Eating Peace: A powerful antidote to eating compulsively

People who experience addictive behavior, eating of course, but also all the other ways we humans get caught in a cycle of anxious movement….

….are all very familiar with the internal voice of self-criticism and blame.

You did it again? What’s wrong with you? This is never going to stop, can’t you figure it out?

You will pay!

It’s mean, vicious, nasty and you wouldn’t wish that voice on your worst enemy. Or, maybe ONLY your worst enemy, but certainly no one else.

What if that tendency to attack yourself for your urges, cravings or behavior is actually a ploy to keep you endlessly unconscious? Or still at war, and still trapped in the cycle of trying to “pay” for your behavior and find even ground?

Maybe there’s another way (there is).

Maybe pushing the pause button on figuring yourself out or fixing yourself or hating yourself….and being one big self-improvement project….is the easiest way.

I strong suggest finding new responses to your compulsions.

Maybe some compassion, softness and love.

What’s one of the best ways to do this? Connect with others, share your experience and your thoughts.

Tell other people the truth.

Much love,
