’s online and open to everyone and anyone wanting daily meditation in The Work. 
Byron Katie talked with me about eating, weight, compulsion and our “thinking” disorders and finding freedom with self-inquiry

Much love and appreciation for each and every one of you, even if I don’t know you personally. Thank you for being here and may you find peace in your thinking.
