This Night Was Perfect

Answering two questions before grace note:

1) Yes, you can join Summer Camp any time, any call. We’ve only just begun. We’ve got almost-daily inquiry sessions until August 7th. Sliding scale, come to one, come to all of them–your choice. Come no matter what you can pay, really. Everyone is welcome here.

We’re questioning thoughts that drive us crazy or bring us sadness or suffering. Life-changing work.

2) Peace Talk podcast is on itunes and the episode on Competition is released….Peace Talk is a short 5-10 minute talk 3 times a week about peace, thought, reality, inquiry and grace. I’d love to hear if you’ve ever had fun with competition in your life, like the story I share in this episode 73.


Thank goodness I stopped by the lodge where Being With Byron Katie starts on Saturday.

We were doing a quick tech check.

Just a short drive-by to make sure all the gizmos talk with one another, and we can easily connect via internet.

Internet, check.

Beautiful big screen, check.

Lovely space, check.

Actual connection to TV screen via my computer, not check.

The host gets bags of wires, cords, plug-ins from a closet.

We’re unplugging and pushing things into the side of my laptop. Nothing fits. You can see the hole sizes already, they will not be working. Male cords, female cords. Nada.

I call Apple.

Over there, my husband is working with the house-owner to hook up a test ipad for an alternative (which doesn’t work) and I am on the phone forever as the help center caller finds what kind of computer I have using the serial number, and locates a photo of the HDMI doo-hicky that needs to plug into it.

I am truly on the phone for an entire hour.

I order some kind of part, adding $18 for practically-emergency fast delivery.

My stomach growls.

The woman at the computer help center says “hey, I see your email so I looked at your website just now and I used to work at the Stress Management Center of America!” We wind up having the sweetest conversation ever about her five years in employment there, and the benefits of stress reduction.

Even though, I’m like “OK, that’s great and NOW I have to go!”

But I just can’t find a problem.

It seems like I should.

My husband and I aren’t at dinner until 9 pm, and I’m starving (I think).

But it’s fun, adventurous, and entertaining.

And we’ll have a working Big Screen with Katie on it starting on Saturday.

What could be more fun than that?

“The world is perfect. As you question your mind, this becomes more and more obvious. Mind changes, and as a result, the world changes. A clear mind heals everything that needs to be healed. 

It can never be fooled into believing that there is one speck out of order.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,
P.S. Really, if you wanted to come to Summer Camp, hit reply and email me.

To See It As It Really Is, Is Truly Love

To see it as it really is, is true love

My husband wrote to me yesterday from work on email.

What are you doing tomorrow?

I replied without batting an eyelid….

….one-for-one call at 8 am, Year of Inquiry group from 9-10:30 am, gym workout or bike ride 11-12:30 pm, coaching call from 1-2:30 pm, individual session 3-4 pm, Summer Camp group call 5-6:30 pm.

I then continued creating my Peace Talk podcast on Competition.

(It was about fun juicy parts of competition–and maybe not what you’d expect me to say. Let me know if competition ever works for you, I’d love to hear your stories, and you can hear one of mine on this episode).

Yeah, I guess that’s a pretty full day, I thought.

Nothing that unusual.

Tuesdays roll like that lately.

Mondays are more creative-type days. I try not to schedule too many sessions with people. Although I still had a few.

Even so, I was still working at 10:35 last night on the podcast.

Then, it occurred to me.

Tomorrow’s my wedding anniversary.


I went and found my husband, who had been home a few hours.

“Did you ask me earlier today about my schedule tomorrow because it’s our anniversary?”

Yes. He took the day off.


We laughed about my schedule, and how it never occurred to me that it was 7/7 and doing something special might be fun.

And it was over.

Now….some people might say that sounds very unromantic. But weare planning on going out for a late dinner.

The thing is, the freedom and flexibility we have with each other is incredible.

Not having expectations about what should happen, or shouldn’t happen, is the sweetest ease in relationship.


Shouldn’t he care more that I completely forgot about our anniversary? Shouldn’t he have planned on taking a day off a bit earlier, so I could clear some of my day perhaps?


This is a little too smooth, easy and flexible!

Ha ha, I am chuckling already….but let’s take a look at this flip-flopping mind and all it’s crazy perceptions.

Who would I be if I didn’t have the thought that anything should happen, but I let myself have fun thinking about what would be most pleasurable?

I might ask him to share breakfast and being together for 30 minutes outside at the backyard picnic table on a summer morning.

Rather than disappointment, or starting to think the day could have been planned better or improved….

….or falling into that easy position of being a helpless critical victim….I might be much more creative.

Maybe I’ll ask him on a short walk between 4 and 5 pm.

Instead of “this should be this/that” I’d imagine what sounds sweet.

I turn those flare-up thoughts all back around and return to appreciation for what is here. Easy, light, no obligation. A way of relating that is about freedom.

“What does it mean to love? It means to see a person, a thing, a situation, as it really is and not as you imagine it to be, and to give it the response it deserves. You cannot love what you do not even see. And what prevents you from seeing? Your concepts, your categories, your prejudices and projections, your needs and attachments, the labels you have drawn from your conditioning and from your experiences. Seeing is the most arduous thing a human can undertake. For it calls for a disciplined, alert mind, whereas most people would much rather lapse into mental laziness than take the trouble to see each person and thing anew in present-moment freshness.” ~ Anthony DeMello in The Way To Love pg. 138

Much love,

“Terrible” Is In The Mind…And Gathering With Others Helps Us Recognize It

Where two or more are gathered….discovering reality together

I don’t know why and it strikes me as pretty strange….

….but my usual first knee-jerk reaction (like when the doctor hits your knee to see if you have a spontaneous reflex) to the idea of sitting quietly by myself, all alone, is….


Kick back and enjoy my own company?

Say nothing, hear nothing, have no conversations with others?

Hold still? Simply relax? Stare out the window?

Isn’t that kind of boring?

Or worse…..

…..isn’t it maddening?

When I first sat still in a meditation retreat, I thought I’d strangle something.

Visions went through my head of standing on my meditation chair and yelling.

“What’s going on here, people?!!! Why are you here?!!”

Then I wanted to leave.

Then I raised my hand to be called on, to go to the microphone and SPEAK.

Part of my motive in raising my hand was to converse, liven things up, and see if there was a way to manage my apparent nervousness about silence and being on my own.

I couldn’t sleep well, I felt like pacing.

Now, when I look back on that experience many years ago, I crack up.

There’s a Monty Python skit (an English comedy troupe who had a British TV show, followed by several movies, in the 1970s) where someone is punished for bad behavior.

They have to sit in the Comfy Chair.

“No! Not the Comfy Chair!!!” (click to see the skit).

For me, it was the same.

I didn’t know that the silence, quiet, simpleness and beauty of resting would be the most incredible experience eventually, and all I was ever really looking for.

Comfort with my own mind, body, perceptions, life.

I wanted comfort, and thought I didn’t have it.

Because my mind raced so wildly, with so many stressful thoughts, that it wasn’t all that fun to sit still.

I’d start thinking.


I’d think dreadful, horrifying, sad, or destructive thoughts. I only needed a few minutes to get going on something that produced stress in my body, or a broken heart.

And I couldn’t stop it!

The best way I found to slow down the mind, relax, and discover balance and the beauty of silence and my own company….

….was to give my mind a project.

Investigating the Truth.

Questioning reality.

Now THAT, dear friends, was a worthy and awe-inspiring project. My mind LOVED projects.

It LOVED problems. Because it wants to SOLVE problems.


….if I had needed to do this all alone in a vacuum, guess what likely would have happened?

We don’t know for sure.

But I might have taken myself out. Bullet to the head.

I am very stubborn though (it comes in handy sometimes), and an equal part of me was determined to find peace without destruction.

So while this sounds quite dramatic, it wasn’t true.

I’m still here.

Other People kept showing me a kinder reality. They did things like offer meditation retreats, write books, share themselves and their stories of freedom. They gave me hugs, and gave me criticism.

I learned so much from other people. I learned I was definitely in NO WAY doing this life on my own.

(It sounds funny to me now, because I perceive now that there is absolutely nothing that I do on my own. Ever.)

What I continue to find to this very day….

….is that connecting with others….

….whether one other human being, or ten others, or an entire stadium full of humans….

….multiplies my enlightenment exponentially.

Like the beautiful biblical saying “where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with them….”

Where me and others are gathered with the intention to understand, come to rest, uncover truth and love, Reality is there with us. Love is there with us. Awareness is there with us.

So for me, yesterday morning was a most beautiful energy as almost 20 people gathered together on the phone (some people used skype) to be there, planting themselves into the still space of inquiry.

I love who shows up and the energy of each and every person, even if they choose to listen only and follow along.

We investigated two very stressful beliefs: a) they should clean up, and b) someone might break in.

How marvelous to take a deep look at these two experiences in life.

I could find instantly how I have had the thought that someone should clean up their mess, whether their internal mess or their actual physical mess.

Guess who should really clean up the mess?

And then the fabulous and worrisome common belief that someone might break into my home, steal or vandalize things, and I would feel loss.

Who would I be without THIS stressful thought?

So much freer. I might even find advantages to having things stolen, taken away, ripped off….

….and let go of the attachment and grabbiness of believing I won’t be able to replace it, I won’t be safe, or that my happiness depends on keeping my stuff.

Thank you to everyone who came to do The Work with me yesterday.

If you’re ready to continue, to plug away at thoughts one by one, practicing every day or every week (with a few Saturday breaks) for five whole weeks….

….you are welcome to join us.

I call it Summer Camp for The Mind because your mind gets to go to camp, and play in this “project” called believing-in-suffering, and practicing-how-to-un-do it.

My favorite!

You can really join any time. Check the schedule and see if it works for you to come on board at the appointed time(s) and allow yourself to sit in inquiry.

You can speak up, or follow along quietly with the group.

No calls are recorded, so you can freely listen, freely share, and whatever’s on the call stays on the call.

Here are the exact times for every day of the week for Summer Camp, and you can read more about how teleconferences work and what it’s like right HERE.

Oh, and it’s sliding scale registration.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, and anyone who has questions, gets confused, is nervous, or wants extra help….

….I am here to serve to dissolve stressful thinking, and bring forward a sweet, happy, kind and joyful life.

Thank you for joining me to do it. You are not alone.

At least this is the story that keeps on showing up in my life, and I like this story….

….so I’ll keep it.

“Nothing terrible has ever happened except in our thinking. Reality is always good, even in situations that seem like nightmares. The story we tell is the only nightmare that we have lived. When I say that he worst that can happen is a belief, I am being literal. The worst that can happen to you is your uninvestigated belief system.”~Byron Katie in Loving What Is pg. 228

Much love,

Who Would You Be With A Fun Story of Today?

Tomorrow! Free telesession to everyone 8-10 am to do The Work from start to finish.

Join live using skype or your phone….join online in listen-only mode by clicking the link below.

All you need is a pen, paper or a device for note-taking, and your open mind.

Guest pin code: 305799#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Skype: open keypad, enter “join.conference” and ‘call’ it, locate keypad again and enter pin code
Event Page for listen-only:

Meanwhile….today appears to be a holiday in the USA.

Guess what I’m doing, just for fun?

The Work!

I love investigating concepts about holidays, vacations, humanity, cultures, groups of people, dates, days and all I think they mean.

My grandmother died on USA Independence Day, 1986.

My son was born on Independence Day, 1994.

My son’s grandpa was born on Independence Day, 1924.

For me it is a day about birth and death. And I love that it’s an actual holiday.

I notice a story is born, a story then dies.

Then it reappears again a year later! Psyche!

Independence from the story, dependence on the story, independence again.

If you have a stressful thought about a date, including today, and what people are doing or not doing on it (or what YOU are doing or not doing on it)….

….you may want to begin with inquiring.

Is it true?

Are you absolutely sure?

Who would you be without your belief?

Can you turn your thought around to the complete opposite?

Can you expand beyond your ideas of right and wrong, and find a place within that’s independent of your stories?

A natural place, in us all, beyond thought.

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Barry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Much love,

Are You Against The Weather?

Are you against the weather?

Well, it was bound to happen.

A thought about the weather being too hot.

Here goes global warming. Not having air conditioning won’t work. I have to move to another place. What are my children going to see in sixty years? This sucks. I’m uncomfortable. I’m trapped.

And another thought….isn’t it sort of pointless to question belief about the business of Reality?

Here’s the planet earth, doing its thing….at a deep level have I not discovered profound freedom through allowing everything to be as it is?

Including “acts of God”? Like blistering heat?

There is truly nothing to do but naturally move towards an environment this afternoon where the human body gets along better.


It’s called “inside”. I go to the gym, where its air conditioned.


So OK….I notice what its like to be against the weather, the temperature, my physical condition.

But guess where the sting really appears?

That OTHER person who is complaining about the weather.


She should stop talking about it. Doesn’t she know there’s no choice here? Doesn’t she realize there’s nothing to be done? Can’t she forget about it for five minutes?

She should quit complaining and accept the heat.


Let’s go, shall we?

Is it true, she should stop complaining about the heat?

Yes, absolutely.

This is frustrating, just to hear about it. It reminds me with every complaint there’s nothing to be done. Hopeless.

Can I really know she should stop?

No. Not at all.

How do I react when I believe she should quit talking about the heat, stories about the heat, memories of the heat.

Visions come to me, as she talks, of lying on the ground in 118 Fahrenheit in Africa to sleep at night, age 15. Nowhere to go. Slight worry, except my parents seem OK about it, thank goodness. It’s almost stifling, almost a sense of being on the edge of not breathing. Wondering about wild animals, strange bugs, creeper things in the night.

Another flash memory. Being in South Carolina on my first honeymoon with my first husband. Camping. Refusing to spend precious money on a hotel. Surrounded by buzzing sounds. 107 degrees. Feeling sweat roll down my sides. Unable to open the tent because of mosquitos.

Kansas….age 7. Baking heat. The sky flashing wildly with the most intense lightening I’ve ever seen before or since. Exploding thunder like a bomb went off.


Drifting off anyway…sleeping in the heat.

Who would I be without the belief that this world is a dangerous place?



These situations seem dangerous.

Perhaps this woman who is complaining is speaking a fear. Perhaps she is reflecting a voice inside me.

A voice I don’t want to admit exists.

“How do you know you’re supposed to hear these words? You’re hearing them.” ~ Byron Katie

As I open my hands, to the woman complaining about the heat, I know we are the same.

Who would I be without the thought there’s something dangerous going on here? Without the thought no one should say anything about it? Without the thought I can’t handle it? Without the thought I could die, or be extremely horribly uncomfortable, in pain, the body threatened with heat?


Wait for it.

Willing to die of heat. Noticing there’s no choice anyway.


Being the example of someone OK with the heat. OK if I live, or if I die. OK if I’m afraid.

Noticing in this moment now there are air conditioners and quiet dark places, and lots of water available to drink, and  movie theaters and ice.

Marveling at the power of the sun, the earth. Stunned at the conditions and the way they move. Picturing Mad Max with excitement about the delicious and wild plot, the adventure.

Seeing how out of my hands this is.

Becoming curious about what I CAN do, my small part, if anything.

No right or wrong.

“She should NOT STOP complaining about the heat.”

That’s what we do. We sometimes complain. I do this when I feel powerless and afraid. I do this when I feel  lost, when I imagine I can’t take anymore, when I’m in the experience of suffering, when I feel squeezed, uncomfortable, terrified.

I notice, so far… has never been “too” hot.

I’ve lived through every high temperature I’ve boiled in, and I’m alive today—in fact, I’m writing on a computer in this moment.

Maybe I’m not as frightened as I thought.

Maybe she isn’t either.

“The Master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go. His heart is open as the sky.” ~ Tao Te Ching #12
Much love,

Eating Peace: When other people are planning your meals times…how to stay calm!

Recently I was on retreat at Breitenbush Hotsprings, teaching a five-day workshop in The Work of Byron Katie.

For some people, when they go off to programs or group holidays, anything away from home with other people….

….they might feel the way I once did.


Here are two main false beliefs or ways of seeing things, when it comes to set meal times and eating, that once you know them….

….you can give yourself a lot more love, care, and support.


On The Other Side of Fear Is Surging Joy!

Waiting??? Who would you be without your thoughts that create hesitation? (This is my sister, by the way, not me).


Holding back.

I’m standing on a diving board in my wet bathing suit.

My grandfather has his gray professional work slacks on, a thin black belt, pale blue shirt tucked in, tie recently removed and two open buttons at his neck.

He’s rolled up his sleeves to mid-forearm and holds a wavy gold-colored glass with a paper towel wrapped around it full of iced coffee.

“Okay, try again.”

I look down at the blue rough-surfaced diving board and my bare feet, my eyes blood shot from so much chlorine all afternoon.

My sister’s and I were all swimming in the backyard pool, screaming and throwing an orange and white beach ball at anyone who jumped off the diving board. The jumper was always trying to somehow sit on the ball on the way down into the water and force the whole thing way under, so it exploded out of the pool into the hot Oklahoma sky like a rocket.

But when my grandpa came home, we got quiet.

It was serious diving drill time.

He’d watch us and coach.

Today was a little different. He said it was high time my sister and I, the two older girls, learned to do a flip.

“You’re gonna step-step-step just like your dives, raise your leg up high and come down pushing hard with your whole weight right at the exact end of the board, arms up, reach, tuck your knees in and roll.”

My sister, 18 months younger, was already climbing the silver ladder steps out of the pool and waiting for me to go.

I stepped fast, did my jump down at the end of the board.

And once again did a jack-knife dive head first into the water. Just like my sister had done a second ago before me.

Just like I had done the other fifteen times off the end of the board with my grandpa staring me down waiting for the flip.


“I can’t do this.”

“Sure you can. You two aren’t even trying it. So what if you flop, at least you’ll have tried!”

I was climbing the step ladder out now, and my sister was standing on the diving board looking like she was concentrating hard.

We felt like we had been there for hours.

Grandpa was not budging. He was standing there like a soldier. Can’t he go back inside? Jeez, leave us alone!

Who needs flips for crying out loud? Why now? Why us?

And then my sister ran, with fists tightly wound into balls, down the diving board.

Up, up she went….and she rolled into a ball and landed feet in the water first.

She came up shouting, both arms raised in the sky.

“I did it! I did it! I did it!”

Oh shit.

And then all in an instant of awareness and movement, without thinking about it anymore, I got into position myself, a huge surge of energy running through me.

Step-step-step down the board, jump, curl into a ball and flip right over. Feet first into the water.


I did it too.

Coming up to the surface I was elated.

I looked at my grandpa. “Good,” he said. “Now practice that.”

And we did. Over and over again.

But I never forgot that day.

Would I have done the flip all by myself? It seemed like without my sister doing it first (my YOUNGER sister, by the way, who was NOT supposed to do things before me, growl) I would never have risked what seemed so frightening, and so unnecessary in the big scheme of things.

I would have been happy doing a simple dive, probably.

But perhaps through the powerful surge of competition, or through someone similar to me showing me what was possible, or through continually trying–hesitating and holding back–and then for some unknown reason, flinging it all to the wind and jumping….

….I felt total and complete joy in that moment.

Who would you be without the belief that you’ll fail, or it will really hurt and you’ll do a belly flop, or you’ll land on your back with a huge smack?

Who would you be if you didn’t think about the future anymore, even the future that will happen in literally 5 seconds after you jump?

Wow. Exhilaration.

“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” ~ author George Addair

Click Here for a beautiful short video to inspire you to feel what happens….without believing that stressful thought.
You can.

And if you need encouragement, ask.

Much love, Grace