Summer Camp Freedom!

Summer Camp For The Mind is coming soon!

You can join for one month, or two, or all three…any months you choose for June, July, August.

What’s Summer Camp For The Mind?

It’s a program to support your inner enlightenment, give you community of other like-minded inquirers, make time to connect with others, refine your practice in self-inquiry using The Work, and keep awareness alive of questioning who you are and what you believe that creates stress.

Instead of nodding off to sleep, like I’ve done so often.

We do all this with live sessions and sharing online in a private forum.

Whether your primary issue right now is a partner, being single, money, job, boss, mother, father, overeating, sister, child, neighbor, pain, addiction, death…

…all of the above (so many encounters have perhaps created confusion, worry or discomfort in the past)…

…you get to look very deeply at your thinking, and you might discover what you’re looking at changes.

I’ve offered so many call-in times for Summer Camp For The Mind that you are almost certain to get some individual attention at a fraction of the cost of solo sessions.

There will be live 90 minute dial-in sessions on Monday late afternoons, Tuesday mornings, and Thursday later mornings, all Pacific time.

Plus a private email web forum for posting your work and sharing insights and finding partners to work with.

Check out the Summer Camp for The Mind page for more information by clicking right HERE.

A rare opportunity unlike anything I’ve ever offered.

Each month is only $97 for everything available during that entire month: live calls, online written exercises, forum sharing.

You just write to me and say which month you want to participate, or you can click here now if you’re joining for June:


You don’t even need to pack your bags, or bring your toothbrush…all you need to bring is an open mind.

Woohoo! Summer Camp! Freedom!

Much love, Grace