I Need More! I Need Less! Dropping Food & Money Stories

There is one spot left in the 8 week teleclass on questioning all those powerful money beliefs, some of which are seriously stressful. We start tomorrow 5:15-6:45 Pacific time, skype or phone. To sign up click HERE.

The way I once reacted to money most of the time through a large part of my life was that I was above it, it was unnecessary, and to care about it was to sink into selfishness or worse.

Then I lost all my money.

Ooooh boy, I sure cared about it then! Dang!

If a trip around the world cost a dollar, I would have made it to the end of my driveway!

Suddenly, the sheer terror of not having any overwhelmed me. I saw the way that I pooh-poohed it most of my life maybe wasn’t exactly responsible or loving, for either me or other people who supported me.

The other day, I was noticing how money is a lot like food.

We are so sure that we know how much of it or how little of it would be good. Or bad.

Our story feels very real.

Something happens. You’re going along living your life and BOOM.

Someone says something concerning, or mean. Your feelings get hurt. You get scared. You get startled.

Through you mind floats images. You have feelings. You’re caught in a reaction. You see the future, and your imagination paints it very dark. Or you see the past (and maybe you have something that happened to you) and you remember it very dark.

For a moment right now, as you read this….

….consider who you would be without the belief that you need moremoney or food, or you need less money or food?

You don’t have to crush the incident that scared you, or what your mind is telling you.

You just don’t have to be so nervous, worried, upset or anxious about what happened and what could happen next.

Having good scary stories can make anyone as jumpy as a cockroach in a fryin’ pan!

So what would it be like to drop your stories?

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Without stories, without thinking going so crazy, you might get to see what non-conceptual intelligence actually feels like.

It’s very still.

It’s very silent.

And it’s very peaceful and kind and soft and loving.

Without the belief in more-or-less-is-required-for-me-to-be-happy you could even be astonished. And watch the sad or uncomfortable ending disappear into the unknown. 

Much love, Grace