Eating Peace: the way you eat matches your feelings about need and desire

Many of us are overwhelmed with what is lacking in our lives, not just with some kind of peace around food and eating.

It feels like we have needs and desires that are impossible to meet, or everlasting.

But what if you could approach all your emotional needs and desires in your life in a balanced way, just like peaceful eating?

Eating in a way that works feels like trusting the hunger, trusting the movement to the food, feeling yourself happily with pleasure, stopping when you’ve had enough.

It’s slow, calm, satisfying, patient.

Good news: when you deeply commit to a calm way of eating, your other needs and desires….those emotional ones…..

….will also fall into place.

You won’t need to grab, sneak, demand, consume ravenously. You’ll know when you’ve had enough. You won’t need to starve yourself.

You can allow yourself to need, without fear of the consequences.

Slow down and feel it, waiting to see what’s right, what each bite is like. Sense it.

Your body tells you when to stop and when to go–you don’t even have to think about it.

Emotional needs and desires fall into place, and will be satisfied, when you find peace and balance in your eating
Emotional needs and desires fall into place, and will be satisfied, when you find peace and balance in your eating



P.S. Eating Peace Online starts November 17. We meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays live (9-10:30 am Pacific time) but all recordings are included and you can watch webinars, and listen. Get your needs met with food and body, get emotional needs and desires met, too.