Having A Plan Can Hurt

Big Update on Year of Inquiry: I’m keepin’ the program cost low like last year rather than upgrade to a fancy venue with meals for retreats.

What that means is….a far lower fee, we potluck, some stay as guests in other peoples’ homes, you pick your own place to stay, it’s very homey. And we get to work very deeply.

Here’s just the facts:

YOI with Retreats, Telesessions, 4 Solo Sessions:

  • Regular payment – $2997 (paid in full)
  • Early Bird (by August 16th) – $2797 (paid in full)
  • Early Bird for YOI repeaters –  $2497
  • Payment Plan option – $1130 downpayment + $197 per month ($3297 total)

YOI with Tele Sessions and 4 Solo Sessions:

  • Regular payment  – $1997 (paid in full)
  • Early Bird (by August 16th) – $1797 (paid in full)
  • Payment Plan option – $197 per month ($2364 total)

undefined Click this button to sign up for the Full YOI Program with retreats in Seattle at the early bird rate.

undefined Click this button to sign up for the Tele Sessions Only YOI Program at the early bird rate.

Thanks for your emails and questions about all of this. Write any time if you’ve got more! If you are new to YOI, be sure to tell me about yourself by clicking HERE (the application).


Which is a perfect segueway into a sometimes-stressful thought.

I need to know, plan and be clear about what’s going to happen in the future. Otherwise…..something bad will happen.

This can be around retreat-creation, workshops or ANY offerings, parties, festivities, big gatherings, concerts, retirement funds, vacations, holidays, educational programs, growth of your business, career plans, moving, selling things, an extended family dinner.

Man oh man this is big on stress. I’ve heard from many mothers who experience this when envisioning family gatherings or holidays.

I have to get organized, plan, make lists, implement, manage and set up whatever it is, or else….

OR….you may go the opposite way (I’m guilty of this, too). You may avoid lists, plans, structure. You may prefer to be spontaneous, last-minute, and resist being tied down. You may be forgetful of details or not naturally organized.

The thing is, both directions can bring a lot of stress. And some great reasons to dig in and discover more deeply what’s really bothering you.

In any situation where you’re thinking of the future and you feel some anxiety or determination or resistance that isn’t peaceful, what is the “bad” thing that you’re imagining could happen, if things don’t go right?

  • people will be disappointed
  • they need to love it, or they won’t come again
  • if I change my mind, they’ll be offended
  • if I don’t do it, no one will do it
  • there will be no gathering unless I make it happen (and it would be really sad if it doesn’t happen)
  • I’ll miss out
  • if it’s bad, it will be my fault
Bottom line, I want everyone including me to love it. All Good All The Time. No Mistakes. Safe, Responsible, Kind, Fair, Honest.

But who would you be without the belief that you HAVE to plan, organize, prevent disappointments, work hard, “make” it happen, put in effort that you don’t really want to put in?

Without the belief that something bad could happen, if you don’t?

It’s a huge, big question.

What….you mean….I wouldn’t need to put myself out, over-work to make an event perfect, run the show, get myself exhausted over making something just right?


What would that be like, to not be concerned for the future?

What if you let yourself relax? Rest? Let it go? Enjoy yourself thoroughly, without trying to prevent upset from happening later?

What if you did not need approval, or safety, in the future? If you didn’t need to know what was happening at all? What if you didn’t care, in a good way, what other people decided?

“I am here to un-create. The only thing that exists is the belief that just arose. Prior to that belief, there was no existence. There is nothing to create, no one creating, no creation. Go back to the space between thoughts…A belief arises. Even ‘isn’t it a beautiful day?’ and you come out of the vastness. You’re out of the world, you left the world. You entered the world of illusion. Your natural state is prior to belief….Haven’t you noticed a plan hurts?” ~ Byron Katie


Without ME planning, organizing, creating, without effort, or goals, or having to DO….I’m being. Things occur to me to do, I do it. Things even appear at the perfect time, to be done. I follow the inner gut feel that knows what to do.

“I am movement. I watch it do itself. I create nothing. It’s not my business. Un-do yourself. Drop your plan.” ~ Byron Katie

Nothing wrong with planning with integrity and peace, with packing your bag to go on a trip, with getting the car brakes tuned up, with cleaning the toilet, with setting your business fees, with joining a dating service, with enrolling in a special program, with inviting every family member (they say yes or no, both are good).

But soooooo much more fun.

“So there are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, or you can work on your freedom. In other words, you can devote your whole life to the process of making sure everything fits within your limited model, or you can devote your life to freeing yourself from the limits of your model.” ~ Michael Singer

Much love, Grace

P.S. Can’t wait to meet you if you’re coming to YOI. I also have a program in Eating Peace beginning later in September (new model, beta version) and will be teaching Relationship Hell To Heaven again in the fall (8 weeks).