Eating Peace: Shame and Guilt….First, don’t fight or be against them

Guilt and shame are so debilitating, depressing, paralyzing.

Especially when it comes to weight, body image, eating, not eating.

When we get upset, troubled, frightened….it’s not so crazy to reach for food. It’s one of the pleasures of life.

But it doesn’t work as a painkiller–except temporarily.

And then after an over-eating session or a binge….ugh. The guilt, shame and horror at what you’ve done….AGAIN….is so horrible.

What if guilt and/or shame have messages that are important to explore?

Here are some questions you can answer, and ways you can work with shame, so that you can see something different besides paralysis, isolation, punishment, disgust or depression.

What’s going on when it comes to GUILT and SHAME?

Let’s find out. I share here some exercises to help you with shame and guilt.