Road Trip! But I’ll Still Be With You!

The magnificent Serenity Retreat is solidifying. Some incredible people are attending. Please visit my newly updated page to read about what’s being offered for this very high-end intensive in November 2014.

The fee is $12,997 but you’ll be quite astonished at what this includes and who you’ll get to rub elbows with. Take a look.

We’ll dive into inquiry and swim….coming out the other side with a new look at our own leadership of our lives, and what’s next.


Today, I’m on my way to Ca-li-for-ni-ay! Road trip!

I will be in silent retreat with a small group very soon. But believe it or not, I plan on writing Grace Notes this time every night.

Because they are like my own meditative inquiry process, and I love sharing with you.

Here’s a few pics from the recent Breitenbush retreat.

I hope you’ll join me for a class soon (see the colored list below after my signature) or the Meetup The Work of Byron Katie North Seattle on July 26th from 2-4 pm at the Lake Forest Park Library (google and RSVP).


Much love,