Everything is held in Silence

Sit with others to question your stressful thoughts, enter Silence, feel the peace

Ahhhhh, I’ve been in retreat all weekend.

Beautiful people (some I’ve known for years, some brand new friends) have been in and out of little Goldilocks Cottage, where I live and work, for three days.

A dear friend, mentor, teacher, companion along the road of life has been staying with me (or I should say “us”) all weekend.

He’s been the “leader” of the retreat.

I’ve been the “host”.

Isn’t it funny how I’m writing quotations marks around all these roles being played?

But it is a wonderful thing to realize how the mind distinguishes people, who they are, why they’re there, and what they’re doing by defining their positions.

Really…..everyone who attended and gathered together was both teacher and student and host.

Everyone who came contributed, connected, felt the sweetness of being there. Some asked questions, some expressed their difficulties with silence or life, some shared their joys with silence or life.

Dialogues happened, conversations about death and love.

What I notice this morning, as life lives itself forward in this beautiful, strange and heart-breaking world….

….is that within this room where I sit, there is thought….

….and no thought.

That’s what we get to do as we feel the pain our thinking produces, and we turn toward Inquiry instead of assuming what we’re thinking is true.

We get to notice. Everything.

We get to notice more than thought!

Finding peace is not so very difficult.

Not anywhere near as difficult as the mind makes it.

The mind says “it is not here”.

Hard things happen by being a human being including loss, grief, death, disappointment, worry, loneliness, terror.

When I’ve focused on these experiences, without inquiry, they sit and repeat themselves like broken records.

When I wonder if what I’m believing is really true….

….the pain doesn’t necessarily vanish, but there is more here than only pain.

What could be possible without your story?

What story are you swimming in, if you feel sad, despair, anger, or disgust?

I love the four questions.

They are a meditation.

They have led me to sit silently, and contentedly, with people all weekend in my home, without feeling invasion, stress, a need to escape.

The questions have led me like breadcrumbs down a path of peace with life that was here all along.

I just couldn’t see it before.

If you don’t know what to do with your thoughts and it’s very difficult to sit still….

….start taking them through The Work.

No, you don’t have to analyze every single thought, or improve, fix, change or adjust your situation with the perfect solution.

You can be your own teacher and advisor and student and leader as you go back and forth asking and answering the questions.

Or even just the first one: “Is it true?”

“You’re believing someone and something to be you, and it’s not. The truth of your perception is silence. All that commentary, and yet, you are the silent witness. You have never been, not for one second, the mind’s perception. You have never been that your whole life.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt (in conversation with “me” a couple of years ago, followed by great laughter)

Much love,


if you have thoughts and ideas about LOVE and couple-ness and romance you find irritating, disturbing, sad or difficult….join the online Friday afternoon retreat to question your love stories. We’ll meet for three hours (you can come in and drop off any time) and it’s all audio. You can be anonymous or speak up. Click HERE to register ($37).

Are You Comparing Apples and Oranges Again?

one of these is better than the other….is that true?

I was in a lecture by a dynamic, inspiring motivational speaker about working for yourself.

I had actually spoken on the phone to her before, and taken one of her classes. I liked her. She was really fascinating, actually. How wonderful to hear her amazing story of success.


Wait. How much money did she just say she made in her first year of being in business for herself? Are you kidding me?

How come she got so successful?

What am I doing wrong?

I made a tenth of what she made in my first year of business. One TENTH. I could barely live on it.

There’s no comparison really.

Plus I think she’s about 25 years younger.

In literally a matter of 60 seconds, I was making plans to go live in Pema Chodron’s monastery next year and throw in the towel.

This is ridiculous. I’ll never get “it”.

There’s no point in going on!!

Have you ever felt the Drama-Queen Extremes?

I jest, but I know the feeling of comparing yourself to someone “better” than you can be quite brutal, debilitating and low.

It’s not all that funny, when you’re in the middle of it.

But who would you be without the thought that you should just give it all up and quit, cash out in despair?

Who would you be without the belief you should push on, never give up, and bore yourself like a drill into your plan of success?

Who would you be without your thoughts? Your comparisons? Your fears of the future? Your regrets of the past?

What would it feel like, in this moment right now as you read these words, to consider neither giving up nor pressing on?

“Normally we try to relax beyond our circumstances. We try to transcend our experience. We try to find truth. We try to wake up. But just imagine the relief you could feel having zero task. You can’t make yourself relax, you can’t make yourself let go, you can’t make yourself tight, you can’t make yourself restricted. The relief to being resigned or relinquished to resting in your experience is immeasurable.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt


But WOW.

Suddenly *click* (or maybe more like *kapow!*) I am in this moment noticing faces, sound, voices, air, colors, joy, being this, not being that, being this instead, relating, connecting.

Noticing gratitude, and laughter, at all the compulsive comparing and planning and efforts to not-effort.

Truly, nothing to do. Nowhere to go.

Turning the thoughts around: Making that much money is not required for success. I am not doing it wrong. I am doing it right. I am not “doing” it. The amount of money I have is success. The amounts of monies coming and going have nothing to do with success or lack of success.This life has gone this way, just right. 

So glad life moved me into a moment of hearing a speaker that reminded me of comparison that reminded me of inquiry that reminded me of peace and nothing-but-now.

I am alive, I am breathing, I am typing, I sit on a beautiful and comfortable white couch, I laugh at my mind, I feel what’s here that is not a thinking brain, I relax, I celebrate these fairy tales all around me including big happy wild accomplishment stories and big fat failure stories, I notice I’m having a lot of fun with this whole success work-for-yourself thing.

Once upon a time….

Much love,


P.S. Even though its Mother’s Day, I’m offering a 3 weeks of Sunday sessions doing The Work on Money on 5/10, 5/17 and 5/24 from 9-11 am Pacific Time. By donation. Every session will be recorded….click HERE if you want access to the recordings, to join on any call, or participate with this powerful freedom work.

The Good News That Whatever Is Now Is All You Have

every moment changes

The retreat is over that I’ve been on. Time to go home.

Have you ever felt a melancholy, or sadness, or a sense of wanting something to continue?

Don’t let this change! I want this to stay just the way it is, in this moment, in this experience.

I don’t want to forget this peace.

I want to keep this awareness, joy, openness, learning.

Or, you might have had the experience that you want to keep a person in your life….

I don’t want to break up! I hate getting divorced!

Or, to keep your good fortune….

I want to always keep this pile of money and never ever have it diminish!

Or, to keep your health, your fitness, your youth.

I want my body to be the way it was, I hate this change. 

Wanting to maintain a moment or experience can have a little edge of sadness, angst or worry.

Maybe a big edge. To put it mildly.

I noticed this myself, in tiny moments as this retreat came to a close.

Our group has shared, everyone has connected beautifully, there is a feeling of love and kindness and trust. I have new insight to my experience of being a human being, alive on this planet.



How do you react when you think you need to keep something?

Even if you still have it, do you notice you feel clingy and grabby?Like you need to milk this for all its worth (as the saying goes)?

If a meaningful or pleasant experience is indeed over….

….do you feel terrible fear, sadness or panic that your future is not as bright?

Who would you be without this thought?

Open to this moment here, right now.

Not only open to it…but accepting of it…resigned to it.

Wow. What a relief.

The turnaround: I do not have to keep any feeling. I have to NOT keep this feeling. It is not possible to keep any feeling. I have to let go of this feeling. 

No “I” is keeping or releasing anything.

Ha ha ha!

“We forget that there is no future, there is no peace later. Whatever is arising in the now is all I have.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt

Much love,