Your Stressful Thoughts Are Knocking–Open The Door

One spot left for Saturday’s mini-retreat doing The Work. Two days away! This is doing The Work starting from scratch. You don’t need to know anything about self-inquiry….just bring yourself and your amazing MIND.

I will walk you through the steps one-by-one. No experience needed. (Write if that last spot is yours).

If you are NOT new to The Work, then you’ll know that this process of doing The Work is a contemplative, focused practice that gives your busy mind time the chance to be heard…and questioned.

No issue is too big or too small for The Work. Kinda like an ad in the newspaper for odd-jobs or handy-work.

Who knows….you may think all you have is a small leak in the roof when it rains hard, and it turns out the whole attic is saturated, once you open up the area that looks slightly damaged.

It’s like when I work with someone who comes to me because they feel a little dowdy or overweight, a little unhappy about their body…even though it’s also not a big deal in the big scheme of things.

We may look at all the beliefs they have about why it would be “better” to have a different body, a more improved body, or what is going on in the moment they eat too much or reach for food. Those are interesting to question.

And THEN I might ask “so…what else brings on stress in your life? What else feels disappointing or uncomfortable?”

Oh. You mean, my unpleasant relationship with my body or eating might be related to stressful thinking, doubt, grief, sadness, rage, or terror?

The process of thinking is so fast, speedy, busy, winding and semi-logical (ha) that it’s hard to even KNOW what thoughts we have that we believe that we’re running on.

All we know is, we feel anxious, nervous, angry, irritated, sad, depressed….a whole slew of stressful feelings.

The Work is a ticket, if you like to “think” and work with this fast, brilliant mind, into how to address these feelings.

I find that feelings and thoughts line up every time. If I’m afraid, or upset, or angry, I’m believing something unpleasant, I’m worried about the future, I’m imagining bad thing occurring, I’m replaying a distant (or not-so-distant) memory.

But it moves so fast, almost like those subliminal messages we once heard about in advertising, flashing on our consciousness. We don’t register our thoughts clearly.

They’re there, then gone.

Suddenly, we feel like overeating, or drinking, or we make a caustic remark, or we tell a lie or gossip about someone, or we decide its time to move to another town, or another job, or we can’t sleep, or we feel jealous.

With The Work, we enter at the place that hurts, even if it’s only a sunburn, or a hang nail, or a pulled muscle, or a feeling of total annoyance at the traffic, or some doubt or worry about our childhood, or money, or our business, or being chronically late, or wanting endlessly to lose ten pounds.

We enter at the doorway that’s offered to us that says “YOUR STRESSFUL THOUGHTS” on it.

When we open that door, we may find quite a few thoughts inside. That may be an understatement of the century!

With The Work, or any powerful self-inquiry method of looking, watching, observing and relaxing….those stressful beliefs become very questionable.

And when you don’t believe those thoughts anymore….amazing things can occur.

You may see the beauty in that person who bugs you, you may find your body is quite lovely the way it is, you may not be compelled to eat or drink so much, you may remember your childhood with compassion, you may not be afraid of not having money, or getting sick.

You may find you begin to sleep well, or lose weight without trying, or start liking your job again, or open up a flow of money. You may be filled with a deep gratitude.

All things are possible.

Love, Grace

They Might Reject Me

Close, connected, real, honest conversation is one of the most joyful or energizing experiences humans can have.

People speaking what they really think and feel, and asking questions of another, and saying what is hard to reveal or what’s actually going on in their lives can be life-shifting.

Really….one conversation can have such a powerful affect on someone, they may decide to change something big in their lives, or feel inspired to move in a direction only previously imagined.

This essence of genuine, vulnerable sharing has been something human beings do with each other perhaps since they first came into existence.

And humans also hold back what they are thinking, feeling, wondering. They hold back asking questions or bringing up hard topics.

For me, when I’ve had a difficult time saying something to someone that I really do want to say, or asking a question I’d really love to know the answer to….it’s usually got something to do with these beliefs:

  1. I could be rejected
  2. I could hurt the other person’s feelings
  3. If I hurt the other person’s feelings, they might leave or hate me—see #1.

Oh horrors! I might produce anger, disappointment, sadness, frustration or fear in that other person! They might produce the same inside of me!

I jest….but it feels like a gigantic risk when these big troubling feelings could happen and BECAUSE of these feelings, you could be rejected.

One of my favorite authors and wise-guys, Anthony DeMello, said that he discovered inside himself that he had this kind of relationship with God (whatever God was for him).

He wanted God’s love, attention, care…and thought there was a risk of losing these things.

But being the defiant and interesting Jesuit priest he was, he decided to talk with God and tell him that he didn’t need him. Even though this was the opposite approach he had grown up with and always been taught.

“If I need you to make me happy, I’ve got to use you, I’ve got to manipulate you, I’ve got to find ways and means of winning you. I cannot let you be free. I can only love people when I have emptied my life of people. When I die to the need for people, then I’m right in the desert. In the beginning it feels awful, it feels lonely, but if you can take it for a while, you’ll suddenly discover that it isn’t lonely at all. Is is solitude, it is aloneness, and the desert begins to flower.”~ Tony DeMello

So I question the belief “being rejected is terrible” first of all….and then the belief “I am being rejected”. I mean, I have to assume I’m being rejected first, and THEN that it’s a bad thing, a terrible thing, and something to avoid!

It’s terrible if someone doesn’t like me, rages at me, attacks me, is rude….it’s terrible if they become scared of me and run away, or feel ashamed because of some interaction with me, or vanish.

Is that true? Am I sure it’s terrible? Am I sure that they are indeed rejecting ME?

No. Their strong emotions may show that they are challenged by something that has nothing to do with me. They might be too freaked out to hear what I’m saying, they might be upset by something that has occurred in their past, they might feel defensive because they are uncertain and insecure.

How they are acting MEANS something bad…rejection, non-acceptance, abandonment, danger.

How about the Universe? If upsetting, difficult things happen in the world, surrounding me, does it mean I am bad, wrong, rejected, abandoned?

Is it true that I need God (or the Universe, if you prefer) to love me, and that I need to earn this love and make sure I’m not rejected? OR ELSE.

Pema Chodron speaks of this huge desire to be loved and not rejected. In Buddism, it is called “shenpa”.

“Somebody says a mean word to you and then something in you tightens – that’s the shenpa. Then it starts to spiral into low self-esteem, or blaming them, or anger at them, denigrating yourself. And maybe if you have strong addictions, you just go right for your addiction to cover over the bad feeling that arose when that person said that mean word to you. This is a mean word that gets you, hooks you. Another mean word may not affect you but we’re talking about where it touches that sore place – that’s a shenpa.” ~Pema Chodron

The freedom that can come forth by questioning the belief that you need acceptance, or that you’re not getting it, is astonishing.

Who would you be without the thought that you need anyone else’s love, including God’s love?

What if you already have all the love you need?

You may enjoy those beautiful, deep, authentic, loving conversations even more. The people who can really have them with you, in this moment in time, may appear with open arms.

If someone runs for the hills….it’s not personal. Love is everywhere. It is in them leaving, it is in their strong caustic-sounding words, it is alive and passionate in every moment.

Even this quiet one, with no one else in the room.

“If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. If you stay in the center and embrace death with your whole heart, you will endure forever.”~Tao Te Ching #33

Love, Grace

No Money Is Exciting


This morning was the last Monday of the always-wonderful teleclass on Money. It seems that money (and maybe everything comes down to this) leads to thoughts about existence. Money appears to be the cure for many forms of pain.

In this last exercise for the money class, we all consider a scene or situation that seems terrible, the worst perhaps that could happen when it comes to money, or lack of it.

Many people have visions of living on the street, or in a field with tarps overhead, with a shopping cart as the only method of carrying things. Cold, no food, no way to bathe.

Just yesterday, I rode in the front passenger seat returning from a beautiful sunny afternoon with family in Seattle (at my mother’s). Since my husband was driving the car, I looked into the bushes and trees and wild areas for a long stretch in the main north-south freeway in this big urban city that I’ve mostly called home base for forty years.

I saw whole group camps in there, people living in tents. Flashing by. It seems like I’ve seen this in every city I’ve ever visited, all over the world. Some maybe more prominent than others.

I saw tarps strung up between trees, another tent, worn trails that looked like hiking trails out in the wilderness, then one person walking along one of them.

We passed so quickly, it’s something not possible to even see unless I was not driving. I’ve noticed the same area for years, actually.

What is frightening about this scenario of what looks like homelessness? In our class, a wonderful inquirer thought about the cold…how terrible to be physically cold.

I think about walking the winding trails near the freeway myself, and notice fear of the people who live there being scary…that they might want to hurt me, they might be mean and desperate.

So together in our class we looked….and today I’m looking again, and thinking of the blue and black tarps and signs of humans living in the trees.

How do I react when I believe the thought that I would get hurt if I had to find a place to stay and didn’t know where? If I was stuck somewhere without money? If all I had was my car, or not even that but only a cart?

How do I react when I believe that it would be dangerous, terrifying, disturbing?

Have you ever noticed that one way you react is that you get mad at yourself for getting into this situation? You get mad at those other people who pushed you into this, or contributed to your demise?

I notice if I wasn’t afraid though, I wouldn’t get angry.

Who would I be without the thought that I made a mistake, I did it wrong, or that if I were walking in those bushes or living on the sidewalk or without any money, I would get attacked or suffer?

What if I really were in the middle of that situation that I imagine, cold and without money and not knowing where I was sleeping perhaps, owning nothing….and I did not have the thought that I failed, or something is wrong here, or that life is not worth living?

This is not about conning yourself into positive thinking, or telling yourself to think happy thoughts and “trust” when you do NOT trust.

This process here is about inquiring and asking myself who I would be without the fear of having a “bad” relationship with Money? Meaning, there isn’t any around to help me.

Who would I be without the thought that I need money to be safe, productive, comfortable or happy?

Free, free, free. Can you imagine it?

When I had no money left, my house on the way to foreclosure, I discovered that I might “have” to (it became—I might GET to) move in with my mother.

I realized what a joy that would be. How healing, what an opportunity. A time to make everything entirely and completely simple. Safe, focused, few possessions, comfortable, excited.

“You know what I love is everyone is all right. Everyone is all right. Find one place where you are not all right. I mean, you have not one proof that you’re not going to be all right when you look to your own life. Can anyone give me an example of one time when you were not OK? Other than what you were thinking and believing in your worst moment…were you OK?” ~Byron Katie

Could this situation be an adventure? What if I’m the luckiest person ever to have had that experience of having no money left in the bank?

But most important of all, what if that situation is now a memory, and right now the adventure is different. The amusement park ride has switched tracks. It is no longer necessary at this moment to be without money. And that could change any moment.

“Wherever you are is the place for surrender. Whatever the situation is that you’re in, you can say “yes” to what is, and that is then the basis for all further action….The desire to renounce the world is again the desire to reach a certain state that you don’t have now. There’s a mental projection of a desirable state to reach–the state of renunciation. It’s self-seeking through future. In that sense, it is ego. True renunciation isn’t the desire to renounce; it arises as surrender. You cannot have a desire to surrender because that’s non-surrender.”~Eckhart Tolle

Identify whatever it is that scares you the most about money. Not having it. Having it. Those other people having it. Those other people not having it.

“Other than your mind, you’re on a very exciting adventure.” ~ Byron Katie

Love, Grace
P.S. We have room for 3 more in next Saturday afternoon’s mini-retreat. If MONEY is the relationship that troubles you…come give yourself a gift of 4 hours looking at your stressful thoughts about it. Who knows what letting go of thoughts of needing, wanting, demanding, fretting, or worrying about money, or ANY relationship, might bring?