Feeling Beloved On Earth With Any Holiday

Being Beloved On Earth
Being Beloved On Earth

If you were hanging out with family or friends during the past several days, not everyone finds this to be the easiest thing ever.

“Holidays are a hard time of year”.

People say this all the time, right?

They’re an intense time, a time of raised energy, out of the ordinary, hanging out, conversations, truth-telling, staying home from work, seeing people you may see rarely, travel, different food, triggered memories.

I always expected and loved going to be with family on holidays….I even had one time in my early 20s when I didn’t return home (the place I grew up) and was super sad and thought ‘I’ll never do that again!’

Stories can be very ingrained about holidays, and how you’re supposed to feel, or who you’re supposed to be with, how you hope others feel.

If it doesn’t go the way you dream of….uh oh.

Bad story.

Just for a short moment, right now….even if you LOVE what you’ve been doing these holidays….

….who would you be without the belief that it needs to be like “x”?

Without the beliefs, for example, that you need to give the right gifts, receive the right gifts, smooth out old bumps, connect with people just right, have a good feeling on the inside, make sure everyone around you (your kids, your mate, your friends, your siblings, your parents) look and act and say they are happy, eat well (but not too much), feel connected to the universe just so….

….who would you be without any beliefs that it needs to go a certain way, or be like that perfect looking picture in your head?

What if how it went is exactly the best, most right, most wonderful, advantageous, friendly way it could go?

Even if you felt troubled or worried or uncertain.

Even if something difficult happened.

“And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.” ~ Raymond Carver

Much love, Grace

Click here to register for teleclass about calling yourself beloved when it comes to money. Tuesdays 5:15 pm Pacific time 8 weeks starting January 6.