How to quit playing the game: Be Afraid–Pass It On

quit playing the game FEAR: PASS IT ON!

Do you remember playing telephone when you were a kid? It’s where everyone sits in a circle, and one person begins with a simple sentence, a one-liner, and whispers it in the ear of the next person.

No one gets to say “WHAT???” and have it repeated. You need to listen carefully the first time. Then you whisper the very same thing into the next person’s ear. The very last person in the circle says out loud what they heard.

Peels of laughter! Sometimes it’s total nonsense and hilariously different from the original sentence.

Well, the other day when doing The Work with someone, I thought fearful stories were like this game.

Only they’re passed along from one generation, to the next generation, to the next.

Here’s what you should fear. Be afraid of THIS (insert whispered story).

How do I know you should be afraid? My mom told me. My dad told me. My grandpa told her. They gave that look of fear. They painted a terrible picture.

A frightening thing happens….and then WARNING, WARNING.

Teach everyone how scary that is and how you need to be very, very careful from now on.

There are events and experiences that cause fear in many human beings. Abrupt behavior, loud sounds, events where things break into pieces or are physically altered, or emotionally hurt. Change. Loss. Surprise. Anger. Blow-Ups. Crashes. Wars.

But trying to stay in a holding pattern of Calm-And-Collected and BE CAREFUL has its drawbacks.

Because we also like relaxing. We LOVE relaxing. It’s a place I want to return to, a homeostatis, and maybe the reason I first ever began to want to do The Work and find out what moves me away from peace.

And what about when we get a wee bit bored and actually want some excitement, or what if we want to improve our performance or results in some area (like health, eating–my favorite–love, money, romance, support), or create something new, or grow, transform or participate in change, on purpose?

We like developing and growing, and we like remaining calm.

But these two things don’t always go together!

Sometimes it’s like we’ve got the foot on the brakes and the foot on the accelerator at the very same time.

I want something different, but I don’t want it to be….scary! And remember! We need to be careful!!

How do you react when you believe, as you’ve always heard from people around you, that bad unexpected frightening things can happen in this world?

What happens when you want to do something new?

I’m careful.

Very, very careful.

I walk on eggshells.

Eggshells are so easily broken….I barely step out, I don’t move, I don’t take the risk of being rejected, or setting the person off, or having that worrisome thing occur.

But who would you be without the story that you need to be careful? At all.


If I’m not a LITTLE bit careful, I’ll be a fool. Ridiculous. I’ll do something completely stupid. I’ll lose everything. I’ll make a terrible decision. I’ll go against what my parents told me. And their parents before them.

Are you sure? Do you have to be afraid, and careful, in order to make sure you don’t fail, lose, or get hurt? Are you sure you need to never get hurt, fail, or lose?

Are you sure you need to stay entirely peaceful every second of every hour?

Wow. I never thought of that before.

A year ago, I went to a lecture and read a book by an author and speaker I found super interesting. Unexpectedly. I wasn’t looking for anything new to attend, I had been attending a lot less for a few years, in fact. But when a program appeared with an Enroll Here button, I clicked it and just knew to sign up.

I was simply drawn to it (and it’s been a wonderful adventure and brilliant people). But not easy. A day of travel just to get to the location. And sometimes daunting and mind-opening in a way that’s not exactly….happy.

What if you turned your thought around, and the very thing you ought to be careful about, and worried for, and avoid, or resist, or feel nervous over….

….has some powerful medicine to teach you?

This can even be true about very dreadful things, like getting a disease.

No, this isn’t saying sickness, violence, sudden change are easy and you need to be happy they’re happening. That would be ridiculous and kind of mean to yourself.

But what if you did become willing to have it occur, if it did? What if you noticed what you were OK with about it happening, or if it had anything helpful to offer in the way of a teaching, or it helped you eliminate what wasn’t working in your life?

Anything. An example, no matter how small, of how that thing you feel so worried about happening that it causes you to be careful in your life, even when things are fine….An example of if it happened, you’d be OK with it.

Even look forward to it.

I know it’s weird.

But it’s an exciting approach to duality and the negative, dark, scary things of life’s unfolding ways.

How could this part of Reality work for me, rather than against me? Have I ever heard of anything coming out of a situation I’ve always found scary like this, where the outcome was amazing change, or some kind of transformation, or some small advantage?

Who would I be without my story of needing to be careful?

Maybe not participating in the game called “BE AFRAID: PASS IT ON!”

Instead, you might be afraid, and do it anyway, or inquire, or pause and breathe deeply and keep going.

Who knows what being you will look like, without living a life of being afraid of being afraid.

“A teacher of fear can’t bring peace on Earth. We have been trying to do it that way for thousands of years. The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is. We are waiting for just one teacher. You’re the one.”  ~ Byron Katie

This doesn’t mean you never, ever experience one non-peaceful or violent thought.

It means when you have a violent or less than peaceful thought, you move to look at it, you don’t automatically believe it (and pass it on), you turn it around, you’re committed to understanding it, you open your hands up with wonder.

Whatever it looks like. Pass it on.

Much love,


What If There Is Nothing Wrong? Yes, Even With THAT?

Money 8 week teleclass starts on Tuesday 5:15-6:45 pm Pacific Time. Question discomfort with money, free yourself. For more information or to register, click HERE.


The other day, I got one of my favorite emails from someone who has been enrolled in one of my classes (Eating Peace).

She had experienced a willingness and acceptance, beyond anything she had ever imagined before, of herself and her relationship with eating.

I say “favorite” and sort of chuckle….

….because the emails of concern, or criticism, the ones that say “I’m having a terrible time, I’m so unhappy, I didn’t get what you were talking about” are quite incredible, and always full of learning and awareness for me.

So maybe they are just as favorite as the others.

But the relaxed and inspired feeling within me, when I hear of someone’s personal awakening like this woman who wrote, is so beautiful, precious, and full of love.

I suppose it’s the great practice of life to be with tones of joy and tones of objection from “others” out there equally, fully, inviting everything in, every comment, every spark, thought, observation.

The woman who wrote shared something she suddenly became aware of one day not long ago.

She was eating, and this was the kind of eating when not hungry, the kind that she had normally categorized as crazy, off, a mistake, wrong, dreadful.

But all of the sudden she was watching a person eat.

She wasn’t THE PERSON doing the eating, the thinking, the believing, the agonizing.

She saw the stories, the creation of the inner war….and something was looking at it.

Looking at it without the intense pain.

Actually, without pain at all.

What a beautiful lightness of being, to see from this view.

This view has the capacity to see without judgment, without “knowing” or being sooooooo sure something is wrong.

This woman shared that she even had the thought that if she always had this “problem” with food, she could accept it. She had received a great deal of insight from Mooji (a sweet spiritual teacher from Jamaica).

How strange, right?

Aren’t we supposed to be trying very hard to get over, end, eliminate, or cut out the bad thoughts, the uncomfortable stories, the stressful “off” way of looking at life?

Shouldn’t we be trying, sometimes very very hard, to fix our predicament? Isn’t this problem we’re having a matter of life or death, our success or failure?

Well…..see right now what it might be like if you stopped, and didn’t think the thought that something must change….now?

What if you slowed down, so very slow, and questioned….

….what if you considered the thing you’re looking at without attack, being against it, being so sure it’s wrong…..

…..including this person who you think you are, what you should be doing, where you’ve supposedly failed?

“A thought may arise: ‘It’s okay now, but it’s going to be different when I step out the door’. Already you are anticipating your downfall. Recognize these as just thoughts. You can just watch them, feel their pull yet observe them as a movement in consciousness. Stay put as formless awareness.” ~ Mooji 

Who would you be right now, in this split second, without the belief there is something wrong?

“The key is to be quiet. It’s not that your mind has to be quiet. You be quiet. You, the one inside watching the neurotic mind, just relax. You will then naturally fall behind the mind because you have always been there.” ~ Michael Singer 

What if you called a truce, right now in this moment?

Much love, Grace

P.S. If money incites war, noise, fear, anxiety, frustration, longing, or insecurity….come along the journey to inquire into thoughts about money for 2 months on Tuesdays. Click here to register for money teleclass.

What Is Greater Than Violence? You May Be Surprised

What Is Greater Than Violence? Being Nothingness, The Greatest of All

Every month the Year of Inquiry group starts in on a new topic.

Yesterday…we began to look at where we create stories, assumptions, warnings, or angry reaction to whole groups of people.

You know, THOSE kinds of people.

We had an awesome collection to kick off our investigation. Inquirers had stressful thoughts about social climbers, fundamentalists, drivers who text, luxury hotel owners, men in power, and violent gamers.

So many images, scenes and frightening groups. For some reason, I always think of Nazi’s or white supremacists as a very frightening group. The people who made Maria and the VonTrapp family walk over the alps on foot and leave everything behind.

Those violent people.


It’s true they should never be like that, it’s true they are frightening, it’s true they are dangerous and creepy.

How do you react when you believe they are so dangerous?

Running. Hiding. Angry. Careful. Anxious. Sleepless.

When they are close, I think about them all the time. When they are far away, I forget, then remember. I try to keep myself safe. I protect this body. I hide.

Even if something happened on TV or in the movies, even if something happened long ago in my own life….I feel anxious in the present moment as I remember the violence. I want to push it away, get it out of my head.

But who would you be without the belief that no one should ever be violent?

It doesn’t mean you suddenly are saying you love violence. No one usually does.

Only without the belief it shouldn’t happen?

I notice without that belief, I can turn a little more towards studying violence. Remembering a traumatic moment. Opening to the memory. Aware that it’s just a picture in my mind, it’s not happening right now.

Nothing is happening right now.

Without the belief that violence should never, ever happen, I can stop calling the energy “violence”. I notice a fountain of fire come forth, and then recede. I watch my own anger roar out, then dissolve away.

I feel compassion suddenly, for those who feel so violent, so trapped and blocked and stuck that they would feel violence is their only way.

Isn’t that how I have also operated in the past? Berating myself, cutting myself down, flogging myself mentally with insults and criticism? Saying mean things internally to the people I love the most, too? Cussing, spitting, pushing people away? Assuming the worst?

“Can I stop raping myself and others with abusive thinking? If not, I’m continuing in myself the very thing that I want to end in you. Sanity doesn’t suffer, ever. Can you eliminate war everywhere on earth? Through inquiry, you can begin to eliminate it for one human being: you.” ~ Byron Katie

Today, after inquiry with the sweet YOI group this morning, I felt a deep compassion to those fighter people with guns, weapons, hatred, anger.

My love went through the atmosphere saying “peace is here, peace is here.”

I could see a ball of light surrounding Hitler, other dictators, terrible war happening right now in the world, violence.

Notice how you feel when you believe in power and love all mixed together….not passivity….not ignorance….

….but real unconditional silent love and how it holds everything.

You feel somehow all is well, no matter what.

Something bigger than “you”.

“Among the great things which are to be found among us, the Being of Nothingness is the greatest.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Much love, Grace