Outer Ducks and Inner Ducks

All the many of you with questions about Powerful Living, click HERE to hopefully get them all answered. Amazing fee of only $69 for our first time, as three women (me included) combine to offer a rockin’ awesome workshop for women in Seattle. We want you!

Lately in the past year, I’ve been asked by many people for sessions in how to market, or grow a business, or get clients, or create workshops, or for copies of my curriculum.

Quite a few people think I’ve really gotten my ducks in a row, as the saying goes.

So odd, I’ve had a funny feeling about it…..like “your’re askin’ ME? I have no idea!”

I realize of course I DO have ideas, many of them, and I am virtually bursting with energy and joy and eagerness to learn….and honestly, even if it sounds hokey, the feeling of being of great service.

When I work with people who have had enormous struggles with weight, body acceptance, cravings for food, compulsive and emotional eating….I stopped talking about the actual details of the food a long time ago.

In other words, I knew not to talk about diet, nutrition, calories, raw vs cooked, vegan, meat, junk food, sugar, wheat, dairy….or whatever else has been educational and so important for people.

Those topics fill whole master’s degrees in nutrition and cellular biology. Each person is unique and every single body has its own path. All kinds of things contribute to what works and what doesn’t.

There are incredible experts in the world who can really, really help with this piece…it’s the part where you get your outer ducks together.

You research, read, consult experts, and land on your personal approach to food. You feel what it is for your body, based on many contributing factors. I have loved, for example, learning about ayurvedic medicine. But that is NOT for everyone.

My skill and passion is in getting the inner ducks in a row.

If someone said “tell me what you eat all day every day” then I know they are feeling really shaky about all the outer messages about what is right, wrong, good, bad, best, or worst way to eat. They don’t know that they can find out what’s best for them.

It’s normal to feel super crazy uncertain about all of it. Especially when we’ve lost any sense of inner trust with ourselves. Especially when something is new and we Don’t Know Anything.

But what if you just arrived from another planet, and you had no idea which food (or marketing) was “good” or “bad”, and you knew this universe was friendly, and you’re ready for the adventure of learning?

What if everything edible had some beauty in it, and there was no danger of making a mistake, or missing something, or doing it wrong?

What if you learned only what was appealing to study, without any “shoulds” or “have-to’s”.

You might be like me, and give up reading nutrition and diet books (at least for now). Although I’m grateful for the knowledge I gained from the ones I did read.

You might also be NOT like me, and become an amazing dietician, offering people ideas and education and saving them years of time and energy.

Running a business and working with people one-to-one and creating workshops and marketing and writing….all of these pieces of what I know have been like the diet/nutrition side of success. The end result, the outer duck activity. Not really my forte or what I find as fun.

With marketing and running a business, I am a baby. I’ve learned a ton, I’ve tossed out stuff, I’ve found some things very appealing, I’ve found others smelly.

I’ve questioned my thinking.

My own little path, landing here on this planet and starting to learn and read and gather and research about how people offer service in exchange for making a living. Mixing it all in with my unique interests.

If you are on the path of service and you are “in business” for yourself, and especially if you’re new at it, you may have lots of questions…

….but I say here as a reminder, remember to look at your inner reasons for feeling overwhelmed, or uncertain, or like you don’t know.

Yes, you will and can read, take classes, go to lectures, consult professionals.

But inside, get those inner ducks in a row, and everything will be easier and things will become clear.

Who would you be without your story that you don’t know what to do (and you should) or that you don’t have business or sales experience (its too hard to learn) or that you feel too scared of rejection or that you just need to know the right business “diet” and then all will be well?

You might encounter today the one little interesting step you can take in building your business that has total integrity for you.

You might feel the joy of DIY (doing it yourself) and creating out of nothing something that makes a difference.

“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving. A good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants. A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is.”~Tao Te Ching #27

I know that whoever you are, whatever work you do, whatever business you’re starting, whatever body you have, whatever relationship you’re in or out of….you are in exactly the right place, right now, with the right amount of love and knowledge, and a mind that can question itself.

To think otherwise is very stressful. I speak from experience.

Who would you be without the thought that you need to do something or add something to yourself or get something….or else you will fail?

“As soon as you grant this moment its right to be, there’s total stillness.”~Adyashanti

Love, Grace

P.S. If you’re ready to work on the Inner Ducks and see if they at least begin to assemble into a row (ha)…then the next Earning Money class starts in June on Thursday evenings Pacific time. We get deep into all the stressful thoughts we’re having about what we need more of, or less of, to be successful (and what is success or failure, anyway?) Doing what you do, whether at a job or in business, with freedom, is more fun than doing it because you should, you need to, or you have to. Click below on the Earning Money link to register. This class fills these days, limited to 10 people max.