August Session Summer Camp For The Mind

Very short one today everybody: Summer Camp For The Mind for August, the final frontier, starts next week.

Here are the dates for our month:

Mondays 8/4 and 8/18 4-5:30 pm

Tuesdays 8/5 and 8/19 8-9:30 am

Thursdays 8/14 and 8/28 9:30-11 am

All you need to do is dial the number and show up. It’s nice if you have a pen and paper somewhere close, but you don’t even really need that.

You can close your eyes, and inquire.

We always start with writing a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet, and then do The Work on at least one concept.

The collection of situations and thoughts are fascinating, and we share the power of group inquiry.

If you want to join, it’s only $97 for the month, and you pick whatever calls you want to join.

Or all of them. Seriously.

Sign up for August by clicking HERE. So good for practicing inquiry, and un-doing those pesky repetitive beliefs about your life.

We’re undoing those stories that create havoc, addictive behavior, stress, sadness or anxiety. This is a great way to get started with a supportive, connected group.

Or keep your practice going, to get to the heart of your own deepest work.

Come join us!

Much love,
