Eating Peace – Video #2 – Write It Down

On the first video I sent a few days ago, I identified the three grand areas that most eating pain comes from: lack of power, upset with emptiness, afraid of feeling fear.

Powerless, empty or afraid….or any combination of the three. I used to have all three running at the same time, frequently, in my underlying beliefs about reality.

In this second video, I wanted to give you an idea of how to get clearer in the midst of all these messy, difficult and uncomfortable feelings.

I give you one of the first steps to freedom I ever took.

It was writing down the thoughts going on in my head.

Even if you’re in the middle of a binge, even if you’re full right now when you’re reading this, even if you’re starving hungry but afraid that if you start eating, you’ll take off into another eating frenzy….

….write anyway.

The best thing I ever did on my early journey into recovery from all eating issues was to get a private journal just for me, called a Binge Journal.

If you don’t binge, but you’re wanting to become more aware of your eating, call it your Eating Journal.

You are getting to know yourself through how you reach for food, how you think about food. It’s really how you think about YOU.

Start recording your thoughts every day, several times a day if you can. This is not with an effort to change or force yourself to write anything ingenuine or untrue.

This is only for noticing.

You have to start with examining what is present, with taking in where you are and what you’re working with. Without trying to change it.

Watch this video for some more of my story, and how to get started in identifying what you really believe, so you can bring it out into the light:

How To Stop Your Mind When It Comes To Food? Write It Down
How To Stop Your Mind When It Comes To Food? Write It Down

In the next video, I’ll show you not only how to potentially change your thinking using lazer sharp questions, but also what to do in the middle of a wave of powerless, empty, fearful thoughts…..when it seems like writing just isn’t enough to stop the urge.

“Awareness is a way you keep yourself company. When you are aware you are being compulsive, you are no longer locked in the behavior. You have a choice to stop. That choice–and therefore awareness itself–is freedom.” ~ Geneen Roth

Much love, Grace