Urgent! Urgent! This eating thing needs to change NOW NOW NOW!!

When it comes to compulsive behavior, our thoughts can get very extreme.

If this doesn’t end now (or very very soon) I will kill myself, I will go crazy, I can’t stand it, I can’t take it anymore.

These thoughts are horrifying or infuriating, and very painful.

I’ve thought them all.

From eating everything in sight, driving my car through a city through fast-food restaurants OR starving myself all day long OR pushing hard in exercise OR finding a new diet to follow….

….there was a constant effort to “solve” the problem of what was happening now.

Now was not good! (Look at this eating, look at this body, after all–see my proof?)

Somewhere else would definitely be better. I hate what is.

But can you absolutely know that’s true?

Perhaps life is unfolding at the perfect pace necessary for your own healing. Perhaps there is more to look at and know, and something occurring that is not on YOUR timeline.

Could it be OK that you haven’t healed before this moment now?

Today I share about this strange process of being willing for things to take the time they take, including healing from addictive or compulsive eating. (And it doesn’t mean you can’t stop eating today. You can.)

P.S. Four day Mental Spring Cleaning Retreat. We’ll be clearly identifying what’s felt so painful in our experience, and with the power of The Work of Byron Katie and our slowing down, we’ll discover answers that were waiting inside us the whole time. For more information visit HERE.