Change The World By Answering Good Questions

Someone asked me yesterday why I do what I do.

Why do I write Grace Notes, why do I love to work with people in self-inquiry in this particular way–identifying thoughts and questioning them–why am I creating Eating Peace, and why am I so passionate about inquiry?

I loved considering my answer.

Why do I do it?

It’s easy.

Because I’ve watched self-inquiry changing my life, every day, andthe lives of people I work with. I love swimming in the great question of what is real, true, what’s happening here in this thing called life, what the mind is, how things work most easily here.

I love experiencing liberation and being surrounded by others who do the same…and watching the numbers of people finding freedom build.

This isn’t just a little thing, a little life change.

It’s a massive, completely different change of how I’m walking through life, of how life is unfolding itself right in front of me.

Others feel the same who stop, inquire, examine their minds, feel what’s happening.

I didn’t even know, when I was a teenager and feeling very angry, disturbed and frightened, with my head hanging over the toilet throwing up food, or having a food binge, that I would no longer feel that way one day in the future.

But I was determined to figure it out, whatever it took to end the violence.

When I began my search for peace so long ago, I just wanted the pain to stop. My reason for doing what I did was to calm down, and get through this thing called life. Being successful would be a bonus.

I’d settle for no terrible pain and suffering.

Slowly but surely, something began to change. Like the world very, very slowly becoming living color instead of black and white.

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” ~ Dorothy

Since that time of hoping for the thorn to be removed from my brain (the painful and untrue thinking) I’ve been moved to pursue many things.

Some things started out passionately, and then I dropped them. Some activities fizzled out.


Classes, activities, houses I lived in, places I moved, school programs, training programs, hobbies, self-improvement plans, therapy, even some relationships.

My inquiry started long before I heard of many of the teachers I know of now, like Byron Katie.

My life took a turn, for what I now know was the better. Dropping out of college, focusing on my own personal stability, recovery, and therapy.

I was lucky that way.

But once I reached solid ground, and appeared to stay there, why did I keep going?

Because that person asked me yesterday, I thought about it.

I realized with a wave of tingling warmth moving through me that the reason I do what I do, today, is because I absolutely LOVE people.

I love helping people get from horror to hope to laughter to peace.

I love sharing their journeys, this crazy journey called a life. The intimacy and kindness is stunning, the joy is so very happy.

It’s like the way I love dancing!

Everyone joining together on the dance floor, no matter what shape you’re in, no matter what kind of physical condition, and moving to the music.

Everyone together. No depression, no violence, no prison.

Most of all, the reason I do what I do is the love I see opening everyone up, as they inquire into reality.

People stop feeling so afraid, they stop being so critical, they stop hating themselves, stop acting out addictions, they stop overeating (one of my personal favorites), they stop drinking, they stop obsessing and panicking, they let go of their very prison-like beliefs that hurt so much.

Why do I do what I do?

I love participating in a world that’s waking up all around me, in every direction I look, and being a part of this astonishing process.

And I want every person who has ever hated themselves (especially for eating, either too much, too little, too imperfectly, or some other complaint) to love themselves unconditionally instead.

Why are you doing what you do?

I always love a great question. Great questions change the world.

“We are each made for goodness, love and compassion. Our lives are transformed as much as the world is when we live with these truths.” ~ Desmond Tutu

Much love,



Are You Afraid They Done You Wrong?


Have you ever awakened after sleeping, whether it’s morning or the middle of the night, with a feeling of dread or negative anticipation?


Everyone has had a nightmare, or felt impending doom, or been nervous about an idea that crossed their mind….and everyone’s been surprised by someone else’s behavior.

But if you feel the looming dread, it’s pretty uncomfortable. Or downright debilitating. You might have images of that mean person who hurt you floating through your psyche. Maybe even from a very long time ago….so long, you hardly remember.

Even though the present moment is fine, you’re in a room sitting or lying there and nothing threatening is actually happening (usually the case when you wake up from a bad dream) you’ve got a feeling you can’t shake.


The thing is, that fear or sense of being haunted feels like something visiting you. It affects you. Even if all that’s going on is you’re lying in your bed…..with thoughts.

So….what to do?

What I’m about to say won’t be that surprising.

Even though I know how to do The Work and question my thoughts….I don’t always sit down, take out my pen and paper, and start to investigate.

Instead, there’s a kind of built-in impulse.

It’s called Fight or Flight.

We perceive there is a dilemma, a threat. Something hurt us, or is about to hurt us. It hurt once, it could hurt again.

So we say “I’m gonna KILL that evil person who stabbed me in the back!!!” or we say “I will never, EVER put myself in that position again!!”

Attack or Run.

And there’s nothing wrong with you if that’s where your mind goes. It’s a very natural, innocent reaction to the fear.

So how can you get out of that reactive mode when you’re really overwhelmed, and you might not exactly WANT to do The Work in that frightened moment? Here’s a suggestion that’s worked really, really well for me, that might be helpful for you, too.

Grow the fear even bigger. 

Yes, you read that right.

Clearly define your nightmare, your most terrible fear, the WORST that could happen. What is most terrifying thing you’re nervous about, in that vision, in that feeling of dread?

This can be tricky….so here’s an example from my life. A situation where fear appeared in my mind and body in the night, after I got triggered during the day.

Several years ago, I open a letter I get from the state government where I live. I am a credentialed Certified Counselor and I get mail from the Department of Health from time to time. No big deal. I’m curious. Maybe it’s about my annual fee that’s almost due.

I start to read the letter.

My heart suddenly skips a beat and my stomach flips.

The letter says that someone has made an anonymous complaint about me indicating I haven’t REALLY graduated and don’t have a master’s degree. There are a few more bullet points, a couple of them sound really bonkers and weird, like a slightly crazy person wrote them.

Huh? What the ?

I know the statements in the letter aren’t true, not a single one. So that’s not the worrisome part.

My mind goes to who on earth would do such a thing? I can’t get off combing my mind for WHO.

Why? Who? Why? Who? What have I missed? Who did this? Why would someone want to do this? Or even think this?

That first night, I can’t sleep in the middle of the night after waking. I’m thinking about this situation.

I know I have to turn and face this fear, and understand it, instead of ruminating and perseverating over who or why this has happened….because none of that is going to help me. I learned that the hard way.

I start to write.

What is the WORST that could happen?

I see made-up visions.

Police cars screech in to my driveway, men with uniforms handcuff me and push my head down as I get crammed into a police car. I am rushed to jail somewhere and there’s a newspaper story about how terrible I am….even though they got the wrong person.

I can no longer work, I am shunned, I can’t earn money, people walk away from me like I smell. I’m all alone, destitute and abandoned. No place to live, I can’t support my kids. I have to get a job doing something I don’t even like, working 9-5.

What else?

There’s a person with some kind of demented personality disorder, or a paranoid sort, someone really freaky who is also obsessed with me or angry with me for some unknown reason, who is going to jump out of the bushes, or take me down in some sneaky very creepy way…..starting with this lie.

I picture the worst with painstaking detail, I let my mind have it’s total conniption fit.

My reputation destroyed, I owe money, my current career over, and a really messed up sick person out there trying to hurt me.

Now I can feel the pain in my heart in a huge way. I see what I imagine is the most awful thing.

I am all alone, hated, rejected.

I can investigate this terrible state of aloneness, hate, banishment, rejection….and really examine the truth of it.

Being alone and betrayed is hell. And it’s someone’s fault. Not mine.

Is it true?

Yes. I can’t survive it. I’m too sad, too hurt. I am a victim of someone’s sick behavior. It’s wrong. It’s hell.


Can you absolutely know that you can’t survive? Are you sure you’re in hell? Are you positive you’re alone, and betrayed, condemned, unsafe, lost, banished?

Are you completely positive you are a victim? That this is someone else’s fault?

Wow. No.

I’m not sure of anything here. All that happened is I opened a letter. I don’t have to know why, or who. I can stand here, noticing my reality is that I am in the world where tough things happen, people get upset and do harmful things, I am still alive and breathing.

Funny how quick to jump to the I’ve-Been-Done-Wrong story.

“Why do we need to constantly define our experience? Can we not just experience each moment, as it is. Without a story?….The mind is evolved to impose, manufacture, to dream order into existence. It’s an order-creating machine, and explanation machine. Why this, why that? It tries to create order out of infinity. But when it runs amuck, it tries to create order out of EVERYTHING. It becomes a cancer. Why is there suffering, why does God let this happen, why did you look at me that way? Why is this moment the way it is? You don’t know why. Simple.” ~ Adyashanti 

Who would I be without the belief that someone can hurt me? That I have been betrayed, falsely accused? That I’m in danger? That this MEANS I’m alone?

Without the belief that I’m a victim?

Holy Smokes.

What if I’m safe? What if I could notice that reality is kind, not dangerous? What if this is an invitation…to relax into this experience without defending, without attacking, without needing to explain. A moment to feel the joy of seeing it differently.

What if….

….this is my opportunity for spiritual growth, for true forgiveness? To let go, to open my hands and stay right here, without making a punching fist. To notice that nothing is actually wrong.

What if this is my chance to not think of myself as attacked, as a victim?

“When you approach the barrier areas of your thoughts and emotions, it feels like going into an abyss. You don’t want to go near that place. But you can go there, and if you want to get out, you will go there. Eventually you will realize that darkness is not what’s really there.” ~ Michael Singer

Turning the original terrified statement around: Being alone and betrayed is not hell, it is heaven. It is uplifting. It is an invitation, an initiation. I am not alone, I am not betrayed. I am totally and completely connected. I am supported and loved. Whoever did this could be suffering and feels alone, or betrayed, confused, doing the best they can.

I turn it all around to myself, only.

I have had an inner voice that’s been really quite brutal. It criticizes, judges, pushes. Listening to that mean voice, I have betrayed myself, I have shoved myself into the dark. I have banished me, hated and criticized me, attacked myself. I have lied about myself and said crazy whacked things about me that were not true. I have thought I might not be able to really help anyone, I have thought I’m not good enough, I’ve felt less than, small, powerless. I’ve cut myself down.

“Perception is but a mirror, not a fact. What I look on is my state of mind reflected outward.” ~ A Course In Miracles

If I am not a victim, I cannot be harmed. I cannot be banished. Or permanently hurt, or damaged forever, or crushed, or destroyed.

I notice that right now, in that fearful state then and as I write this, looking back and remembering that night when I was scared….

….the sun has come up, gone down, life went on, and the silence in the center of my heart and soul has never been broken.

Sleep happened.

Exciting to notice.

No matter what strange things have befallen you, no matter what pain and terror you have experienced, or what confusion other people have created in your life….can you feel what’s here that is empty and joyful all at once?

Even if it seems like you can’t feel it….just wait.

“If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. Talk to your enemies.” ~ Desmond Tutu

Much love, Grace

P.S. If you’d like to see a copy of my master’s degree and all accompanying official documents…they are on my website now for all the world to see (smile).

Groups Help When The Work Isn’t Working

Last year a woman contacted me because she felt like The Work wasn’t working for her.

She would go through the process of asking herself the four questions, and turn her thoughts around, but she was still feeling pretty rotten about her relationships with some people in her life.

She was trying to do The Work on her own, she said. She would get some light bulbs of awareness.

But then have some kind of interaction in life that was pretty stressful.

Her son was really bothering her. Still. After doing The Work on him a whole bunch of times!

The idea of taking a teleclass appealed to her, but she wasn’t sure THAT would “work” either. She thought there might not be enough time, individual attention, or relief if she worked in a group.

What do we humans mean when we’re saying that something is NOT WORKING?

For me, when I’ve thought something wasn’t working well, I’ve felt pain, stress, unhappiness, worry, danger, or disappointment around the same issue or situation or person, over and over.

In other words, I feel uncomfortable emotions. And with these feelings comes the conclusion: this isn’t working! I’m at my wits end! I have to do something different!

One of the strongest places I ever experienced this was around my addiction to binge-eating and obsessing about food, or dieting, or fixing my body.

I met a life coach once who said that when people would complain and tell about a repetitive activity or experience in their lives that led to failure or unhappiness, he asked people the question sometimes,“how’s that working for ya?”  

It was a little sarcastic. I might have rolled my eyes when I was in my twenties and knew the whole relationship I had with food was NOT working for me.


Or so I thought.

Because here’s the funny thing. When I connected for the first time with a therapist who did not appear to think I better get over this whole bulimia and self-starvation thing ASAP….

….I had the chance to study my relationship with food in a new and deep way.

Who would you be without the thought that some relationship in your life MUST end, that it is 100% not working, that you need it fixed?

Like, yesterday!?!

You might be invited to take a second look, a deeper or closer look.

You might stick with some process, or find an ongoing support group, or keep doing The Work, or keep studying, keep questioning the way you’re perceiving it all.

You might start to see it all as a fascinating and adventurous journey, with rough patches and sweet patches.

As soon as I saw what WAS working in my relationship with food, even though it felt violent, I could slow down a bit, without a demand on the inside that it must change.

I saw benefits, advantages, and reasons why that relationship was helpful. For example, when I felt too lonely, or terrified, or angry, it would help me change the channel of my feelings.

It showed me my fears, my panic about life, my mistrust. It made me reach out for help.

It showed me that I believed in there not being enough for me, or too much for me, to deal with.

I believed that I would starve or be overwhelmed, not only with food, or decisions, but with the entire world. With everything that happened.

“If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” ~ Desmond Tutu

I thought food was my enemy, my own mind was my enemy, big feelings were my enemy, and I believed my own thoughts were something I needed to be against.

As I found The Work and captured all those mean, vicious, nasty, horrible thoughts on paper…I began to feel relief.

I began to laugh.

The woman who contacted me? She enrolled in Turning Relationship Hell To Heaven.

The structure made her sit down, even if she did it 10 minutes before our group call together, and write out a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet.

She had to share all those nasty thoughts about her own son with the group! And they didn’t dismiss her or avoid her. They listened and accepted that her thoughts were also theirs at some point or another.

She was not the worst mother ever, or the worst person.

I used to never, ever tell people that I was once someone who had bulimic episodes, had starved myself for two years. So embarrassing.

“In the story of my life as a person, something always seems to be lacking.” ~ Joan Tollifson

I received this note from the same dear woman last month:

I’d like to sign up for the Year of Inquiry group starting in September. I can’t come to the retreats, but want you to know, that I would if I lived any closer. After I took your Teleclass last year, my relationship changed not only with my son, who now speaks to me…but my brother who I had written off forever. I can hardly believe that as I did The Work and did NOT make plans to talk with my son, out of the blue he called. All I did was question my beliefs, and everything started changing. Thank you Grace, I couldn’t have done it without doing the class. Now, I just want to keep going. ~ Toronto, CANADA

If you find that you’d like the support of sinking in to this inquiry process so that it goes from your head down into your heart and your whole body (and then maybe out into the entire universe)…

…and if it appeals to you but you see that you’d like some support…

…then come on board with us for the practice of looking at and examining and understanding what you’re thinking, without pushing it away or trying to destroy it.

It might start working, you never know.

“When you believe in things that you don’t understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way.” ~ Stevie Wonder

Love, Grace

P.S. Only ONE spot left in Year of Inquiry YOI that starts on Thursday. Read about it or register here.

Click Here to read about or register for the 8 week teleclass Turning Relationship Hell to Heaven. Still room for two on Thursday mornings 8 am 9/12-11/7 (no class 10/10).

Lower Your Standards

I had the privilege once many years ago, when I could barely appreciate it (and he was not yet famous), to meet Desmond Tutu. He taught me about lowering my standards and not thinking everything should be so much better and SO much more perfect than it seemed.

I was just gaining mileage in my journey of self-hate and self-criticism. I had dropped out of the pretty wonderful little liberal arts college my parents were scraping together money for me to attend, I was depressed, I was despairing about what I was going to do with my life.

My parents raised me in their chosen faith which was very profoundly important to them. It just happened to be the same tradition that Desmond Tutu was from, and he came to my home city to be with members of our congregation. It turned out my father and some people in the church had written him a letter and asked him to come.

Such a simple gesture—they asked for what they wanted! They didn’t question whether they should ask or not, or whether it was too much, or if they were being too selfish.

The only reason I was sitting at the table with Desmond Tutu was because he was staying in my parents house.

I felt entirely alone in the world. I wondered what this life was for, and the world seemed quite crazy. I was very busy questioning every belief I had ever heard about. I felt worthless. And the chaos I was experiencing left me full of dread and unhappiness.

I could see at the time that I did NOT LIKE questioning my beliefs! I didn’t really want to feel so uprooted.

Then there I was sitting next to this happy, happy man who was talking about Reality. I didn’t know at that time that I would run into Byron Katie 25 years later who was also talking about Reality.

Something about him caused me to look up. I was touched, right in the middle of dismissing everything around me and thinking this was all a big joke (and I wasn’t laughing).

Desmond Tutu spoke of how we see our Reality through our own personal history and our beliefs. He suggested that these beliefs were learned by those around us, passed along through the ages, and that we didn’t know any better.

He talked about having faith and what it meant. He trilled the “r” in the word Reality. He said “….the Real Reality”….and pointed to the center of his chest.

I could tell this man practiced questioned his thinking about who he thought was an enemy. I felt a deep spark of hope light very softly inside of me that it might be possible to view my world in a different way than I had been seeing it. I could start with the people I thought of as enemies.

I love it when I drop my condemning thoughts about my “enemies”. It doesn’t mean I have to hang out with them and become their best friend. But my critical mind stops running, I feel more peaceful and no longer afraid.

Who would you be without the thought that those mean, nasty people in the world are enemies? Or that this whole set up here, this life, is ridiculous or stupid.

I noticed when I felt the love that Desmond Tutu shared, even when he had observed terrible things, I found the place in me that matched this openness.

He didn’t give me peace, I found it because I recognized it as already inside me. It’s also why many of us love to sit and listen to Byron Katie work with others. We recognize the wisdom we already have. We recognize what it’s like to be in Heaven, just as we are.

We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.—Desmond Tutu

Much Love, Grace