I hated my thighs. If I can question a body part and find freedom, so can you.

Eating Peace Annual Retreat is getting full. Seattle, January 11-15, 2018. We begin Thursday evening 7:00 pm, ending Monday January 15th at 11:30 am. Room still available onsite if you’d like to rent a room at the private retreat house–reply to me if you’re interested. Nearby AirBnB also available (personal friends of Grace).

To read more about it and register, visit here. An incredibly powerful way to begin your year, with a direct experience of eating peace, and questioning the thoughts that keep us off-balance with food.


It’s not exactly brand new information or surprising news that experiencing trauma towards the body–from mild disrespect, to major violence–can result in weight change for some people.

Sometimes the body becomes heavier as a sort of armor against the world, sometimes thinner as a way of becoming invisible.

Today, because I’ve worked with a whole lot of people lately who’ve had very violent thoughts about their own bodies, I offer an exercise you can do to consider what beliefs might be running behind the surface of your body-criticism.

First, think of a body part (or perhaps it’s your whole body your weight) that you don’t like. I noticed, by the way, that even when I felt my very fattest and heaviest, I didn’t judge my feet or hands, my shoulders, my skin, my physical strength, my hair, my joints, my endurance.

Good to notice you don’t absolutely hate everything about your body.

Once you identify the shape or body part you dislike so much, you can study it with a more open mind….or at least a more willing mind.

Think of it like you’re gathering information, you’re uncovering some hidden files you may not have thought to identify before this.

You’re a very good sleuth, or detective, of this body, or body part, and what you think it means about you (or anyone) who has a body part that looks this way.

Watch the video, and then consider the questions I’ve written up in the free download, to help you study your painful beliefs about what having this body means for you (I made this worksheet, since I didn’t include all the questions inside the video).

Download the worksheet HERE.
Let me know what you find! Any questions or comments under the video I will read and answer. Or if you prefer to be more private, write me at grace@workwithgrace.com.

Much love, Grace