Cell Phone Hissy Fit

I will never forget several years ago when I was at The New Year’s Cleanse, where Byron Katie does the work with people up on stage, one after the other, all day long.

A man sat in the chair and read his stressful concepts out loud about his COMPUTER.

I remember thinking…seriously? Not death, cancer, losing everything, addiction, war, or abuse? You’re stressed about your computer?

Cut to 2 days ago at midnight, when I am refusing to go to bed until I figure out how to use my new iphone. Who cares about sleeping! It’s more important to get my voicemails on this dangum phone!!

Like the way a dog holds on to a bone.

Many of us have these kinds of thoughts about the devices we use and encounter in our daily lives:

  • I HATE learning about this
  • looking at screens is boring, stupid and a waste of time
  • this should be easy
  • maybe there is something wrong with me since I am a) not interested, b) not going as fast as other humans, c) too interested
  • I need to read my email, Facebook, texts
  • I need to respond to my email, Facebook, texts
  • something is wrong, I have to adjust this/fix this/change this

Even in a moment like this, with a new technical device, a broken refrigerator, a different software program, a computer problem…..even this moment offers a chance to question your beliefs.

You get the opportunity, right there in that moment when someone cuts you off in traffic, when your toilet overflows, when your car breaks down….to observe yourself and your thinking.

In the big scheme of things, it may not be that getting a phone to work is that big of a deal. It’s not a huge threat.

I get to see in that moment that I am resisting what is, not loving what is…I am ARGUING WITH A PHONE!

“Use anger as your spiritual practice….you may only have 2 or 5 seconds to catch it. Here it comes. You don’t suppress it. Witness it…..Be thankful for your anger, because through it, awareness can grow….You have to recognize that these are thought-forms that arise in your mind, but you do not have to believe in them. It’s not the truth, it’s a distortion.”~Eckhart Tolle

I turn around all my thinking about this situation: this phone should NOT work right now, I don’t need to respond to email, this shouldn’t be easy, and it might be fun to learn more.

There is nothing wrong. Nothing wrong with me, the phone, or what time it is.

This place of experiencing nothing as being “wrong” or of NOT being AGAINST what is happening can come forward from anywhere. Even arguments with technology.

“If you pay attention, you’ll notice that you think thoughts like this dozens of times a day. “People should be kinder.” “Children should be well-behaved.” “My neighbors should take better care of their lawn.” “The line at the grocery store should move faster.” “My husband (or wife) should agree with me.” “I should be thinner (or prettier or more successful).” These thoughts are ways of wanting reality to be different than it is. If you think that this sounds depressing, you’re right. All the stress that we feel is caused by arguing with what is.”~Byron Katie

Today I notice, I hardly think about the phone. I work with clients, I’m on the phone with all the wonderful people in a teleclass, I feel the sun on my arm through the window.

I love this new addition to my life. A phone with a purple case that I’m learning how to use. And if it goes away, that will be OK too.

Just like other things that have entered my life, required me to learn something new. Like people. Or other “bigger” more stressful situations.

Here in this situation, I get to practice allowing reality to be the way it is. Here in this one, I know I can.

What is your most recent “cell phone hissy fit?” Question your thinking….you never know…it could bring you peace, joy, and laughter. Enlightenment.

Love, Grace