Gratitude Eating (and not because you should be)

I’ve created a course just for brand new beginners to The Work called The Work for Dingalings (LOL).

It’s a Complete Idiots or The Work for Dummies Course where you’ll receive an email per day for a week. You’ll need 20-30 minutes per day to complete your homework.

To enroll (it’s entirely free) sign up here.


We’ve heard about the power of gratitude.

But sometimes, it’s very difficult to find gratitude when it comes to our relationship with eating, food and our bodies.

These have caused so much strife, hell, stress, desperation, self-criticism.

How can we find gratitude for the weird diet foods we’ve eaten, or the ugly foods we’ve placed before us, or the sick feelings we’ve had when it comes to eating, or the disappointment about our weight, or worst of all, the compulsion to eat when not hungry?

This is NOT a “should”.

But it’s worth trying anyway. The power of appreciation is immense–and maybe more magnificent than you ever imagined.

Take a moment today, and think about the service this relating to food, eating food has been for you.

When I think about my truly whacky disordered eating, it almost seems nutty to consider that experience in my life with gratitude.

But I can find examples of feeling appreciation for the wayI I’ve eaten:

  • It led me to explore psychology, peace, relating to other people, learning about all relationships, and improving my communication
  • it gave me a way to be different from my family, to rebel dramatically, to find freedom from rigid rules about life
  • it gave me a big Left Turn in my own life–I dropped out, I worked on a ship, I went to therapy
  • it brought me to my knees and put me on a spiritual path of acceptance, including myself and my emotions
  • I love the very taste, texture, joy of emptying and filling up every single day–I love eating
  • it’s helped me learn how to support other people also suffering from the same craziness with food

Today, you can try to simply find a sense of gratitude, of appreciation, for something about food, eating, and your body.

Feel it.

Especially before eating. Practice “thank you” and see what happens.

EVEN if you think you’re overeating, binge-eating, doing it wrong.

Without our stories, we are not only able to eat and act clearly and fearlessly, we are also a friend and listener to ourselves, our own bodies, our fullness and our hunger. We are people living happy lives when it comes to eating. We are appreciation and gratitude that have become as natural as breath, and eating, itself.
Much love,
P.S. Eating Peace 101 is coming: a six session class on Thursday mornings 8:00-9:30 am PT starting July 26th and will meet every two weeks (every other week) until October 4th. $295. Everything will be recorded. To learn more, visit HERE.
P.P.S. Eating Peace Process, the immersion, will begin again in November 2018 and meet through April 2019. This is an in-depth program for those who are serious about transforming their relationship with food from the inside out. Stay tuned or learn more (not taking registrations yet) by visiting HERE.

Must be doing something right–the astonishing generosity of humans

One beautifully striking notion from Byron Katie that I’ve so loved and learned from, has been the idea that what’s happening, the words you hear or read, your encounters, the sounds, sights, voices, behaviors, events and places you find yourself in….

….are all for you.

For your awareness, reflection, learning, challenge, enlightenment.

How do you know it’s supposed to happen?

It does.

This takes us to sometimes very intense places and memories. Questions arise. But that hurt! I didn’t like it! I’m not OK now!

The Work usually begins by voyaging into these churning waters, maybe even going into a big storm that’s been very frightening to navigate for most of your life. We start by visiting what we do NOT like in the world, most of the time. Perhaps it’s even a trip to hell.

Yikes! It takes courage to begin The Work. It really does.

But one time, in the midst of a big audience with Byron Katie on the stage, I heard Katie speak to this idea of loving what is another way.

The flip side.

A woman standing with the microphone was frightened. Her voice was shivering, her hair gray, her eyes bright with many years of experience behind them. She was well along in years, her adult daughter sitting next to her, as well as other members of her extended family.

She was talking with Katie about her suspicion that people didn’t really love her, even if they said so. That she had a hard time taking in attention, care, or kindness. She brushed it off. Something about it was sort of….embarrassing, or worrisome.

What if, when you encounter something wonderful, when you hear beautiful words you love, when someone expresses appreciation, when you witness love in action, when something happens you enjoy….

….isn’t this also happening because it’s supposed to happen?

How do you know you’re supposed to hear it, read it, see it, feel it?

You do!

Could there be underlying thoughts buried within that prevent goodness, gentleness, or kindness from being noticed, or trusted, even when it looks favorable?

The elderly woman seemed to understand, more and more, that she may have been mistaken, as she and Katie spoke about love and receiving and trusting reality in every situation.

She realized if she had trouble with compliments and taking it all in, that this was not really personal, and she could question what she was believing about it, just the way difficult things happening in the world were also not personal.

And she could trust, if she questioned her thinking, that she was hearing what she needed to hear in that moment. Including “I love you” and “thank you so much” and “I’m very grateful to you” and “I’m glad you’re around.”

Some good questions to ask yourself, if you find you have some discomfort with attention, or gratitude, is to wonder….what do I think it means, that I’m hearing this? Do I believe I’m supposed to do something, or owe something? What’s uncomfortable about celebrating and receiving the love someone’s expressing? Or sharing how much I love someone or something?

Can you simply be with this joy?

When someone first sent me a donation about eight years ago, I received it in an envelope in the mail. $10. I checked my calendar. Did I miss something? This must be a mistake. I don’t think this was an outstanding bill. Then I saw an email sent separately, and it said simply “thank you for the work you do.”

A few months went by, and I received a paypal donation. $300. What is this? I looked around in my calendar again and wondered if I forgot about an invoice or something. The donor added a note “I love your writing, it makes such a difference to me.”

What I wrote wasn’t even called Grace Notes yet. Although someone shortly after that who was in one of my teleclasses said “send these examples of The Work that you write about out to the world and call them Grace Notes!”

OK. They were named. I didn’t name them myself.

Then a little time went by, and someone sent $20, a few more weeks or months, another person sent $10, then someone sent $100. Then someone sent $600! People I never met before in my life, sending little notes of appreciation and sums of money from time to time. Sometimes a long while in between, then here comes something again.

Last week I received two donations in one week, both in the old-fashioned regular mail.

One was from a woman who took the money teleclass this past year. She sent me a map of her hike with the trail highlighted in sparkly orange and fine purple pens, and a fabulous note written all around the edges and two crisp $20 bills.

“The world in front of me is only ever kind….I am enjoying your Grace Notes while on the trail.”

The other was an absolutely beautiful card with a check for $50 and such kind, thoughtful words.

You have no idea how much it means to me to receive these personal notes, this expression of appreciation (and I love how that word appreciation is used in financial terms, too). Sometimes, people have sent gorgeous sharing of their stories and appreciation without money and this is also brilliantly beautiful.

Somehow, it continues to show me where to move and how to move. Without readers, there would be nothing here, and I suppose that would be OK too.

Yet I see we share in all this together, and I am so deeply moved by your generosity, so thank you for being here. In whatever form you’re doing it. Seriously.

You are awesome.

I give you a deep bow, to your precious unique life, and the One Mind life we all seem to have that loves getting on board the peace train, together.

Much love,


P.S. Although it does cost money and involve time and energy and “work”, Year of Inquiry is a deep investment in freedom for your mind and questioning stressful thoughts of so many kinds. Last year, several people in YOI suggested they’d like to create a scholarship fund to help current YOI members travel who had only signed up for the teleclasses but couldn’t get all the way to Seattle for the fall and spring retreats because of the expense. It was so generous. It is indeed an opportunity to receive, share, get connected, and watch the world as it supports you. I love the people who join. And by the way, two men are already signed up (these programs tend to be well attended by women). Join us! (Deadline to sign up is August 31st). Read about it here.

Not Objecting to What Is with teenager, a laptop, and a queue the size of Montana

Life. A love story.

Ohhhh, yeah.

This is gonna be FANTASTIC, I have the BEST ideas.

I’m going to give my daughter a going-away present for college. Called my mac laptop airbook, the one I’m writing on right now.

Sure, it’s used. But it’s soooo amazing. It’s traveled with me without having one single weird or bad thing happen to it, oh trusted laptop, for 4 years. It’s got some good life left in it.

I need to upgrade so I can better support my classes and retreats. I need way more memory space on my machine. I’ve got curriculums designed, extensive feedback, photos to archive, and no one can find how to pay me on my website. Ever. Videos to make, podcasts to share. All created more easily on the new, faster-better laptop.

Win. Win.

I’m all excited. I tell her I’m going to do this, I can finally afford a device with more memory, and I’ll help her get all set up on mine.

She looks at me like….What??! Are you serious??!

“But mom, your computer will probably crash in one year. Macs are so junky, you have to upgrade them all the time. They only last five years! I don’t want that old thing, jeez!!”

Uhm. OK.

Not so Win Win as I thought.

This is not the first time, with this kid of mine, that I have it not only slightly off, but ENTIRELY WRONG.

However, I feel something inside and it’s different than the way I used to feel when she said things like this or surprised me with her reaction.


Like, a shrug. Oh, OK. Got it.

I didn’t pursue it one more second. I’m not that surprised, I’m not hurt, I’m not having much of any reaction at all. (Every so often, wondering what she’s thinking about computers and if she needs one, then I forget about it).

A month goes by.

Daughter is leaving for college in 2 days. She approaches me as I sit on the couch writing.

“Mom….I don’t know what to do about a computer. I’m going to need one badly at college. I’m nervous.”

I look up and again, total calm–shocking. I say “remember I mentioned you could have this one?” I raise my laptop off my knees and tip my head.

“It’s all yours if you want it, I just need to get a replacement and figure out for sure if I can afford the upgrade.”

“Oh….I didn’t realize that’s what you meant before. Really??!!! That would be AWESOME.” She comes over and hugs me.

I have one day to go into the Apple Store and see what they’ve got, before she leaves for college, but I can’t tell you how different this pace and flow is from the past. The pace on the inside is total calm. The flow on the outside is just a relaxed ‘OK, we’ll see what happens’. No emergencies. No urgent wild freak-out. No saying she should have brought this up earlier, or figured it out weeks ago.

No saying “I TOLD you before and you were ungrateful, rude, and now it’s too late and rag, rag, rag….”

I just saw her cute eyes and her enthusiasm and her relief, and who knows what that was before, with the “junky macs” commentary. She didn’t even seem to remember it, and I didn’t require we go back there and review the “mistaken” communication in the past.

I’m just sayin’ here….there are results that I can find no other reason for happening than The Work.

I’ve sat with fuming feelings within around this daughter. I’ve felt hurt, and lost. I’ve felt confused, and shocked she doesn’t love exactly the same things as me. I’ve been mad she doesn’t vacuum before I have to ask. I’ve been startled at her forceful comments.

I’ve written a few worksheets.

I’ve imagined and felt what it would be like to Not Have The Belief she’s hurting me, she’s opposing me, she’s against me, she’s disrespecting me.

And now, I feel such gratitude for how much I love her and how wild and unexpected she is, like the weather, like reality….but always safe for me (I’ve never been hurt in her presence except by my own thoughts).

She’s been caring, challenging me. Like the ultimate “life” coach. She minces no words. She calls me on my B.S. especially when I expect people to like what I like.

TA: This is going just right.

I head down to the Apple store to check out the new goods, for myself, and get their help wiping my old laptop clean so my daughter can start fresh with her own stuff

Only….a small hitch.

There’s a line around the block of people waiting to get in to pick up their new Iphone 7.

For some reason….this is HILARIOUS.

I even go back 7 hours later and find….it’s even MORE crowded during early evening. They tell me no one can help me, too much hoopla over the Iphone thing. I’ll have to come check out new laptops another day.

I learn about ordering online, later, back at home.

Because I got to come back unexpectedly fast from the Apple Store, without anything new in my hands…..I got to see my former husband (father of my kids) bringing pizza over, talk to my son who stopped by for a couple of hours, help out with car-loading for the departure to college, and laugh.

Life is so funny.

This is strikingly different from what it used to be. When life was serious, irritating, gloomy and pointless.

Thank you, self-inquiry.

Thank you, “is it true?” question.

Thank you, imagination.

Keep going. Don’t stop doing The Work. This is definitely different, like a very, very, very slow dawning of the light. This is what being undisturbed is, on the inside. It’s OK if it leaves again (probably will) but oh what joy to get a taste of not objecting to what is.

Ha ha!

“Anyone in harmony with what is has no past to project as a future, so there’s nothing she expects. Whatever appears is always fresh, brilliant, surprising, obvious, and exactly what she needs. She sees that it’s a gift she has done nothing to deserve. She marvels at the way of it. She doesn’t make a distinction between sound and no sound, speaking of it or living it, seeing it or being it, touching it or feeling it touch her. She experiences it as constant lovemaking. Life is her own love story.” ~ Byron Katie in 1000 Names For Joy 55

If you feel like practicing for four whole days next month, Thursday through Sunday October 13-16, then join the small group (maximum 14) Fall Retreat. We’re half way full. Seattle. Non-residential. Awesome. Come on over to my house. It will be good. Sign up here.

Much love,


Even In The Midst of Sorrow….Thank You

One day a very dear old friend left me a message on my voice mail in the midst of working with clients much of the day. He said he was looking forward to getting together, and by the way, felt so heavy-hearted that day with the News.

“What news?” I thought, with a zap of adrenaline.

Uh oh.

What happened? What natural disaster, or death tragedy?

It turned out a man had gone into a school and killed 28 people, the majority of them children.

I’ve written in the past about how the pain of fearing for the welfare of a child is terrible.

Then here comes evidence that bad things happen. Horrifying things. Senseless, awful violence.

How could this ever happen?

It’s so one-track minded, believing painful repetitive beliefs. Not taking into account MORE than just the mind and its perceptions.


Not sensing love, colors, smells, touch, connection, gravity, wonder, leaves, sounds, music, breezes, skin, shoes, horns, voices, rain, silverware, sky.

I remember Katie’s story when she reports having a man pull a gun on her. She said that she had the thought, right when he did this, that she hoped he didn’t shoot her, for his own sake.

Today my sweet prayer for everyone here, everyone on the planet, is that they remember how big they are. How much more than what they think.

Everyone, every single person, is full of possibility, potential, love, the life force.

If there is anyone out there suffering, I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you….thank you, thank you.

I am so glad you’re here, you have no idea.

I am so touched that you’ve made it this far, that you’re alive, that you have such a beautiful heart, that you care so much.

Everything is OK.

Even in the midst of profound sadness, fear, rage, or despair that appears to happen….especially in the middle of that.

“There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born. It is serene. Empty. Solitary. Unchanging. Infinite. Eternally present. It is the mother of the universe. For lack of a better name, I call it the Tao. It flows through all things, inside and outside, and returns to the origin of all things.” ~ Tao Te Ching #25

Much love and gratitude, Grace

Thank You For Changing Rooms With Me This Year

Jeez, there is stuff everywhere about the last day of 2013, welcome in the new year 2014, reflect on the highs and lows of 2013, make 2014 the best year ever, let’s set some goals, let’s check off what we accomplished…

….but! It’s just another day! The birds outside have no idea that it’s new year’s eve!

Hee hee.

The Committee appears to be having a discussion about the date change and its meaning and worth.

Numbers, calendars, dates, days, times, goals, plans, resolutions. What does it matter?

It means nothing! There’s no real point!

It does too mean something! It’s a time to reflect, contemplate, review the year.

This needs to have a point, I wish I understood it fully.

Is that absolutely true?

How do you react when you are believing that something, whatever it is, needs to have a clear point or meaning, when it doesn’t appear to have one?

Who would you be without that thought? Without believing that you need to understand what’s going on, or groc what’s happening, or have something “big” happen on New Years?

I would simply be watching….feeling gratitude, looking around with curiosity and wonder.

Whatever you are moved to “do” or say, think, or express in this time when the counter moves forward and we’re about to call it 2014 here on planet earth amongst most of the humans….

….there is something exquisite about using this fascinating mind to meditate on the beauty I’ve seen this past year, inside and out.

It reminds me of the beauty of the present moment.

Last night I sat in a circle of smiling, kind eyes in the faces of gentle friends who gathered on purpose to share whatever came out of them right then.

A timer was set on an iphone, each person got five minutes to speak without interruption.

(Yes, it was my first time out of the house to a social gathering since my surgery!)

As people shared, it sounded like a different instrument playing with each voice, the content, the cadence.

Suddenly, I felt that sweeping rose-colored wave of delight with All This, whatever This is.

A cup of turkey soup, glass table, the back of my husband’s neck, green pine tree needles, a hand, a napkin with tiny red flowers, white buttons, brown tender eyes, voices.

Whether this moment marks anything, or not, I love that we can change rooms, gather with others, investigate our thinking.

For all of you reading, I wish you great love in this new moment, the sweetness of simply noticing what is around you, wherever you are.

Happy New Moment To You.

I can’t wait to be with you here in Grace Notes for this next year of continued adventure with inquiry.

“Leave the familiar for a while.

Let your senses and bodies stretch out

Like a welcomed season.

Onto the meadow and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.
Make a new watermark on your excitement
And love.

Like a blooming night flower,

Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness

And giving

Upon our intimate assembly.
Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence

Lie beside an equator

In your heart.
Greet Yourself

In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home. 
All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of
~ Hafiz

With much love, Grace

This Joy Belongs To You, Too

First, some shortie announcements: I worked until midnight two nights in a row on my own website and my business facebook page.

I am not all that technically knowledgeable. Or so I thought.

Now I’m dancing the Accomplishment Dance, so much fun to LEARN! 

Check them out and “like” them:

Visit Work With Grace Website 

Visit FB Page Work With Grace

I also have a little ebook on thoughts I’ve heard repeatedly, or noticed within myself as a parent, that have been wildly helpful to question and consider.

Download it for free from the shop on my website. I’d love your feedback and comments. 

My much more comprehensive book on food, eating and consuming is on the way, really, even though it’s not yet born. Not much longer now. 

It’ll be so fun when it’s here. I hope it helps you, if you crave peace with food and eating.

It’s strange how creating something, having it work, bringing it to development, getting to a real end point….can be so thrilling.

It reminds me of the time when I was a child, excitedly imagining fairies in the flowers in our garden.

Believing in magic, spells, ghosts, celebration. Filled with joy, for no reason!

And then something happened….and I believed many thoughts about people, right and wrong, acceptance, rejection, loss, death, birth, hope, devastation, fear in the gut.  

Creativity then tried to come forward. But it got very stilted, sort of lost.

And here now, today…..with the experience of doing The Work for awhile and all this questioning what I think of Reality, I’m remembering that Joy beyond any explanation.

Gratitude so big it feels like it will burst through my chest and fly into the heavens. 

Not sure why it is coming today, with such sweetness. It’s an ordinary day, with nothing special in it. 

And everything special in it. Stunning.

I wish for you to have this Joy as well, if you can’t remember it right now. It is in you, I know it. Because it was in me the whole time, too. 

You can question your thinking and change your reality.

This Poem Belongs to You 

By David Whyte

 This poem

  belongs to you
    and is already finished,

it was begun years ago
     and I put it away
knowing it would come
   into the world
     in its own time.
In fact
   you have already read it,
     and closing the pages 
       of the book,
you are now 
  abandoning the projects
     of the day and putting on
       your shoes and coat 
         to take a walk.
It has been long years
   since you felt like this.
You have remembered
   what I remembered,
     when I first began to write.

Love, Grace