HELP! The Work of Byron Katie on Parenting!

PARENTING 3 weeks Course in The Work of Byron Katie: Got some stressful thinking about your kid(s)? Join me in a lazer-sharp 3 week course on The Work for Parents. We’ll cover the basics, doing The Work from start to finish. Only $60 for three Wednesdays May 3, 10, 17 from 10-11:30 am Pacific Time. All classes will be recorded.

It doesn’t matter how old your kids (baby to adult–it all works). It doesn’t matter if you’re the stepparent, adoptive parent, neighbor, mentor, teacher, biological parent or grandparent.

If you care for someone and you’re supposed to be the caretaker….a few stressful thoughts can appear from time to time.

(Wow, so true, right?)

Enroll in the course right HERE.

But even if you’re not taking the class….you can start right now in understanding your troubling situation with someone in your care a little better.

What kind of thoughts do you have?

I’ve worked with so many parents, they often go something like this, no matter what the age of the child:

  • she should listen to me
  • he doesn’t clean up after himself
  • she lies
  • he’s depressed, unhappy
  • she isn’t doing well in school
  • he’s hard to deal with when it comes to “x” (getting ready, leaving on time, going to school, biting, hitting, fighting, arguing, minding)
  • she’s too: aggressive, selfish, mean, needy, bossy
  • he should stop doing drugs, smoking, biting, stealing, lazying around
  • she should stop talking back, disrespecting me, being rude to her sister

And this is only the beginning.

Then, on top of all these stressful thoughts, we often think we are doing a terrible job. We must be bad moms, or bad dads.

It’s me! If only I was more patient. More kind. More loving. More attentive. More interested in play-dough. Or board games.

But at the risk of doing a humongous inquiry all-at-once….I’m going to ask this one humongous question:

Who would you be without your story that there’s a TERRIBLE problem here, with this person you’re caring for?

Who would you be without the belief you have to find the REASON for the problem, and fix this thing?

Who would you be without the belief this is going downhill, and fast, and that kid will be the death of you and neither one of you can ever get it right?

Who would you be without turning on yourself and ripping yourself to shreds because you’re not good enough, when it comes to those you care for?

Who would you be, without your story, in this moment now?



Not worry, wring my hands, rage, fume or boil? Not feel like a victim? Not feel like I’m screwing up, and so is my child?

Yes. Without the belief a problem is here and it’s HORRIBLE or UNFIXABLE or DEVASTATING?

What would that be like, to sit in this moment, or imagine yourself with your child, and not feel like a failure?

It’s an amazing beginning.

I find, there’s hope in noticing this present moment, without the belief there’s an unfixable problem.

I’m not talking of denial, and pretending it’s not difficult, when it is.

But if you saw your situation with clarity, and a sense of Can-Do or possibility, what would you feel like?

Turning the thought around: This problem is not devastating, or unfixable. This problem is not all my fault, or all the child’s fault, or anyone’s “fault”. There is some confusion, perhaps, but there is no endless problem.

Right NOW, there is rest. Right now, peace is possible. I might not know exactly what to do next, but I can relax my thinking.

I can keep doing The Work.

I can start with one….only one stressful situation….and take one step. I don’t have to figure it all out by Friday.

“Everything is a story. The mind spins stories out and you believe what the mind tells you. Every time you are stressed out or fearful, you are believing what the mind is telling you. The Work is about discovering what is true and what is not true for you, the difference between reality and imagination.” ~ Byron Katie

And if you’d love to meet with a group on together online, wherever you live, at 10 am Pacific Time for 3 Wednesdays….join us. Sign up HERE.

Much love,


A Mother And Daughter Conversation

an uninvestigated story argues with reality

Yesterday I had a sort of embarrassing conversation.

If it was recorded, it would be really, really bad.

7:16 am.

Daughter: I’m sooooo tired.

Stays seated on couch.

Me: (typing on computer).

Daughter: I should make my lunch.

Stays seated on couch.

Me: You need to get there right at 7:30 to talk with your teacher about the missing assignment.

Daughter: I don’t really need to get there THAT early.

Me: But since I’m driving you we have to get going. I need to get back to work with a client at 8:30. If you’re not leaving early, you may as well go ahead and take the bus.

Major tone change in voice.

Daughter: You’ll have plenty of time, jeez, what’s the problem!! We’re going to get there on time, it only takes, like, 7 minutes to get to school!!

Also major tone in voice. As in louder.

Me: I don’t see you getting up to make your lunch, though, and we should leave in 2 minutes!!

Daughter: But what about Starbucks!?

Me: Seriously?

Daughter: YOU SAID you would TAKE me to STARBUCKS!!!!!

Me (on the inside): (You little demanding entitled butt head, there is no way we are going to Starbucks).

I drive past Starbucks.

There was a 7 minute discussion about how long Starbucks takes from order to waiting to receiving the food and drink, and me giving a speech on how ridiculous to go to Starbucks when you can make tea or coffee at home and put it in a to-do washable cup.

Which would have taken 4 minutes, according to daughter, which would be waaaaay too long. (Longer than Starbucks).

So I’m fuming at the ludicrous conversation and actually IN IT at the same time. And trying to prove that making breakfast at home is faster than going to Starbucks.

I say in a huff, “You know what? You’re right.”


Yep. That mature.

I think very quietly all the way home, in the silent car, after daughter gets out and slams car door.

The discussion of minutes, Starbucks, breakfast, lunch, tiredness, assignments, any of that did not really matter.

There was something inside that just wanted to be RIGHT.

It’s like a hot fire ready to scream “You are defying me? The Great and Powerful Oz???!!”

But what’s underneath that urge to defend, fight, and go to war?

Ahhh…..there it is again.

I really want my daughter to be happy.

I want her to feel confident, joyful, energetic, excited.

THIS is not happy.

There’s an extra twist when it’s my child, because I think it means extra extra that if she’s unhappy, I’m a bad mother.

A reflection of MOI.

And actually, I want everyone to be happy. My parents, siblings, colleagues, neighbors, spouse, friends, clients.

The more happy people the better I feel. Right?

Everyone else get happy, now! (Little joke).

However, how incredible to question this deep-held belief that it’s better for me if other people are happy and content.

Especially when reality (the level of happiness) does NOT match what I think I want.

Who would I be without this belief that my daughter really should be in any other mood or attitude or feeling state or experience than she’s actually in?



You mean, no one should feel happier than they do?


I know it’s weird.

Just consider what it would be like to NOT believe that person you love so much should feel happy, when they don’t feel happy. Or that they should act nice, when they don’t.

Yes, imagine not insisting that one single person on this planet be happier than they are.

It sure frees up a lot of pushing.

In fact, it feels like the end of war.

Hmmm, feels a little funnier, happier, goofier, upside-down-ish.

“Both pleasure and pain are projections, and it takes a clear mind to understand that. After inquiry, the experience of pain changes. The joy that was always beneath the surface of pain is primary now, and the pain is underneath it. People who do The Work stop fearing pain. They relax into it. They watch it come and go, and they see that it always comes and goes at the perfect moment.” ~ Byron Katie

My daughter right now, as I type here 24 hours later on the next morning, is reading out loud to me about SAT tests.
Today, she’s not exactly thrilled to be taking a college test exam at 7:45 on a Saturday morning. (She’s got a slight reading disability and does quite badly on tests, but what do I know…..and I don’t care, to be honest, in a really good. light way.)
And she’s the sweetest person, ever.
So beautiful, so stunning. So brilliant.
What I notice is I adore her.
And she adores me.
We get some good sparky fire going between us. The way of it.

Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation.” ~ Mark Twain

Much Love,


P.S. Eating Peace 3Day Retreat. October 9-11, 2015. For more information, click here.