Cash, Wealth, Money and Loving What Is NOW

The topic of money is very juicy. It seems there is an on-going human interest in getting it, needing it, wanting it, planning for it, earning it, spending it, saving it.

In the most simple terms, it appears that it’s better to have money than not have money. So we dive in to figuring out in this big monopoly game board of life the answer to the question: HOW DO I GET MORE?

People sort and sift through many ideas about how money is earned or received. It seems we can “do” something (get a job, offer service, offer a product) and then money is given in exchange for this activity or this item.

Ultimately the actual money itself is not useful. We can’t eat it or drink it. It’s just pieces of paper or metal coins. They all look different depending on what part of the world you’re in…but in the big scheme of things, it looks very similar.

Of course there are other ways to get what the body needs to survive without having money involved. That’s what settlers did. They chopped down trees or grew plants or hunted for animals, and assembled everything they did from their own hands.

But most of us are not settlers in unknown territory where money isn’t even used. We’re here exchanging things, going to stores, buying toothbrushes, taking care of our bodies. So, it’s great to have money to buy stuff.

I find that the most painful, stressful thinking for people who come to me to do The Work on money (and in my own work on it) falls into two categories, with variations on these themes:

  1. I need to do something to get money but I don’t know what or how, and I’m not sure I can offer anything of value anyway, or,
  2. my present situation with money or work SUCKS!

I started with the second category. I had so much fear, anxiety, and anger right in the middle of my present moment with money….no matter how much I had….that I knew I needed to face what I was believing that felt so terrible.

As I questioned the most simple concept “I need more money” I discovered that I didn’t. Life was actually fine, without it. I could go without it entirely. In fact, for awhile, I came very close. I always had enough food, clothing, water, and a bed to sleep in.

I am still here, right now, writing this. So I never had too little money.

“Money is not your business, truth is your business. The story ‘I need more money’ is what keeps you from realizing your wealth. Whenever you think that your needs are not being met, you’re telling the story of a future. You’re supposed to have exactly as much money as you have right now. This is not a theory: this is reality. How much money do you have? That’s it, you’re supposed to have exactly that amount. If you don’t believe it, look at your checkbook. How do you know when you’re supposed to have more? When you do. How do you know when you’re supposed to have less? When you do. This is true abundance. It leaves you without a care in the world.” ~ Byron Katie

Now that I know without a doubt that however much money I have is just right, it’s incredibly exciting….just to notice that.

I forget for awhile sometimes. Some goofy thing triggers worry or disappointment, and my mind races off into thinking I need more money, but it’s very short lasting. I hear myself actually saying out loud something about needing or wanting more money, and I find it doesn’t even make sense 30 minutes later or I can’t remember why I thought that.

Not believing what you think is THRILLING! So when you think stressful thoughts about money, ask yourself if it is really true!

After deeply questioning the notion of needing more money many times, touching on it regularly…I began to find more intricate concepts about my worth, what I might offer that would be of value, what I believed about work, time, bosses, employees, clients, accounting, marketing, promoting, spending.

How wonderful to look at all the thinking and behaviors and feelings about what value things have or don’t have!

“When you are concerned with making money you want the future more than the present. Whenever you want the future more than you want the present, true intelligence cannot flow into what you do…..The ego always looks toward the next moment for some kind of fulfillment. The realignment means the primary purpose of your life is whatever action you are doing in this moment.”~ Eckhart Tolle

The wonderful news is that you don’t have to have total confidence about your worth or abilities, or how you will get money….all you need to do is question your most anxiety-riddled thinking about this moment now, and notice all you believe so you can catch it and question it.

Now that my world is lighter about money, work, service, clients, action, doing, time, effort….I find humor and joy so much more easily.

And, it turns out, for now anyway, I have more money.

If you find you would like to focus more on inquiry in this area, then come join a small group on Thursdays starting in 2 days! We will meet each week for 90 minutes, skipping 11/1 and 11/22 and do this fabulous work on our internal thinking all the way until 11/29. Eight sessions and amazing life-changing work!

Money, Work and Your Business Class Participants Have Said:

“I received so much from your class.  I am sincerely grateful for your offerings in this world.“~ Deanna

“I am constantly astonished and amazed at the dark crap I had dumped all over money! No wonder it couldn’t come to me – I had insulated myself well to keep me from become “One of those people!” And now I’m like, “sign me up!” and I’ll do it my way! Clearly sometimes resisting being “that way” is worse than just being that way, especially when you are anyway! I can’t hardly believe how much money has changed in the past few weeks!”~Delia

If you want to join in the amazing journey with a small group of supportive angels in your life: CLICK HERE

Love, Grace