Peace Talk Debra Ruh….and how do I live a turnaround?

One of the most interesting exercises and invitations to us all as we do The Work and self-inquiry….

….is to wonder what it would be like to “live” a potent turnaround.

As you probably know….

….the turnarounds are all the opposite angles, perspectives and views to our stressful beliefs.

“He should give me flowers” becomes “he should not give me flowers” and “I should give him flowers” and “I should give myself flowers.”

We sit with these crazy opposites and find examples of how they are also true.

It doesn’t mean any of them are the “right” answer.

They’re like trying on completely different coats, or wearing a different pair of shoes (or moccasins, as the ancient wisdom native saying goes).

Sometimes, we’re hit with the implications of a turnaround, and we might feel great excitement in turning our life situation inside out into something new and different.

The situation that seems so very threatening and awful….

….with a turnaround seems challenging, but possible.

Or, super thrilling!

Or, hilarious!

We get to ask this awesome question: What If I Lived This Turnaround?

What if I actually went into the flower shop, and bought myself the most gorgeous bunch of flowers in the whole place?

Instead of holding onto my thought that HE should be the one doing the flower-buying.

If it can start with something simple, like buying myself just the thing I always wanted someone else to buy….

….what else might be possible to turnaround?

What if I really could bring something different to life, even out of the tragic thing I experienced?

Yesterday I got two sweet and brilliant examples of living turnarounds right before my eyes.

The first was….

….getting to talk with an amazing woman who has clearly lived an astonishing turnaround in her life after giving birth to a baby with down syndrome 28 years ago (Debra Ruh).

I was so moved by her lifetime example of turning her difficult experience into something beautiful, I interviewed her to share it with Peace Talk listeners.

(You can download this Episode 106 of Peace Talk on itunes right here).

The other example of a living turnaround yesterday was…

I led a retreat online, with people dialing in using their phones or computers, for three hours about questioning love stories that hurt.

I shared my biggest painful love story of divorce (that has turned into a blessing).

You know what the living turnaround is?

That I was leading a Valentine’s Prep Day retreat online, where people came from all across the United States, Europe, Australia….

….and this is what I do for a living now.

I join with others to question stressful thoughts.

I get messages like these….both of which I also received in emails yesterday:

Thanks Grace. Really enjoyed this retreat. What a beautiful way to start the Valentine’s Weekend (or any weekend…’s only my stories telling me that there is something different /special about Valentine’s weekend). Will be a much more relaxed and pleasant weekend after doing The Work today. So I guess it *IS* a special weekend afterall! I so love YOU and doing The Work with you….THANKS!!! ~ Florida
Thank you Grace, You are a true teacher, the real deal. 

I love having found you! ~ Italy


I had the thought….wow….

….it’s bragging to share these beautiful comments.

But my life is full of these kinds of expressions of love now. Full of thoughtful, incredible people so sincere about questioning their suffering.

Who would you be if you lived one of your turnarounds?

If you opened up to the thing that happened, that incident, that relationship….

….could now morph into something spectacular, or new?

I was once on staff at a School for The Work and was partnered with a woman who was very distraught about a horrible tragedy in her life.

She had been the driver of a car, on a family vacation, and the tires had suddenly blown out (they were later recalled for all these types of vehicles) causing the SUV to flip wildly off the road.

The accident killed her husband, one of her daughters, and the best friend of her other daughter.

In her path of healing, at a future point in her life, she founded an organization to help people handle the shock of sudden death, including helping firefighters and police officers deliver shocking news to families after accidents.

I cried with her, as we did The Work together, as she undid the terrible pain one level further.

We could both already see, in that inquiry, how stunning it was to see what came out of what seemed awful. It was something helpful to humanity, to her community.

Love prevailed.

She’s an inspiration to people of overcoming accidental death and living an incredible life beyond beliefs about how reality should be.

Just like Debra Ruh, the woman I spoke with on Peace Talk.

Now….my own experiences have never been so dramatic.

But I certainly never could have dreamed I’d get to question my thinking, talk with other truly powerful people on a daily basis, or have three hours fly by while asking and answering questions, and turning suffering around into blessings.

What turnaround are you living right now?

Meditate on what it might look like, if you did turn what you’re imagining around.

Let it come in as an idea, an inspirational thought.

You don’t have to know right now….let it come to you.

Let it take as long as it takes.

“To exclude anything that appears in your universe is not love. Love joins with everything. It doesn’t exclude the monster. It doesn’t avoid the nightmare–it looks forward to it.” ~ Byron Katie

“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.” ~ Ben Okri

Much love, Grace

Peace Talk with Debra Ruh…..How do I live a turnaround?

you are greater than your suffering

One of the most interesting exercises and invitations to us all as we do The Work and self-inquiry….

….is to wonder what it would be like to “live” a potent turnaround.

As you probably know….

….the turnarounds are all the opposite angles, perspectives and views to our stressful beliefs.

“He should give me flowers” becomes “he should not give me flowers” and “I should give him flowers” and “I should give myself flowers.”

We sit with these crazy opposites and find examples of how they are also true.

It doesn’t mean any of them are the “right” answer.

They’re like trying on completely different coats, or wearing a different pair of shoes (or moccasins, as the ancient wisdom native saying goes).

Sometimes, we’re hit with the implications of a turnaround, and we might feel great excitement in turning our life situation inside out into something new and different.

The situation that seems so very threatening and awful….

….with a turnaround seems challenging, but possible.

Or, super thrilling!

Or, hilarious!

We get to ask this awesome question: What If I Lived This Turnaround?

What if I actually went into the flower shop, and bought myself the most gorgeous bunch of flowers in the whole place?

Instead of holding onto my thought that HE should be the one doing the flower-buying.

If it can start with something simple, like buying myself just the thing I always wanted someone else to buy….

….what else might be possible to turnaround?

What if I really could bring something different to life, even out of the tragic thing I experienced?

Yesterday I got two sweet and brilliant examples of living turnarounds right before my eyes.

The first was….

….getting to talk with an amazing woman who has clearly lived an astonishing turnaround in her life after giving birth to a baby with down syndrome 28 years ago (Debra Ruh).

I was so moved by her lifetime example of turning her difficult experience into something beautiful, I interviewed her to share it with Peace Talk listeners.

(You can download this Episode 106 of Peace Talk on itunes right here).

The other example of a living turnaround yesterday was…

I led a retreat online, with people dialing in using their phones or computers, for three hours about questioning love stories that hurt.

I shared my biggest painful love story of divorce (that has turned into a blessing).

You know what the living turnaround is?

That I was leading a Valentine’s Prep Day retreat online, where people came from all across the United States, Europe, Australia….

….and this is what I do for a living now.

I join with others to question stressful thoughts.

I get messages like these….both of which I also received in emails yesterday:

Thanks Grace. Really enjoyed this retreat. What a beautiful way to start the Valentine’s Weekend (or any weekend…’s only my stories telling me that there is something different /special about Valentine’s weekend). Will be a much more relaxed and pleasant weekend after doing The Work today. So I guess it *IS* a special weekend afterall! I so love YOU and doing The Work with you….THANKS!!! ~ Florida

Thank you Grace, 

You are a true teacher, the real deal. 
I love having found you! ~ Italy

I had the thought….wow….

….it’s bragging to share these beautiful comments.

But my life is full of these kinds of expressions of love now. Full of thoughtful, incredible people so sincere about questioning their suffering.

Who would you be if you lived one of your turnarounds?

If you opened up to the thing that happened, that incident, that relationship….

….could now morph into something spectacular, or new?

I was once on staff at a School for The Work and was partnered with a woman who was very distraught about a horrible tragedy in her life.

She had been the driver of a car, on a family vacation, and the tires had suddenly blown out (they were later recalled for all these types of vehicles) causing the SUV to flip wildly off the road.

The accident killed her husband, one of her daughters, and the best friend of her other daughter.

In her path of healing, at a future point in her life, she founded an organization to help people handle the shock of sudden death, including helping firefighters and police officers deliver shocking news to families after accidents.

I cried with her, as we did The Work together, as she undid the terrible pain one level further.

We could both already see, in that inquiry, how stunning it was to see what came out of what seemed awful. It was something helpful to humanity, to her community.

Love prevailed.

She’s an inspiration to people of overcoming accidental death and living an incredible life beyond beliefs about how reality should be.

Just like Debra Ruh, the woman I spoke with on Peace Talk.

Now….my own experiences have never been so dramatic.

But I certainly never could have dreamed I’d get to question my thinking, talk with other truly powerful people on a daily basis, or have three hours fly by while asking and answering questions, and turning suffering around into blessings.

What turnaround are you living right now?

Meditate on what it might look like, if you did turn what you’re imagining around.

Let it come in as an idea, an inspirational thought.

You don’t have to know right now….let it come to you.

Let it take as long as it takes.

“To exclude anything that appears in your universe is not love. Love joins with everything. It doesn’t exclude the monster. It doesn’t avoid the nightmare–it looks forward to it.” ~ Byron Katie

“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.” ~ Ben Okri

Much love, Grace

Trouble with love? Today 2-5 pm! Tele-Retreat to Freedom!

My hands are clapping because later today from 2-5 pm Pacific Time, we’re havin’ a tele-retreat.

Yes, today is the Love-Athon Tele-Retreat.

TELE means….you dial in with your phone or skype, or you click the event link to listen in. Audio only. No webinars or video here.

You have your privacy.

I mean, we’re talking about LOVE here!

Why do I call it a Love-Athon?

Because for me…..and for so many….

….questioning suffering with The Work of Byron Katie has peeled back layers of pain, sometimes ancient pain from previous generations….

….and what remains at the center is….love.

A mysterious sense of well-being.

An open unknown, wild taste of silence. Peace with yourself no matter what anyone else has ever done, or who you’re “paired” with or “broken up” with.

What remains is trust that you can do this, you have the ability to relax in the face of romance, love, partnership, dating, and all the ups and down involved.

So to gather with others from all over the place, not even knowing who we all are, is a powerful way to trust the universe to bring you support in understanding this topic in your life.

You don’t have to identify yourself, you don’t’ have to talk. You can do the exercises and remain silent.

But you might love sharing out loud, and speaking what is really, really true for you-your answers.

Not anyone else’s.

All you need is a phone (or skype) or some way to dial the number and call in OR click the online link for listening mode (you can communicate anonymously with me via Q & A in the chat box provided).

For three hours we’ll look at all the thoughts about relationship we have that leave us less than happy.

Thoughts about love that leave us irritated, depressed, despairing, longing, sad, crushed.

What is right or wrong? What is depressing to you? Do you feel trapped, or free?

How do you feel about attraction, dating, enjoying your long-term relationship, excitement, joy?

Are you heart-broken by divorce, or an affair (yours or theirs)?

Would you like to question your thoughts?

There is no “goal” or “outcome” with this work….it is simply a deep form of inquiry with no authority except YOU.

Here’s what’s happened for me.

I noticed over time, ever since my first boyfriend actually….I’ve had painful thoughts about love.

Maybe you’ve noticed your own.

  • He hurt me
  • She shouldn’t love him more than me
  • I can’t show how interested I am, or he’ll overwhelm me
  • I can’t truly be free AND in relationship at the same time–too much obligation
  • The horrible things about being partnered are……
  • Changing or ending a relationship hurts
  • I need his/her attention, love, approval
  • She should be happy
  • He should stop drinking
  • She should get a job
  • I need a girlfriend
  • I’m lonely

The criticisms of partners, potential partners, and whole groups of people are endless.

So are the criticisms of ourselves.

But every time I ask “is it true?” I find a sense of curiosity.

Sometimes, a smile begins to come over my face almost immediately, now that I’ve practiced answering this question for awhile.

But there is never a requirement to answer “no” or “yes”.

The only requirement is a desire to look at your suffering.

Notice how I didn’t even say there is a requirement to STOP suffering.

You may genuinely want to stop….but we can leave this up to the universe and your own answers appearing at just the right time for insight, awareness and compassion.

You can stop suffering, though.

Without anyone else changing one drop.

You can notice where you feel like a victim, or like someone else is responsible for your life being wrecked or difficult.

You can feel the love back inside of you–and not let it leave as if its attached to another person.

At least, that’s what happened for me using The Work to question my really difficult and insane love stories.

I used to think some people shouldn’t love who they love. I used to think some people shouldn’t leave me. I used to think it was possible for someone to leave me, or commit to me and make promises. I used to think you were only supposed to have sex with one person. I used to think love meant you make vows and settle down and find security.

Now, with inquiry, I realize that none of that is true….because none of that is permanent or set in stone, or even possible to expect.

I used to really suffer when it came to love relationships….

….tormented by arguing with reality.

If you’ve got some stress in your life with relationship…..JOIN ME!

We’re going to have a fabulous time.

And you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home.

Sit back, relax, and inquire tomorrow.

Click HERE to sign up.

“Love does not say ‘I own you’ or ‘You are mine to manipulate and control’. Love is not conditional, it doesn’t withhold itself for personal gain. It does not possess, but sets free. Or, rather, love sees the inherent freedom in the other, the built-in freedom. It recognizes itself looking out of those mysterious eyes over there, and knows that, in truth, there is no other ‘over there’ at all. Not two seeing each other, but One with eyes only for itself. We are only meeting ourselves, in myriad forms…” ~ Jeff Foster


Much love, Grace

Working With That Crazy Question: Who Would You BE?

With your stressful love stories….trouble. Without your stressful love stories….who would you be?

A Grace Notes reader emailed me the other day with a fantastic question.

“I also want to ask you about the phrase “who would you be without that thought?”….I’m glad you didn’t use that here. I struggle with that phrase as it seems too philosophical for me to grasp, manage, decipher. Please help me with that phrase. It gets me stuck every time….it feels too big, too much….BE. It can easier grasp what would I think, feel, believe….Any ideas here? LOL.”

I so love her honesty and request for sincere help.

I have to admit….

….I’ve had the same kind of confusion about answering that fourth question in The Work.

What do you mean “who would you BE????!!!”


I’d be someone else! Not me!

But after years of working with this thought, I’ve got some *awesome* suggestions, some of which might help you enter the space of this question.

First, the answer to this question in some situations does feel as far away as the other side of the Grand Canyon.

If I’m really upset, if I’m troubled and angry and terrified….

….it’s hard to even imagine being without my stressful thoughts.

They’re all screaming full blast at me, I can hardly hear anything else.

You know what I’m talkin’ about, right?

But I love that in this moment now, when I’m doing The Work and wondering about my reaction and my suffering…..

…..I am remembering a situation from the past.

In the very moment that I’m remembering, I’m quite safe.

Look around.

Just notice first, you are very safe when you have memories. It’s safe to remember this situation, because it’s over.

These pictures in your head, of the way that person behaved or what they said or what email they sent that scared you, aren’t actually happening RIGHT NOW.

Good to know. Good to notice.

I’m interested in cleaning up my past imprints, all the things I pushed inside myself and have stuck there, and now….I’m taking a look.

So I let the movie play.

I see that person vividly in my mind, doing what they did, saying those mean words.

I notice how my stomach starts to feel sick right here in the present moment, but I also notice again (over and over again) that the actual event is over. It’s not happening right now.

You can let yourself have the support of noticing this, in this moment, as you do your inquiring work.

Now….I take a look at this question “who would I be without my stressful thought?”

I imagine actually being someone or something else. You know how I thought I’d be someone else, not me?

Well….how might someone else be, without this same stressful thought?

It’s simply good to notice, without berating or criticizing yourself, that other humans have likely had your same thought, and similar experiences, and they’re OK now.

They might be very OK. They might feel free, even if horrible things happened to them.

These are actual examples of being without the stressful thought.

You get to notice that you, too, are a human and therefore capable of also living your life without the suffering you’ve endured in the situation you’re thinking about.

If you can believe a thought, you can un-believe it too.

If you can’t even imagine being a human, without your stressful thought, then I love imagining what it’s like to be a tree, or a cat, or a rock.

How do these entities in nature, these alive existing organisms BE, without thought?

How does a tree feel, even if someone is yelling at it?

And….as this amazing reader suggested….

….I consider slowly how I would feel without my stressful thoughts? How would I move? What would I do? What would I notice, without this stressful thought?

How would I walk down the street? How would I do my laundry? How would I drive to the gym? How would I hang out with my friends….or family….without my thought?

How would I stand there, in the person’s presence (who I’m doing The Work on) without my thought?

You get to use your imagination.

If you think you don’t have a good imagination….

….who’s imagining that story from the past, into the present right now?

Your imagination is excellent. You just need to give it some new options you never thought of before.

Some fear-free options, some funny options, some humorous options, some life-affirming options, some neutral options.

You don’t even need to know what to do.

All you need to do is wonder what it would be like to be sitting in a chair, remembering a stressful situation, without running away from it or getting super worked up, or falling into pure reaction.

If you want, you can take a week to wonder how you’d feel without your stressful thought.

You can see which aspect of being you love to consider the most without your thought? Do you like to wonder what you’d do, or say, or feel, or see without your thought?

All of this wrapped up together creates who you would be.

And I love breaking it down into bite sized pieces, not a huge big wide heady philosophical question that seems far away in outer space.

“In Life, the transformation occurs in the process. This is, no doubt, why the ego-identity maintenance strategy is so focused on preventing us from ever getting started or keeping to a program of any kind…..The process IS the outcome.” ~ Cheri Huber

Good news.

Wondering and imagining what it would be like to be a fly on the wall in your stressful situation, or a flower, or a rock, or a tree, or a person, or then, YOU….is all you need to enter transformation.

Nothing more required.

Much love, Grace

P.S. Tomorrow….Online Retreat on Love Stories. Come with any love story that feels painful. Only $37 for 3 hours. We’ll do The Work, and practice using our imaginations, and hearing from each other, what it might be like to be without our thought.

Register HERE. Don’t let funds hold you back–if you want to join, write me (just hit reply).

Feeling What You Want Right Now (Woah)

In the middle of a storm of busy....pause.
Ready to look at what keeps you from feeling abundance? Come to retreat. Do The Work.

Last night there were emails flying around about a celebration my family gathers for every year that extends from many generations back.

It’s called Easter.

It’s a super fun and meaningful time of gathering.

Somehow the true, deep spirit of spring, renewed life, starting fresh, the promise of growth, revitalization, rebirth, returning warmth, resurrection out of suffering….and family connecting together in a really loving way, all show up in this day for me.

I also love something I found out at some point in my forties that completely surprised me.

Easter, every year, is determined by the moon.

When I heard it, I said something like….that can’t be right?


Easter is figured out every year by the first full moon after the spring equinox?

That sounds too astrological or earthy or something. Too ancient.

Are you pulling my leg?

It’s true, though.

Easter is the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the vernal equinox (the change from winter to spring on March 21st). Jewish passover is the first full moon after the vernal equinox. I know there’s all kinds of information about Julian calendars and Gregorian calendars and proposals to always make Easter the Second Sunday of April and many other ideas about the date of the holiday….

….but I was startled by something that up to that point it seemed so laid out in stone about What We Do and What We Believe (from my church growing up)….

….being determined by the moon.

The moon is part of a natural, wild world far beyond humans. It’s there and we study it, explore it, wonder about it.

It feels entirely mysterious.

I guess I never noticed how the date jumped around to various spring-ish Sundays while growing up.

I was like the moon as a child, as so many of us are.

The number of the date doesn’t really matter. That’s not what we’re celebrating. The calendar simply marks something as the time it happened.

It brought to my attention a place I was potentially wrong about my childhood religion.

I had thoughts about how mind-and-rules-and-commandment oriented it all was…..but this was evidence to the contrary!

So once again, next month my family is celebrating Easter together for a whole day the way we’ve been doing for ages.

And it turns out, the Abundance, Desire and The Work Retreat I accidentally scheduled for that very same weekend.

I wouldn’t have known until a third person said they couldn’t make it, and really wanted to, and calendar checking occurred, and these discoveries.

It caused a thought or two to flicker through my mind, like a racehorse.

You should have checked the dates better. You’re no good at scheduling. Didn’t you say you were going to hire administrative help this year? What’s the hold up? Can’t you do anything right? Maybe you should just cancel altogether. You’re already doing the April Eating Peace retreat. Jeez.

Have you ever noticed that voice says “you” like it’s talking TO YOU?

This is a fascinating thing to notice.

Who is that voice, anyway?

Where is it coming from?

I’ve noticed all my life….it doesn’t feel entirely like it’s me. I feel like the one hearing it.

At the Mental Cleanse about six weeks ago, a beautiful young woman got up in the chair on stage, with Byron Katie, to question her thoughts.

She had a very mean, vicious voice in her head and the thoughts she had written down were about this horrible, troubling voice.

She said it had a male gender.

By the end of the inquiry session doing The Work, Katie and this woman were laughing about the Voice.

I don’t mean to make light of this very difficult and VERY frightening experience, to have a violent or mean voice dictating and shouting at you from within your own mind….

….but how astonishing to be able to hear it as the voice of something that is not out to destroy you, but to find out more about what it wants, what it means, what it’s saying.

To actually be open to listening to it.

There was a moment between Katie and the young woman, where Katie suggested to her after some dialogue and awareness and insights….

….Doesn’t this make it easier, to invite the voice in rather than be so terrified of it and want it destroyed? Then, if it says for you to break your arm, (or something “mean” like that), you can say back “Easy for you to say, you don’t have a body!”

I loved it.

You get to treat that critical voice like it’s your neurotic friend, trying his best, doing his best to help bring peace to your situation.

Rather than take on the very same energy of trying to kill it, suppress it, shut it up forever.

Isn’t that approach, after all, WAR?

When you hate your own critical voice, or try to help other people stop theirs, then you’re treating these voices like they treat you.

As enemies.

So maybe the voice in my head is helping me realize….

….I really could use some administrative support and to stop thinking I need to do it all myself.

And reminding me to lighten up, everything is OK and just write to the people already enrolled and see if they can make a switch.

Why not? These things go imperfectly sometimes.

Which is actually what this whole Abundance, Desire and The Work Retreat is truly all about.

It goes like this…..

I have a vision. It’s in the future. I want that condition, thing, person, situation, clarity, dream, adventure.

I want money, a soul mate, enlightenment, restored health, a youthful body, wealth, glory, fame, success, to be thin, to be free.

Usually in my life, I have an urge to go get it.

I start to run towards the thing.

It looks like THAT (see image in head of wonderful thing in the future). It looks like a perfect retreat, on those perfect dates, with the perfect people showing up in the perfect numbers.

But now….instead of simply assuming it’s true, that it’s what I really want, it’s my desired destination, it’s the end goal….

….we can explore a little, instead.

What will this vision bring me, when I have it?

What else would I have, if I had it?

What would I no longer have, if I had that future desired thing?

What would “abundance” really feel like, look like, smell like, taste like…..

…..BE like?

Anything can be the focus of desire.

Even “awakening” and a mind that works differently, one without a critical voice, for example.

But who would you be without the belief that you can only feel that ultimate pleasure, success, abundance, clarity, love, bliss, joy or peace WITH that condition you’re dreaming of?

It’s strange for the mind to contemplate.

And yet….

….how brilliant to consider who I am without the thought I need “x” to fulfill me.

At the Abundance and Desire and The Work Retreat, everyone gets to identify that thing they want, and not give it up, or try to get rid of it, or live without it, or pretend you don’t want it.

Instead, you get to see why you want it, what you expect, and what you think’s missing right now, that this other thing would improve.

You get to track your thoughts, but even more profound….

….you get to see how you want to feel.

You get to give yourself the gift of feeling, maybe even in the now.

You get to feel, and be, what you want, or get a sense of opening up to the joy of desire as a practice, rather than experiencing desire as sad, frustrating, or wrong.

In the past, I felt so embarrassed about wanting money so much, when I had so little.

Ick, how can I write a worksheet on money and how much I believe it would help me feel secure, safe, proud, powerful, cared for and solid?

It turned out, the conflict within was the thing that really hurt the most. The resistance to my own desires, and trying to kill the voice that said “I want!”

Slowing down to take a look at the image desired in the future, and the associated feelings, and inquiring deeply….

….allowed me to see the peace always possible in the present.

Right now.

To make friends with reality, to feel the support of Now.

Isn’t that what Loving What Is, is all about?

And the fun thing is….

….feeling abundance, joy, bliss, love and peace right now only brings more of it.


If you’re curious about what blocks your own freedom, peace or love….

….if you want to meet your desire with friendliness, not upset….

….join me next month in Seattle at my cute Goldilocks Cottage Friday evening March 18 through Sunday 4:30 pm March 20. ($295 for the whole weekend).

Join me next month in Seattle at my cute Goldilocks Cottage, Friday evening March 18 through Sunday March 20. New dates! New location! If you’re traveling from out of town, I can give you recommendations of places to stay, and there may be others who would enjoy having you at their home. There’s also some sleeping bag space in Goldilocks Cottage. Commuters can carpool.

You might even discover what you thought happened, like the way Easter has been scheduled for thousands of years……didn’t.

Exciting! Hands clapping! Now!

“There is no here, no there; infinity is right before your eyes.” ~ Seng-Ti’an

Much love, Grace

Being Completely Loved Doesn’t Depend on Him/Her

LoveStories2-2016Of the Top Ten Suffering Hits….

….you know, the experiences we humans have that take us to our knees in pain….

….Love is up there.

Romantic love, coupled love, commitment, jealousy, rebellion, anger.

So many times people have come to work with me because of love-gone-wrong.

If it’s not a break up or divorce, then it’s extreme irritation with the one you’re actually with, whether dating them or living with them for 30 years.

Our partners offer tremendous opportunity to look and feel, and question what we believe is real.

And I mean whatever partner you have.

Whether you dated them twice, or hung out with them for most of your life.

And all these experiences with partners (I know some of us have many)?

They can sometimes add up to Big Global Statements about Love.

People say things like the following (I probably have said them all myself at some point):

  • marriage is completely ridiculous, a business deal for asset sharing
  • partners are so great, they help you feel connected to the universe
  • romance, sexuality, lust, ecstasy are highly desired and I must find them at every available opportunity
  • staying in one relationship is super boring
  • staying in one relationship is impossible
  • staying in one relationship is heaven
  • when someone breaks up with you, it’s pure hell
  • long-term relationships are an achievement
It’s awesome to say whatever you say about relationships….
….it’s what you’re feeling and observing in any given moment in time.
But when it causes doubt, a feeling of betrayal, disappointment, or rage….
….you might want to take a good look with inquiry.
Is what you’re thinking really true?
Is it true all the time?
Are you sure what you think means what you think it means?
Do you really need to “x” (leave, stay, get married, find a partner)?
Before you rush in with your answer, I love doing The Work first.
The mind goes all over the map. It can actually oppose itself, depending on what you’re looking at.
Today, it sucks you’re stuck in a marriage. Tomorrow, it sucks he left you.
Who would you really be, in this moment right now, without your thoughts about couples, or romantic love (the ones that hurt–keep the good ones)?
Who would you be right now without the belief that other people should agree with you and hold the same beliefs, otherwise….
Who would you be without the belief that there is danger anywhere, lurking in the background, ready to pounce when it comes to love, falling in love, romance, sex, attraction, wanting, desire, playing, leaving and staying?
I don’t know about you, but at first…..
….I could hardly find it.
There are so many thoughts about what is right and what is wrong, and so much suffering.
Not long ago, someone close to me confessed his desire to divorce his wife of over 20 years.
He already had another lover.
Many people would think in our culture based on the “rules” that this is bad, bad, bad.
He should have waited to move towards someone else.
But the outcome… the SAME.
There is movement outward, to a new life, to a new experience.
Who would you be without the thought people shouldn’t move on to new relationships? In whatever way it takes?
How do you know it’s not a good thing, ultimately?
One of the best things that ever happened to me in my life was my former husband deciding to leave the marriage.
He never left me as a friend and someone connected deeply. We still spend every holiday together with our kids and our new partners. He is a very sweet man, and I’m pretty sure both of us are entirely clear about what an amazing, brave move he made ten years ago to part ways.
It did take me to my knees.
And that….in turn….
….took me to myself in a way I had always dreamed of but never knew I could reach.
The freedom I feel in the center of learning not to be against what happened, or happens, in relationship….
….is truly awe-inspiring.
Your turnarounds could look like this, and you might bust out laughing at the brilliance of it all.
  • marriage is in the mind and doesn’t really matter, it’s whatever you make it
  • partners dismantling your relationship are so great, they help you feel connected to the universe
  • romance, sexuality, lust, ecstasy are highly desired and there is no need to hunt for them….this moment is glorious with myself
  • staying in one relationship is super exciting
  • staying in one relationship is possible
  • staying in one relationship is heaven (the one with YOU)
  • when someone breaks up with you, it’s pure heaven
  • long-term relationships are equal to short-term, there is no “achievement” when it comes to love

If you’re not too sure about any of this, come join me to investigate love relationships that feel weird, stressful, uncertain, dangerous or unsatisfying.

Friday afternoon we’re gonna have a love-investigation fest. Three hours 2-5 pm Pacific Time.
Click HERE to register.

When you investigate, I find you make the most genius moves and choices. You roll with what is presented. You don’t need to control what can’t be controlled anymore.

What a relief.

“When you truly love yourself, it’s not possible to project that other people don’t love you. I like to say, ‘When I walk into a room, I know that everyone in it loves me. I just don’t expect them to realize it yet.’ This gets a big laugh from audiences. People seem to be delighted at how easy it is to feel completely loved, and they see, if only for a moment, that it doesn’t depend on anyone outside.” ~ Byron Katie Newsletter Valentine’s Day 2009

Much love, Grace

Everything is held in Silence

Sit with others to question your stressful thoughts, enter Silence, feel the peace

Ahhhhh, I’ve been in retreat all weekend.

Beautiful people (some I’ve known for years, some brand new friends) have been in and out of little Goldilocks Cottage, where I live and work, for three days.

A dear friend, mentor, teacher, companion along the road of life has been staying with me (or I should say “us”) all weekend.

He’s been the “leader” of the retreat.

I’ve been the “host”.

Isn’t it funny how I’m writing quotations marks around all these roles being played?

But it is a wonderful thing to realize how the mind distinguishes people, who they are, why they’re there, and what they’re doing by defining their positions.

Really…..everyone who attended and gathered together was both teacher and student and host.

Everyone who came contributed, connected, felt the sweetness of being there. Some asked questions, some expressed their difficulties with silence or life, some shared their joys with silence or life.

Dialogues happened, conversations about death and love.

What I notice this morning, as life lives itself forward in this beautiful, strange and heart-breaking world….

….is that within this room where I sit, there is thought….

….and no thought.

That’s what we get to do as we feel the pain our thinking produces, and we turn toward Inquiry instead of assuming what we’re thinking is true.

We get to notice. Everything.

We get to notice more than thought!

Finding peace is not so very difficult.

Not anywhere near as difficult as the mind makes it.

The mind says “it is not here”.

Hard things happen by being a human being including loss, grief, death, disappointment, worry, loneliness, terror.

When I’ve focused on these experiences, without inquiry, they sit and repeat themselves like broken records.

When I wonder if what I’m believing is really true….

….the pain doesn’t necessarily vanish, but there is more here than only pain.

What could be possible without your story?

What story are you swimming in, if you feel sad, despair, anger, or disgust?

I love the four questions.

They are a meditation.

They have led me to sit silently, and contentedly, with people all weekend in my home, without feeling invasion, stress, a need to escape.

The questions have led me like breadcrumbs down a path of peace with life that was here all along.

I just couldn’t see it before.

If you don’t know what to do with your thoughts and it’s very difficult to sit still….

….start taking them through The Work.

No, you don’t have to analyze every single thought, or improve, fix, change or adjust your situation with the perfect solution.

You can be your own teacher and advisor and student and leader as you go back and forth asking and answering the questions.

Or even just the first one: “Is it true?”

“You’re believing someone and something to be you, and it’s not. The truth of your perception is silence. All that commentary, and yet, you are the silent witness. You have never been, not for one second, the mind’s perception. You have never been that your whole life.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt (in conversation with “me” a couple of years ago, followed by great laughter)

Much love,


if you have thoughts and ideas about LOVE and couple-ness and romance you find irritating, disturbing, sad or difficult….join the online Friday afternoon retreat to question your love stories. We’ll meet for three hours (you can come in and drop off any time) and it’s all audio. You can be anonymous or speak up. Click HERE to register ($37).

Who is truly hurt here?

Join me for an online date Friday February 12th…questioning love stories

I get a lot of emails these days.

(Don’t we all).

And I’ve received many lately from people with powerful concerns about the implications of Loving What Is.

Especially when we hear about terrible suffering.

What if “what is”…..

… absolutely horribly devastating?

Maybe it’s in the past and not happening now, but you clearly have the memories. They still haunt you.

When you see the visions of what occurred, you want to run for your life! You want to stop thinking about them. You feel nauseated.

As I began to do The Work after I first read Byron Katie’s book Loving What Is, I really sensed the power of self-inquiry. I knew I was perceiving many situations as stressful, to say the least.

I got that this work is about the relief I could experience by realizing I don’t always know what’s 100% true. Hardly ever.

But I saw some circumstances in the world as so brutal and awful it was hard to even think about them at all. No one could ever “love what is” in those situations….ever, ever.


Even to think someone could, I had the thought that person was nuts. In denial. Wrong. Lacking compassion.

But as I practiced The Work over time, I grew aware that I put some events and situations in a special category.

The category of SICK, BAD, FOREVER WRONG.

Those things we won’t touch.

Sometimes, it’s not possible to love what is. Not for those terrible things, it just isn’t.

But one day, for some strange reason, after doing The Work for awhile on people who I found annoying, and situations I found personally difficult…..

…..I wanted to investigate on a grander scale.

Something inside me knew that if I refused to ever look at these destructive situations, these frightening events, the things I heard about happening to other people that made me feel horror…..

…..I would never truly “get” entirely “loving what is”.

Last weekend Byron Katie was in Seattle, as many of you know, and she spent the day with 750 people, including me.

An incredibly brave woman went up to the stage and sat with Katie in front of all the people in the room and read her worksheet, and then did her work, on surviving sexual violence and abuse during childhood.

After her session with Katie was over, someone stood up in the balcony and shouted, “I can’t take this! It is so wrong! There are some things that are simply unforgivable!”

This equally courageous woman in the balcony had a microphone handed to her, and she shared with us all how she was shaking and feeling horrified.

How it could ever be OK for someone to go through the abusive experience the woman on stage had just described? She was almost in tears.

I think she spoke for many people right there in the room.

She spoke for many people in the world.

She spoke for me, exactly as I had seen it ten years ago while I contemplated all the terrible things humans do to one another. The violence, war, hatred, prejudice, abuse, condemnation, bombs, beatings, rape.

It’s happening right now in the world, in many places.

How could this be acceptable, this story we just heard of dark, dreadful abuse perpetrated by an adult against a child?

How could we be open to loving what is, are you f&%ing kidding me??!

But watch what the mind is doing.

It’s screaming No, No, No, No, No!

It is so terrified, it curls up in a little ball and wants to disappear. It rages against what is.

We think “loving what is” means we are totally OK with what happened.

But that’s not what Byron Katie or The Work is suggesting.


What I’ve found by questioning my thinking and my troubling stories to be, is a doorway into Peace Beyond Beliefs.

I don’t have to defend, I don’t have to “know” what’s right or wrong.

I already know what feels right or wrong, it’s in my very being at the core. I feel the love that is holy, untouched, beautiful and available to everyone. I feel the hatred and tightness and terror the mind can conjure up, the desperation and emptiness.

As I looked in my own life at these difficult situations experienced by humanity, I’ve seen that the perpetrators are also suffering every single time there is abuse and violence.

The haters are not having a good time. The haters are not excited and happy about life. They do not feel a trust of the world and reality.

They also feel small, unimportant, powerless, left behind, hurt, forgotten, damaged, desperate.

Byron Katie famously suggests “defense is the first act of war.”

I looked.

What I see is when I hate someone, or I hate a situation….I hate God, I hate Reality, I hate my circumstances, I hate Those People, I hate All This.

Is this hatred…..all that is, in these horrible situations?

Is it the Truth?

I’m not saying the terrible thing didn’t happen.

I’m just saying I noticed in this mental world of duality, the mind put those experiences and situations and people in the category of WRONG. They were in the category of un-save-able. They were in the category of evil and hell.

How do you react when there’s a dark place in the universe you need to stay away from? That place you KNOW is bad, wrong, sick, evil and terrible?

I spend time making sure I’m defended against “it”.

I’m relying on my own personal thinking to warn me. I’m trusting a small little corner of thought, not the big grand picture. I’m forgetting about love. I’m unaware of the power of forgiveness, compassion, acceptance and rebirth to be possible IN ALL THINGS.

How do you react when you think love can’t help THAT situation (the evil one)?

Horrified. Terrified. Acquiring weapons and arms and building up a fortress of defense. Protecting myself.

Acting like I know better than God.

I know what’s wrong….and God made a mistake by “allowing” this terrible thing to happen.

Who would you be without the belief that you know best? Better than Reality or God or Life?

All I know is, I find a sense of bizarre rest within, where I don’t know why or wherefore or what or how these events and circumstances exist in the human condition…..

…..and I see the suffering very acutely…..

…..but I feel how I am safe right now, I am surrendered to What Is in this moment, I am already accepting what is.

I don’t want to put anyone to death or force anyone into hell.

That’s not my job.

Even if my mind has taken that on, as if it IS my job.

Without the belief that I can’t overcome what appears awful, I actually turn and face the perpetrator. I stay in the room. I become fearless. I wait.

I surrender.

I let Life (God) handle the overwhelming situation.

Meanwhile, I begin to find actual rebirth that comes out of the ashes of violence.

I learn about all the awesome things that come out of terrible things…..

…..and what people discover when they question their need to dictate what is evil and what is not.

“A teacher of fear can’t bring peace on Earth. We have been trying to do it that way for thousands of years. The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is.” ~ Byron Katie

Let peace begin with me.

That way, I know it will happen.

I don’t have to wait anymore.

You can love what is.

Look around you.

Even though terrible things happened….are they happening right now?

Except for your thinking, it’s over.

Stop being the perpetrator of your own suffering.

Question it.

“Who would you rather be–Jesus, who knew who he really was and recognized deep acceptance in his own experience, or his torturers, ignorant of their true nature, totally identified as false images, and deeply at war with themselves? Who would you rather be, the perpetrator or the victim? And who is the real victim–the one who hurts others because of deeply unaccepted pain or the one who experiences pain but knows who he really is within that experience? Who is truly hurt here?” ~ Jeff Foster in The Deepest Acceptance

Much love,


P.S. Do you feel hurt, or at odds, with Couple-Ness? Whether you’re single or partnered or alternating between both….come question your stressful thoughts about romantic love. Online Love Marathon in preparation for VALENTINE’S Day! Friday February 12th. Join for a 3 hour Live Inquiry Session on LOVE Relationships. Question your thinking, enjoy Valentine’s Day. Click HERE to register and join.

I know I’ll feel abundant, satisfied, happy…when I get the thing

Does this look peaceful?
Does this look peaceful?

I’m excited because people are signing up for the new retreat I’m offering March 25-27 in north Seattle on Abundance, Desire and The Work.

I notice is everyone signed up so far has already done a retreat with me in the past.

Which is awesome of course….I love each and every person I get to spend time with and when they return to dive into more of their own work, it’s such an honor to witness.

But if you don’t know me particularly, or even if you DO….

….you might be wondering….

….what is Grace talking about with this Abundance and Desire topic?

The sub-title of the retreat is: Doing The Work on What Keeps Us From What We Really Want–Reality, Now!

But aren’t abundance and desire fun?

Of course they are!


I saw within myself such disappointment, discouragement, unworthiness, sadness and suffering when I didn’t get what I secretly wanted.

I wanted to understand the feeling of being, acting, moving, living and seeing what would happen if I wasn’t motivated by the future, but instead by the present.

We all have visions of what we desire.

Our dreams, goals, wishes, longings.

If only it were like THAT….I would be happy.

OK, maybe I can’t realistically know I’d be happy. But I’m absolutely positive I’d be happier.

How could I not be just a little bit happier if I got that thing I’m dreaming of?

I mean, this is a no-brainer, right?

I dream of more money, I dream of the beautiful soul mate, I dream of being in relationship with “x”, I dream of being addiction-free, I dream of being enlightened, I dream of adventure, joy, bliss, peace, self-realization, adventure, seeing the world, health, happiness.

Maybe I don’t know what it’s really like until I get there, but heck I really, really, really am positive it’s going to be good.

It’s got to be better than this.

Right now I happen to be in the middle of the Money telecourse I teach once or twice a year. The participants are truly amazing at seeing clearly how much they want more money, how sure that money represents safety, ease, independence, power or freedom.

I get it.

I feel like if I won the lottery this afternoon, I’d jump up and down and feel so excited and start planning my trip to Turkey immediately. And buy my new Prius. And update the scratched up floors in my house and fix up the garage.

I have all these personal all-about-me kinds of fun ideas and visions come into my mind.

It gets extended beyond only me, too. I feel altruistic. I’d open a hospice center, I’d open an inpatient treatment center using The Work to address emotional eating, I’d plant trees in my neighborhood where they chopped the diseased ones down.

A man I know longs for a committed partner and everyone thinks he’s a catch. He’d love a companion on this life adventure.

He wants what so many people want….tender conversations, inside jokes, intimate touch, support in hard times.

Another student of mine wants youth and health. She’s on a mission to find healing from her disease and spending all her life savings to rock bottom to live longer than anticipated.

So understandable, and so honestly human.

Nothing wrong with any of these desires and wants.


Have you noticed how you treat this present moment, when you want something different than what’s happening?

Brushing through this and flipping through to the turnaround really speedy and lightly isn’t going to generally feel very clear, easy and peaceful.

For some reason, quickly doing a more positive thinking process goes like this: “Oh yeah, I forgot….I’m gonna concentrate only on loving what is. Doing it! Rock on!!”

Maybe sometimes this actually “works” to move our minds into a different way of perceiving by jumping to the opposite. But usually, my mind then once again returns to the wishing, slowly but surely….

….unless I do The Work.

Unless I really, really take a look at what is Now and what is Desired and investigate closely to see what’s true, for me, genuinely and honestly.

So let’s say you want ______.

You know what it is.

Admit it. You don’t have to tell anyone.

It’s OK if it’s money. Again.

But maybe it’s something else.

The most important thing I’ve found to understand what happens in this process is to hold still and focus on that one dream you have, that thing you wish for, without jumping to something else.

Get that picture as clearly as possible in your head of that life you so desire.

Compare it to right now.

Yep. It’s better over there.


Is it true?

Are you sure if you take a bite of that yummy delicious thing, you’ll feel better?

Yes, yes, yes.

I am positive that if I just had one bite of food in this terribly hungry moment, I will feel better.

I’ve proven it 1000 times.

It feels good to eat when starving and ahhhh, I get so relieved.

I am positive if I had one word of praise from that awesome, sexy hunk of a man I would feel thrilled….and better than this boring moment here.

I am positive if I had a million dollars descend on me through the lottery channels or some special winning that I would feel ecstatic….and have more options and a changed life from this limited scarce reality.

Notice how there are two visions.

This One Here Now.

That One There Then.

And we get so sure the other one is better, right?

I know how I act when I believe my life would be better, enhanced, joyful, thrilling, adventurous, calmer, blissful, free….IF I only had that thingie come true.

I’m in pursuit.

I’m waiting.

I’m reaching for that delicious carrot and it keeps moving just a wee teensy bit out of reach so I’m almost falling over trying to get it, and never succeeding.

Can you feel it in your body, when you’re reaching?

Stretch, reach, strain, tighten, reach, cramp, push, run, exhaust, try more, try different, try again.

But who would you be without the belief that the thingie you want, that vision you see or feel so sure of in your mind….

….will give you happiness?


You mean.

Are you saying there’s no possibility of happiness?


That’s WORSE!

You’re taking all my hope away….oh no!!

Hand wringing!

Please don’t take my hope. That’s the only thing I have to hold on to. I’m reaching maybe….but it keeps me going. Please.

I will get there.

I will get that person, place, condition, enlightened state of being!!


Who would I be without the thought that something else will make me happier?


OK, so slow it down.


Nothing will be destroyed, except maybe a few thoughts here and there. Look around, everything is still the same, OK?

You are simply considering who you would be WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT of a future happy place.

No getting better, later.

Stay. Stay. Don’t rush off.

This is it, right here.

This is what you got.

Here it is.

If you’re like me….it’s bloody difficult to stay, with this genius mind so good at imagining improvements and possibilities.

I’m not saying you have to give up your mind, though.

What if this is it….and “it” includes your brain thinking away and dreaming and conjuring up brilliant (and troubling) ideas?

Say: “Thank you mind, for showing me about 150 movies at the same time about the future and about the past. With the sound playing on all of them. At once.”

And then leave the movie-playing alone and let it do it’s thing.

But notice what else is here.

Who are you, without this belief that the Thing will get you to some better place?

(Thing = money, love, health, jelly bean, success, awakeness).

The mind will say…..


This seriously can’t be “it”.

This is freakin’ boring.

Nothing’s going on.





THIS is it?


Can you hear the deafening Silence? Can you feel how OK you are no matter what you’ve ever been through in your entire life that’s hard? Can you feel how OK you are if you never achieve that future vision you’ve been hoping for?

Turning the thought around: There is no “better”, in the future. Even five minutes from now. There is no “worse” that once happened before. It’s all a figment. It’s all images and movies playing in various and completely different genres (horror, winner, tragedy, comedy).

All that goin’ on?

It’s all just the mind, doing it’s THANG.

Sing to it now….

You are more than your mind working it out.

Sit still with that part of you that immediately follows the mind. Let it not race behind the pictures your mind shows you so quickly. Let it walk more slowly.

Widen the gap between thinking about your dreams and sorrows….

….and reality.

If I can attempt this, if I can stop just a minute….

….so can you.

“The things you think you love–you have no idea–you don’t…You can’t get away with it [being against what is] because your true nature is kind. Everyone’s trying with all their might to believe what they don’t believe. We believe our thoughts, and Hell is created.” ~ Byron Katie in Seattle 1/2016

If you need a little help, with the support of others to stay focused on inquiry and set yourself free from the difficulty of wanting what you don’t have….

….come to the Abundance and Desire Retreat.

Here’s what I am finding out over time, through the powerful support of inquiry. (You may be surprised).

Everything is here right now for my happiness. It’s amazing.

It’s astonishing.

As you realize this, right here in this moment….

….as you notice that everything you need is here now, you are inspired, astonished, relaxing, laughing, calming down, finding peace, hearing, feeling.

All those things, conditions, experiences, people or items you wanted before, so that you’d feel happy?

Completely unnecessary.

Happiness is present.

And THEN….they begin to happen after all. Now.

“Serenity is within, do not seek it without.” ~ the Buddha

Much love,


Join the Abundance and Desire Retreat. Doing The Work on what keeps us from what we really want: Reality Now! March 25-27. Friday night through Sunday afternoon. $295. Three private rooms plus a couple of very comfy air mattresses available if you need to stay overnight (just ask).