First Friday Free Inquiry Jam–TODAY. Come do The Work!

It’s here: First Friday online at 7:45 am Pacific Time. Ninety minutes, dial in and listen or participate. If you want to be heard or to speak any time or ask questions, please connect using WebCall or Phone. If you want to follow along and just listen-in (you can use the chat feature in writing) then use Broadcast.

If the line appears to be full, hang up and re-connect again using Broadcast.

We’ll start at the very beginning (like Maria in the Sound of Music). All you need to do is to bring your stressful experience–you know the one–and we’ll write a JYN, followed by hearing 2-3 people do The Work.

First Friday link is here.

So to keep it light, although it can seem so very serious when we’re suffering with our thoughts….let’s sing.

Maria Starting At The Very Beginning

We start at the very beginning:
What am I really really thinking–un-evolved, immature, angry, judgmental, irritated, frightened, sad, repetitive?

It’s a very good place to start:
I write all these thoughts down, without editing.

When you read, you begin with A-B-C:
When you do The Work you begin with, Who did it to me? Who did it to me?

When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi:
With The Work the first question just happens to be…is it true?

Doe a deer, a female deer:
Is it true, is it really, really true?

Me, a name I call myself,
How do I react when I believe? (I run far)

Sew, a needle pulling thread,
Who would I be without that thought?

Tea, a drink with jam and bread,
And let’s turn the thoughts around!

Well, that was silly.

And oh so fun.

And doing The Work is profound and fun and laughter-inducing and sometimes very heart-breaking. Just like our minds and the ways we think.

“If I can teach you anything, it is to identify the stressful thoughts that you’re believing and to question them, to get still enough so that you can hear your own answers. Stress is the gift that alerts you to your asleepness. Feelings like anger or sadness exist only to alert you to the fact that you’re believing your own stories.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,