lush rose beauty, and self-inquiry

sunny rose outside my California window this morning, on retreat

This morning I’ve awakened to huge red roses outside my California bedroom window, and bright sun shining in light blue sky.

We’re about to gather in a few hours for Eating Peace Retreat.

I love this journey.

One of my favorite questions to ask, and answer….is why I am unhappy (if I think I am) about a situation, an interaction, a condition?

I will be asking all the beautiful people attending the retreat today this question, especially about eating, weight, food, and even beyond these.

What is going on here in our lives when it comes to “(fill in the blank on someone you feel bad about)”?

This is the first question on the Judge Your Neighbor worksheet, when we’re identifying why we’re troubled.

Spending some time there, with our answers, is deeply powerful.

Wondering why, identifying why, writing it down.

Only when captured on paper, or in consciousness, can we then work with these reasons, and find out what’s really true.

“Self-inquiry is a spiritually induced form of wintertime. It’s not about looking for a right answer so much as stripping away and letting you see what is not necessary, what you can do without, what you are without your leaves.” ~ Adyashanti

Much love,
