Gather Your Utensils, Nothing Is Missing

Many people have written to ask how to get Eating Peace notes. I send them out every 3-7 days (not every day, imagine that)! To add yourself to that list, click on the very bottom of this Grace Note on the link Update Profile/Email Address in teensy letters, and follow the directions.


I’m getting kind of nervous and excited about creating actual webinars for the upcoming course where I’ll teach all the tools I’ve learned in the past three decades on recovering from eating wars.

It’s me, live and raw and honest about what really has worked and what hasn’t…and how anyone with eating concerns of any kind can have their own precious tool kit (you might like to call it medicine pouch) for discovering peace in life around food.

I’ll be walking through the valley of death…er, I mean…obstacles in this area that were excruciatingly painful for me, the reactions and beliefs that didn’t work so well.

And of course, how to question all of it with the mind, body, heart and soul.

I won’t talk about the specifics of dissolving eating battles here in a Grace Note, but it occurred to me, no matter what your difficulty or suffering…there is peace residing somewhere for you, on any topic,in this present moment.

You don’t have to be upset about food, or eating, or weight, or nutrition….you might notice you’re always out of money, you never feel abundant or supported financially.

You might be seeking a loving life-long partner, and wonder why you can’t seem to do it? Or how to stop bumping up against the partner you have with anger, resentment, or sadness?

Maybe you’ve got issues with work. You never like your job, you don’t feel fulfilled, you dislike your boss or co-workers.

And what about family? Yowser! Those people may have been disturbing you for years.

You can get a medicine kit to work with anything, though. A spiritual, magical, creative, wondrous tool bag just for you.

You already have it, you just might not remember you have it, or remember how to open the darn thing.

“I need to find another tool…I don’t have everything I need yet…something’s surely missing.”

Is that actually true? Are you sure?

What if you stopped in this very moment, holding your problems in mind, and let them live as images, feelings, worries?

Who would you be without the belief that you need to earn or add one more missing thing, you need to “get” something else, you don’t have it all yet, you’re not THERE?


The mind moves so fast it will say….


Surely, you need x, y, z in order to be truly peaceful? Surely, there’s something missing? 

But what if there wasn’t?

Nothing. Missing.

Look around the room you’re in, the space you dwell. Mind, busy. Heart, beating. Ears, hearing. Eyes, seeing. Blood, pumping.

So liberating to have nothing at all required.

“If you accept the world, the Tao will be luminous inside you and you will return to your primal self. The world is formed from the void, like utensils from a block of wood. The Master knows the utensils, yet keeps to the block: thus she can use all things.” ~ Tao Te Ching #28

Much love,


P.S. I’ll be doing a webinar on Eating Peace on Wednesday, October 22nd, free for everyone who wants to be there. I’ll tell about the Eating Peace program that starts next week, for those who are interested, at the end of the webinar, but nothing is required.