I’ve Arranged Complimentary Access For You…

Right now, I’m attending a special small group retreat in the high mountains of Colorado with such fabulous people and mentors.

Unlike my usual shenanigans out in the world, this retreat is focused on business, money, mindset, marketing and creativity.

I love it!!

Because I’m occupied deeply in the work I’m doing from morning through late evening, I’m sharing something a little different today.

Not long ago, I was interviewed by the delightful Abby Gooch who centers her work in intuition…studying intuition and its presence in all her life, but most especially in business.

When she and I talked both on an off the camera, I realized how intuition as we were seeing it, becomes clearer and clearer as we dissolve stressful beliefs.

When you question beliefs about anything….but in this case, money and business (the ones that feel bad) life begins to feel soooo much easier and relaxed and abundant.

That sure is what happened for me.

Intuition, says Abby, is how your soul speaks to you.

And by your soul, she means the eternal piece of you that’s connected to everything and everyone in the universe. The mysterious center of you.

It already knows what to do, quietly, silently.

Abby knows, and I have experienced this as well, that if you learn to listen to, trust and follow the guidance your intuition gives…

(and questioning your thoughts helps this grow louder so you can hear it without confusion)

…it will lead you step-by-step, moment-by-moment to the people, resources, actions and inspirations that will help you create an exciting, adventure in business and/or work and your relationship to money–a marvellous story, not an upsetting one.

Following your intuition, once you can really hear it, you can live a sweet, peaceful, joyful, restful life…the one you may dream about in a happy dream.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to this one-of-a-kind online summit…(because I’m one of the speakers, holy moly!)…

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Intuition to Income

21 Days of World-Class Training

Reserve Your Complimentary Pass Here: Register Now!

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Intuition to Income Global Summit is hosted by my friend Abby Gooch, the founder of Life Force Connection.

She’s a talented intuitive coach who helps her clients learn to listen to, trust and act on the guidance their intuition provides.

Intuition to Income Global Summit features a faculty of entrepreneurs from around the world who have learned how to tap into and follow their intuition to create rewarding and lucrative businesses.

Each day for 21 days, you’ll get access to a new interview. Listen to it at your leisure. Soak up the energy. Start to implement the proven strategies these entrepreneurs have proven will work.  It’s meant to support you on your soul path.

I’m humbled to say that Abby has invited me to participate. I hope that you’ll tune in to hear what I have to share.  Click here to see who else is speaking, and to reserve your place:


Learning how to listen to, trust and act on your intuitive guidance is something that happens when you feel the impact of continuous inquiry, un-doing your painful thinking.

Hearing the voice within, the peace feeling inside, transforms your life.

As you align with your soul, you feel more connected and “on purpose.” You create better relationships and attract the perfect clients. And you build the right business for you–one that is lucrative and that changes lives.

I know because I’ve done it. And I’d love to share what I’ve learned.

Will you join me? Reserve your place here: Register Now!

Much love, Grace

P.S. If you’ve dreamed of earning a great living while doing work that you love and making a big impact, Intuition to Income Global Summit is a great event to attend–and you’ll get to see me tell my money story.