Year of Inquiry

As mid-summer comes to a peak, even though it’s still two months away….

….its time to open up applications to Year of Inquiry 2015-2016!!

Actually, a bunch of people already applied when I first put the word out a few months ago.

There’s already a fantastic group assembling.

What is Year of Inquiry?

It’s a group that gets to be like family, where we all dial-in to tele-sessions every month for an entire year. We laugh, we cry, we really investigate deeply our innermost beliefs about life, other people, mother, father, children, money, body, our stressful situations.

Every month is a different topic for inquiry.

You join to practice doing The Work regularly.

You connect with others in a remarkably unique way: at a profoundly honest level. To do this work, you have to reveal what you’re thinking.

It takes courage.

If you’re like me….this doesn’t come super easy. You may be someone who notices you don’t really get around to actually doing The Work, unless you schedule it, get a partner, hire a facilitator.

Looking at your mind is tricky for your ego.

OK, not just tricky….TERRIFYING.

(I know it’s hard to identify what an “ego” actually is…let’s just say it’s the self-centered, worried, anxious, fixated mind that likes to imagine stressful things and considers the world dangerous).

The ego, it seems, would LOVE for you to NEVER do The Work.

It spends a lot of time and energy, that ego, making sure you’re not looking at things clearly, you’re striving towards a goal, you’re getting distracted, or you’re escaping (with alcohol, drugs, or overeating for example).

It’s just a little skittish.

Doing The Work breaks all this down.

The ego….BUSTED!

Excited? Curious? Ready?

If you’re interested in applying or asking me questions about YOI, click right HERE. You can type in anything, and I’ll get back to you soon. All you need to do is answer a few question to apply, and send me yours.

I can not WAIT to see who the awesome folks who gather together to learn, expand, grow, un-do our stressful thoughts, understand our addictions, and support each other in waking up.

This is truly what we’re doing.

Waking up to our natural selves, and what its like to answer the question….

….Who would you be without that stressful story?

Wow. Amazing idea.

Some people renew for YOI every year, and they’ll do it again, because life without believing your past pain takes practice.

Maybe lots of practice!

I’ve been doing The Work for over ten years now.

And honestly? It just keeps getting better and better.

I can hardly believe something has stuck for me as a regular, steady interest for this long. I was always going on to the next new method or new psychology or new philosophy.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I still love learning about new modalities.

But The Work? It actually works.

It’s changed my inner life entirely….and because of this, my outer life is totally different too.

Let’s do The Work! Join me in Year of Inquiry.

“Everything I need, in order to know the Truth, is given to me in the Silence. I call it The Work.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,
P.S. If you need to try out tele-sessions first, that’s what Summer Camp is for and it’s underway right now until August 7th. Email me by hitting reply, and you can try a Summer Camp call.