People in my Eating Peace class are invited to keep a journal during the 3 months course together online.
Whenever I’ve taught this course, I suggest writing at least once a day, for five minutes if you can’t do anything more.
But it’s almost embarrassing….
I myself have been practically rebelling against journaling.
Even though, when I do it, it brings such clarity. As if I see the story I’m telling in vivid formation.
It has to come out into the open, when you write it down.
And sometimes….
….OK, maybe often….
….we humans hate this.
Can’t the thing that happened, or the meaning we’ve put to it, or the difficult incident, or the truly awful experience and the terrible accompanying thoughts….
….just GO AWAY?
I really do know better than to think something can “just go away”.
It doesn’t.
Even if it’s forgotten, it’s only buried and ready to crawl out of the grave at the perfect trigger moment, if you don’t look at it, share it (with yourself, with others) and question the story you’ve made from what you experienced.
Like, for example, holiday season.
People getting together, the weather and sky very dark, memories, hopes to gather, disappointments.
I suddenly realized the other day….
….after waking up with a terrible nightmare about being stuck in a weekend business mastermind conference that cost 5 million dollars….
….I not only need to slow down, I also need to go ahead and talk with myself.
By writing.
So even though part of me is complaining about it, I’m writing.
It’s astonishing the list of things I can find that feel upsetting.
- I miss my mom who is traveling in Mexico with my aunt
- I miss my dad who died 25 years ago and who would have been busy cooking for all the expected and invited guests
- clients I’m working with feel the same awareness of holidays past and I hear their sadness and despair
- I’m taking two trips in December and I’m nervous about both
- my neck and hamstring injury site are hurting
- I haven’t had a super close transformative conversation with my husband in quite awhile
- I have two friends I feel distant towards and I notice I don’t write to them, or call them, because it might be hard or stir up feelings
Right after this, tonight, I’m going to write about the things I mentioned above that feel upsetting.
Will you join me?
Because only then can we begin to look, investigate, and have a rumble.
And only then can we experience the revolution that follows.
And THAT is a story I love.
Much love, Grace