Meet your thoughts with simple understanding (7:45 am today)

Work With Grace
Work With Grace

In just a few hours at 7:45 am Pacific Time….monthly morning meetup to do The Work of Byron Katie for anyone in the world!!

A few minutes before we begin, you’ll have the option of joining with WebCall (you’ll be able to speak and be heard) or WebCast (listen only from your computer) or simply dial in with your phone.

We’ll question our thoughts until 9:00 am. Inquiry Power Hour (plus 15 minutes). No matter where you are in the world, you can connect for free.

Join Me Here!

If you’ve got a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet already filled out before the call, it can really help.

You’ve already spent that pre-meditative time focusing on one single situation, like a movie with the pause button pushed, when you felt emotional pain.

Answering the six questions on the Judge Your Neighbor (JYN) offers you a way to clearly identify what you believed in that exact moment.

Sometimes it’s super difficult to write down these thoughts, much less read them out loud.

It feels so childish, embarrassing, revealing, vulnerable.

But it’s worth it.

It’s OK to take your time doing The Work, but I highly recommend sharing your thoughts, your mind, and your inquiry with another person, or a group (like we will today at 7:45 am).

It’s so sweet to notice, you’re not the only one who thinks such things. You’re not the only one with these stressful thoughts.

Your work is my work is our work.

Come join us–no one has to share, and the call is not recorded. Your presence makes a difference, even if you don’t feel it’s time to speak out loud.

And if you do, thanks for your courage.

Let’s do The Work!

“What we are doing with inquiry is meeting our thoughts with some simple understanding, finally. Pain, anger, and frustration will let us know when it’s time to inquire. We either believe what we think or we question it: there’s no other choice. Questioning our thoughts is the kinder way. Inquiry always leaves us as more loving human beings.” ~ Byron Katie in I Need Your Love–Is That True?

Much love,
